Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dara's Birth on her Birthday

Her due date: 01 April 1995

Being pregnant with numero cinco
proved to be less easy than
say numero quatro.
For one thing,
it had been four years between
and I was older and tired.

But I was still very much excited to have another sweet baby 
in my arms again.
I had been wanting another baby for some time.
Just the previous year,
in exactly the same month,
I had a miscarriage at sixteen weeks.

So that I became pregnant again so soon
after the miscarriage,
was an absolute joy for me.

We decided to have a home birth
with Pamela White in Phoenix, Arizona.
She is a wonderful midwife and was just perfect for me.

So, because of a spiritual experience I had had
several years earlier,
I was expecting a Boy.
But Pam suggested it might be a girl
based on the faster heartbeat at one of our prenatal visits.
My heart though,
was set on a boy.
I even had his name chosen:
Drew Kellen.

As March 31st drew close,
I was bent on having this baby on his due date
April 1st.
So I did everything I could to bring on labor--
ate mexican food,
chinese food,
drank my raspberry leaf tea,
used evening primrose oil,
and kept busy!
I walked and walked and walked
most of the day
on April Fool's Day
and finally, exhausted,
plopped my big baby tummy into bed
for the night at 9pm
convinced that a baby was not coming
any time soon.
I put a towel on top of my sheets
just in case though...

I was in a deep sleep
when I felt a "pop" down below
with a warm flow of water
I sat upright in the bed,
knowing my water broke
and looked at the clock across the room:
April Fools! 
The baby was coming!

I noticed my husband wasn't in bed next to me,
and as usual,
he was out in the familyroom watching TV
or had fallen asleep on the sofa--
I called to him for help
but he couldn't hear me.
For fear of waking the other sleeping children,
I took the towel with me,
and headed towards the hallway
so I could, albeit, quietly, yell
for him to get his attention.

That worked, thankfully
and he made the call to Pam
so she could make her way to the house.
She contacted her assistant, Kelli,
and they both showed up at the house
around the same time.
But, the bad thing was that I wasn't contracting.
So Pam told me to go back to bed
and try to rest up for a long day ahead.
I did go back to bed,
but I really couldn't sleep--
I was excited to the MAX!
My adrenalin was pumping and I was so stinkin' happy
to be having this baby!

A few hours later,
we all got up,
had some breakfast--
husband made us homemade waffles and strawberries--
and the weather was so nice,
I walked around the backyard 
as the contraction waves began to come along.
I will always always remember the fragrance of
orange blossoms in the backyard that day.
Such a sunny happy day.

The other kids had been taken over to the MIL's house
for the duration of labor
with the hope that they could return in time to see
the birth.
So I labored alllllllll dayyyyyy long
and wasn't in alot of pain really.
But I was getting tired.
And Pam saw that and decided to give some herbal extracts
to kick my labor into a higher gear--
remember my water had broken at midnight,
so she was concerned about that--
well the extracts worked...
my body reacted perfectly to them.

The kids came home after dinner with the granparents,
and I thought it was pretty good timing...
still not totally dilated,
but close.
There was lavendar oil burning,
Enya playing (perfect labor music for me!)
and I sat on the sofa quietly breathing away the contractions
until they were getting really tough to just "breathe away"--
I voiced this to Pam
who said, 
"Just dance with the next one."
I answered, a wee bit curtly:
"I do not feel like dancing."

She smiled at Kelli and the husband
and suggested that as soon as the next wave was over,
I walk into the shower
to help me relax.

I was afraid to move from my seat on the sofa--
I knew
that once I stood,
it was going to hurt!

But she was so good,
she talked me into it--
the husband got the shower water nice n' warm
and as soon as the next contraction washed over me,
I stood,
peeled off my robe
and walked straight into the warm shower
wearing my socks!
The water was a sweet release--
exactly what I needed!

The next contraction came quickly,
and I felt the baby's head ready to crown
in the shower!

As soon as that contraction was over,
my team led me to the birthing stool 
all set up in my bedroom
and I sat down with a warm towel over my shoulders
on the birthing stool.
The MIL got the oldest kids out of bed,
and the husband fetched the sleepy 4 year old,
and they all came in to watch the birth!

Two contractions and there was a baby!
I looked down at that beautiful face
and then down at the bottom
and asked,
"Is this a GIRL?"
"YES!" said Pam.
"Oh my. What are we going to do with a girl? What are we gonna name her?"

Lots of names were thrown out--

and then a name surfaced that I had seen in a baby book ten years earlier:

"Dara." I said.
"Her name is Dara. It means "compassion" in Hebrew."

I got a few shakes of the head, but I stuck to it.

I don't know how long after the birth we chose her middle name,
but it wasn't too much later that we decided on 
without the "h" like it is traditionally spelled because her dad is dyslexic
and he'd never remember the "h" anyway.

So that's how we got Dara Cristine into this world.
She came in alert, wide-eyed, and happy.
Of all of my children,
she is the most creative,
the most adventurous,
the least inhibited and self-conscious.
She is not timid or shy--
but is an all out there kinda young woman.

She received her Young Women's Recognition award
earlier this year, as was her goal, to receive it before she graduated 
high school.
She recently applied and was accepted to Brigham Young University-Idaho
in Rexburg, Idaho.
She has a full, rich life ahead of her
and I am proud to be her Momza.

Pics from her Life:
 Dara aka "Daisie" with her BFF, Nana
"Guhl Powah"

 Dressed for the youth trek to Wyoming

 Playing "Monkey on the Ground" @ St. James Royal Park
in London, UK.

 She didn't like clothes in 1998--
Nottingham, UK

 She did LOVE sheep though!
Wales, UK

 Her baptism day with Dad
Colorado Springs, CO

 She has probably 100's of this same self-taken photo face

 Flyfishing? Oh yeah.
The Platte River, Deckers, CO.
 Daisie is probably Dean's best friend.
He loves playing with her.

 In  Spring Creek, 
Choteau, MT.

Ready for church,
Meridian, ID.

 Senior Pic 2013
Senior Pic 2013

Sushi, "Buffy: the Vampire slayer",
sleeping in, Dakota--our black lab,
manis and pedis, hair and makeup,
giving makeovers to her friends,
parties, road trips, inspirational quotes,
total romantic.
History--specifically The Holocaust,
Creative Writing, Drama, Choir,
travelling, service, hanging out with friends,
A college degree (not sure what, yet)
serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2014.
Wife and mother someday,
and a career.  Girlfriend wants to work!

Happy 18th Birthday, Daisie!


  1. Happy birthday to your lovely girl. What a wonderful birth story :-)

  2. I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing your lovely daughter with us.

  3. Well, I just loved that story!!!
    So beautiful.
    She is such a gorgeous girl AND she needs to come over and I can feed her.
    I'm neighbors with BYUI....literally.

  4. Momza!
    what an incredible detailed story of an awesome event..and the beautiful proof before our eyes!
    tomorrow April 3, marks 46 years ago that my wonderful keith made his entrace into our world! I too remember all the details as if it were only yesterday..
    thanks for sharing!!

  5. I hope you're going to write all of their stories. I loved reading this, especially how you chose her name.

    And the orange blossom labor--I will go outside and smell some just for you tonight.

  6. She's going to have such fun in Rexburg! Loved reading her story.


  7. @Sue: She is pretty excited about BYU-I~
    @Tauna: Thanks for your offer! We'll keep in touch!
    @Jen: I got this idea from YOU! So thank you for the inspiration! And orange blossoms...mmmm love those!
    @Loui: I hope your boy had a great birthday!
    @Stacy & Sara: Thanks so much!


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