Monday, June 10, 2013

The Answers I Seek

Driving to church yesterday,
with just Bee in the car with me,
was the perfect time to get a little feedback
on how I'm doin' as a Mom to my youngest yahoo.

Having many children as I do,
sometimes I haveta make sure that I'm teaching
the younger ones the things I've taught the oldest.
Sometimes I've come to find out that something
I am certain I have taught the oldest ones,
did not trickle down to the youngest;
so I try to cover my bases by occasionally
back-tracking and asking some basic questions,
so as to fill in the cracks, as it were.

So here's the questions and answers I seek:

Momza: "So, Bee, do you know what my favorite food is?"
Bee: "Pie."
Momza: "How about my favorite color?"
Bee: "Green."
Momza: " Favorite Movie?"
Bee: "Pride and Prejudice."
Momza: "Hey, you've been paying attention! Good job."

Momza: "How do I feel about learning new things?"
Bee: "You love it."
Momza: "Why is that?"
Bee: "Because you like to learn new things so you can share and help other people."

Momza: " How about church do I feel about Heavenly Father?"
Bee: "You love Him. He's real. He listens to you."
Momza: "How about the Church? How do I feel about that?"
Bee: "It's important. You know it's true. You live it."
Momza: "What about President Monson?"
Bee: "He speaks the truth. You listen to him."

Momza: "Ok, how about the family. You kids. What do you think I think about each of you?"
Bee: "hmmm...David Scott--he's a slob but you love him anyway." ( I died laughing about this one.)
"Danielle-"you love her more, because you talk to her everyday. And she has her crazy boys."
"Dean--you love him. You worry about him. You want him to have a happy life and be taken care of."
"Nana--you like that she's a missionary. You love her; you miss her alot."
"Dara--she drives you crazy, but you love her anyway."
"Joseph--he's a spoiled brat, but you still love him." (I think she put some of her feelings into that one.)
"And me--I'm stubborn, but you love me. You can't help it. I'm the best kid in the family-- you can't resist my charming ways."

Yes, indeed, gotta love her charming ways.

I don't ever remember a parent ever asking me how they were doing when I was a kid. 
Maybe it's not a good thing to do, I don't know. But it works for me and mine.  
I'm not even sure what this practice is teaching my yahoos...just feels like a good thing to do
once in awhile.
After hearing her answers, I could back and clarify things--such as the truth that I don't love her sister Dani more than her brother David Scott, just because I talk to her more often.  Or that I think Joseph is anymore spoiled than anyone else or at all.  And then it leads to talking to her about her favorites and feelings in the same way.
Does anyone else have ways they keep themselves in check when it comes to this stuff? I'd love to hear.


  1. No I guess I would have to admit that I don't stop and think about how to keep myself in check and because you caused me to stop and recognize that I don't do it that maybe I need to. Does that make sense? I love how you put the important things into perspective. (I wish I had had a mom like you growing up, keeping good dialog with your children is so key). Thanks for sharing your Momza wisdom.

  2. I used to check things out with my kids occasionally, too. Still do, as a matter of fact. I want to make sure I'm doing okay parenting adults...



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