Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Diana's "22 Things I Learned From You, Mom"

So I got a birthday card from my girl--
nevah-mind that it was a bit late by a few weeks-
it is the thought that counts, right? right.

It was a hoops & yoyo card...
my all-time favorite kind of card,
except for Hollie Hobbie cards
when I was a kid.
I muy-mucho-mas love Hoops & YoYo!

Inside was written by my missionary girl in NY:

Mother Dearest! Sorry this is a bit late! I bought your card over a month ago but didn't have time to write in it!  So I hope you'll forgive me as I list 22 things I've learned from you since you gave birth to this fool 22 years ago!
1. Cleaning sucks. But cleaning while listening to Rod Stewarts love songs makes everything a tad bit happier.
2. Noodles+tomatos+butter = happiness.
3. Grey clothes look bad on everyone...wait...that's just you. haha
4.The best way to share the gospel is to open your mouth and your home.
5. When you're in the room, Be IN the room.
6. The only way to really clean a floor is on your hands and knees.
7. You choose to be happy.
8. God hears and answers our prayers.
9. Saying sorry means very little, you need to show that you're sorry.
10. We are not victims of our circumstances.
11. Always do your part & Show your Best! AKA Don't Suck!
12. Fall is the most wonderful time of the year!
13. A mother is only as happy as her saddest child.
14. Every woman deserves a "Mr. Darcy".
15. Being poor doesn't mean you have to be dirty.
16. No elbows on the table!
17. The Best way to fix a problem is to talk it out...or say "whatever". haha
18. Dinner's not done till the fire alarm goes off.
19. If it's not your dog, let it go.
20. Sacrifices are required to receive greater blessings.
21. Families are meant to be together forever.
22. The atonement can heal us.

Thank you for your example & all you've taught me.
Thank you for loving me
no matter what.
Have a happy birthday!
I love you!

I may be guilty on all accounts without any chance of parole.


  1. Letters from the field are the best. But even better than the best is when our kids recognize our efforts and show they've been listening all these years.

    Lucky you to have such a daughter.

    Lucky her to have such a mother.

  2. This list is fantastic!!!
    Makes me want to hang out with you. And I totally agree on all these things.

    P.S. My husband? Totally Mr. Darcy. Minus the breeches.

  3. You taught her well it seems. Your daughter sounds like such a blessing to you.

  4. Thanks for all the kind comments. This girl of mine gave me a run for my money when she was a teenager. I held onto her for dear life sometimes. That was a choice I have never regretted...the outcome has surprised even me.

  5. Awww. That is too cute. I love the kind of cards when my kids write such things in them. Those are the real keepers!


  6. Whoa . . . you taught some great lessons there Momza!



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