Monday, December 10, 2012

A New Week and a New Motto?

Sunday was a do-nothing day here.
An actual day of much-needed rest
after the week spent at the hospital
with clenched jaw and sleepless nights.

It was our first snow day too--
this morning it is just a few degrees above zero;
the yahoos are upset that school is still ON
with warnings of frostbite on the news.

Looking out my window at the snow-covered foothills,
I am kinda glad that the kids have school today
as I could use a morning to myself.

At dinner last night,
we made some goals for this upcoming week
based on what we can each do to
bring the spirit of Christmas
into our family this week.

Joseph went first,
his is "No Bickering".
Dara's goal is to offer
Arianna's gift to us this week is
"Listen to Christmas Music.
Which she is already doing while
getting ready for school.
In an effort to save my own sanity
and to be more gentle,
I'm going to Nag Less.
I still have to wear the parenting hat,
but I'm not gonna nag this week.
Mr W said he's going to be
More Cheerful.

We were talking about our Family Motto
for 2013...
our 2012 motto being
"Don't Suck" worked out pretty good.
I'll review that soon.
In an effort to be even less sucky,
I was thinking
"We Seek After Holy Things"
which the yahoos revised to
"We Seek After Bacon"
that's a no-go.
It reminds me of our
"Return With Tacos",
"Loathe is Spoken Here"
"Remember Who You Are And Don't Be That Person"--
mottos of years' past.

I know.
These fools are no help
in my quest for spiritual refinement.

IN considering our past year's illness and hurts,
our home teacher suggested a motto for us:
"Injury Free We Will Be"...

it's growing on me.


  1. I love your family mottos. They are so funny, so wise.

  2. THANK YOU for my giggle of the day!!! oh I remember the days of taking the spiritual things 'mom' has to offer and make them goofy/unspiritual phrases!! love your yahoos!!

  3. I like your home teacher's idea.

    Or maybe stand in safe places??



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