Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Everlasting Life of Salt Dough

You know what this is right?

Look closely.
I'll give you a hint:
it's very seasonal right now.

That's kind of a crummy hint,
but if you guessed it's a
Nativity or creche.
you're right.

Mr. Wonderful made this little treasure
when he was in first grade--
it's over 50 years old.

Made outta plain ol' Salt Dough,
dontcha know.

I've never met his mother, Doris--
she passed away almost 30 years ago.
But, the fact that we still have this little treasure
made by her boys' small hands,
says alot about her, I think.

This reminds me to be careful about what I consider
"valuable"--especially with all the things my yahoos
bring home from school,
or make with their own two hands.
Because someday, someone will be glad that I did.

Thanks, Doris
for seeing the value of
everlasting life of salt dough
as it was formed to create
Mary, Joseph, and the baby in the manger*,
by your little boys' hands.
We see it as the treasure you must've seen it too
all those many years ago.

*Mr. W isn't sure where the "baby" went,
so we like to think he's in Mary's arms.

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