Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dear Mitt,

*credit dialy beast

You don't know me.
I've never lived in your state,
gone to the schools you've gone to,
my kids don't know your kids,
in short,
our paths have never crossed
in person.

But still,
I voted for you.

I didn't vote in the 2008 election because
I didn't believe in McCain and I didn't know Obama.
So I didn't vote.
I know Obama now.

Since I didn't vote in 2008,
I couldn't complain about how the country was being led.
I didn't have that right.
But I have certainly suffered for it.
So I decided to be a better American Mother this election year
and study up on you.
What I learned compelled me to join your cause.
I wanted to make a difference with you.
I believe in your vision of a strong America.
Like you,
I felt the stakes were too high to be silent,
or ambivalent.

I took my little "voting stone" and tossed it into the
turbulent political sea for you.
It didn't make much of a splash,
but it's still there, ok.

I voted for you.
And I would vote for you again.
Thank you for stepping up and working so hard.
Thank you for taking hits and being dragged thru the mud
for your love of America.
Thank you for being a better citizen than most;
for putting your life on hold to do good and be good.
You gave all that you could and more than I probably will ever know.
May Father in Heaven bless you for the sacrifices you have made,
your family has made,
in the cause of Right.
You fought well.
And I am proud to say:
I voted for Mitt.

A Mother in America


  1. My heart just ACHES for him and his family. Such a huge sacrifice for them.

  2. I'll echo what my mom (Marilyn) said. What a whirlwind journey and a disappointing conclusion.

    Great post, Momza.

  3. I enjoyed your thoughts and share mine as well. I'm trying to feel good today.

  4. well said, love and comfort for his family today.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly. What his family went through was remarkable.

  6. You made me cry all over again.
    Beautifully said.

  7. I'm right there with you! Ours is a sad tale our children will someday read in history books and cry for us.

  8. I live in Canada and I watched the election with great interest, I was so dissapointed in the outcome. What a waste...I too would of cast my "voting stone" for Mitt.

  9. Beautiful words that made my heart open up again and cry. I have never, ever placed my whole heart in any election like this one. What an incredible family to endure so much. Thank you!

  10. Thanks for posting this, I am not ashamed to admit I cried during his concession speech. I admire him and his family, so much. He will always have my vote and I wish him and his family all the best.
    Proud to be in the minority.

  11. Amen! Amen! And Amen! So very disappointed in the election outcome. I'll admit that I cried when Obama won. I cried for the Romney family, I cried for my family, and more importantly I cried for our country.


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