Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dara's Big Adventure

The world is a great book, of which they that never stir from home read only a page.
St. Agustine (354-430) (Agustine of Hippo)

Agustine got it right.
Can't do much living from sitting on the couch.
Just about the time my yahoos graduate from high school,
we both know it's time for them to get booted out of the nest.
Not in a rejected, hurtful way,
but to celebrate all that we have learned together,
it's the right time to go out into the world
and prove that knowledge--
and fill in the gaps, if you will,
along the way.
Here's how she got to where she slept last night--
what we did together to make her Big Adventure a reality.
I also grabbed some things off her Facebook page that shows what she's been thinking about for a long time.

We started planning for Dara's Big Adventure months ago...
where could she go?
what could she do?

"So i was looking through my news feed...and everyone was saying how much they are gonna miss high school and how much they cried and are sad they are leaving it behind. I'm just say this: I'm glad I'm done. I didn't enjoy high school, it wasn't awful, but it wasn't the best part of my life. that's coming this next year. I'm not sad about leaving everyone behind-I'm excited to meet new people and explore the world. I didn't cry today because I am glad to be leaving and to actually start my life, I'm not upset about leaving anything behind. The people I care about won't see the last of me, I'll come back. But I don't think leaving high school gives me a reason to cry. I'm running into the world with open arms, excited for a new adventure." ~Dara

On a hillside in Wales
You, with your "Adventurer's Heart" and constant companion, Diana.
First, we thought about ALL possibilities--
and through prayers and pondering,
we started our search for a great place to go.
One of our friends owns a dive resort in Roatan, Honduras--
such an ideal adventure!
We contacted him and he was optimistic and encouraging of her
to come down there to live and work at the resort.
Dara was stoked!

Playing "Shark Waters" at St. James Park, London, UK

"I want to explore. So excited to be going to a place that I get to do that all by myself. 
I'm getting the adventurous and spontaneous life I always wanted. "

We didn't want to put all our eggs into one basket, though,
so we also checked out other options online--
it's a great site for college-age kids who want an adventure.
We know friends of our kids who've found amazing jobs through Cool Works,
so we checked it out too.

Spring Creek, Choteau, Montana

We also talked to friends.
In fact, I posted on my facebook asking friends for ideas too,
and one sweet friend answered back and said,
"Send her to Juneau!"

Flyfishing the Platte River, Deckers, CO.

Dara was still holding out hope for the Roatan resort, 
but glitches came up that took that opportunity off the table.  
So instead of wearing shorts and t-shirts all summer and 
snorkeling, scuba diving, palm trees and beaches, 
we pulled up images online of Juneau, Alaska--
did some more planning and praying...
and made the decision:

"So it is now completely official...the ticket it bought....really going to Alaska!"

We packed coats and sweaters, socks and hiking boots, bought new gloves,
checked out rain boots to be bought when she got there...
the idea of a warm-water adventure was replaced with 
mountains, glaciers and whale-watching.

"In approximately 32 hours I will be on a plane on my way to Alaska!!!!!! GAH!"

"So...I dyed my hair red....whatcha think? Thank You to my friends you encourage me to try crazy things and take risks!! LOL"

She was a little nervous in the week leading up to her departure--
in fact, let's be honest, she was driving me crazy.
At one point last week,
                                                                        in frustration, 
                                                       (after dyeing her hair fire-engine red, which she had a                                                                                                                      professional remove the red and go over it with brown) 
                                                 I told her I was going to miss her "like a toothache". 
Just further proof,
that this is the perfect time for her to leave the nest!

"In approximately 24 hours I will be in Alaska! IN IT! GAHHHHHH!"

Yesterday morning,
packed and ready to go,
we made a nice breakfast,
then Dad gave her a Father's Blessing.
It was wonderful...blessing her with safety and joy
in the days and weeks and months ahead.
She was told to be a light in the world and serve others
in Juneau and seek out the good.

Nearing time to leave,
Dad and Ari took luggage out to put in the car--
I wanted a minute or two with our girl alone.
Taking her in my arms,
I said:
"You have the heart of an Adventurer--here's your chance to work harder than you've ever worked and have more fun than you've ever had. Say "yes" to everything you can--and serve those you meet up there in Alaska so WELL, that when you come home, they'll be sad to see you go; here's a chance to make lifelong friends; make the best of everyday--you won't regret a minute of it if you do!"

A few tears and a light in her eyes of joy and appreciation--
it's like the first time she's actually listened to me in months, really. 
I could get used to that.

And then she was gone:

 "On my way to the airport!!! Alaska here i come!"

"Layed over in seattle!"

"Boarded the plane to Juneau!"

"Oh my dang i am in Alaska!"

She woke up in Colorado Springs and went to sleep in Juneau, Alaska.
How stinkin' cool is that??

Here's to reading a book cover to cover--
thanks, Agustine.


  1. Does she have a job in Juneau? What will she be doing up there?

    An old client of mine used to be the Alaska DOT, which was based in Juneau. They'd tell me stories of tourists who stepped off cruise ships docking in Juneau. They'd step off the boat, look up at the tall mountains, and say, "Wow! What mountains! I wonder what our elevation is here?" Um... ocean behind you kind of implies sea level. Then my client would laugh and laugh. So tell Dara not to wonder aloud about elevations in Juneau! :)

  2. Yes, she does have a job there. I'll let her know about the sea level thing. lol
    She'll be living and working there until December, then she'll come home and get ready for BYU-I in January.

  3. Oh Momza..
    how I've missed you..
    the kiddos..
    your beautiful stories/posts.
    tears as i type..
    another nestling now fledged!
    Right into her GREAT adventure!
    love it!
    PLEASE keep me in your prayers..
    oh yes.. I'll be back in Denver come AUGUST!
    love and hugs!

  4. So exciting! I hope she finds all kinds of adventures to pursue and lots of life-long friendships. (Secretly I am a little jealous, maybe I should seek out some sort of adventure like that...nah, not at 55, I am too comfy where I am at.) Much luck to your courageous daughter.

  5. I like this idea of a "great adventure" right after high school. Really cool.


  6. Your children are so blessed to have you as mother. I hope that I am able to encourage my little one to spread her wings when it is time.

  7. Nancy: Thanks for your kind comment. For MY yahoos, this approach of "grabbing the world by the tail" works for them. We're already talking to the youngest two about their future adventures.

  8. @Loui: Hey! There you are!! IN beautiful Florida! lol I Hope you are settled in and loving the ocean again. Pls let's get together when you come back in August! I'd so enjoy meeting you in person!

  9. @Connie & Sue: After looking at Dara's pictures today on FB, I wish I'D had an adventure at her age too! So far, so good!


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