Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Colorado Springs is on Fire Again

Scenes are eerily close to home...
this is from Cathedral Pines,
where many friends lived.

                               This is Northgate...we have many friends who live on both sides of this street.
                                    We used to live there too until we moved just about a mile north.
                                    Scene from our friends' deck when the fire first started.

So we have packed our 72 hour kits, gathered our irreplaceables (legal docs, etc), said our prayers and  await a long night ahead of us.


  1. The Waldo Canyon fire to the west, and now this Black Forest fire to the east. Our little neighborhood has been surrounded by fire. I think that will be enough of this craziness, thank you.

    Stay safe! My thoughts are certainly with you.

  2. @Laurel: There was a fire on the Academy, just north of it, last night, caused by lightening. But that was out in about an hour.

  3. Thinking of you and hoping so much you stay safe xx

  4. Sending prayers of protection and comfort to all of you.

    Be safe.

  5. Thanks Sarah...our neighborhood is safe and we are prayerful that firefighters will get it under control today.

  6. Thinking of you - be safe!


  7. The news looks so bad, I have been thinking of you today and hoping all is still well with you.


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