Sunday, July 30, 2017

Acting in Faith

*First off, I noticed that a few old blogs popped up as new blogs.  I have no idea how that happened, but I've pushed them back again.

What I am really excited about--even though I am still acting on faith 100%--is packing for a move.
Midnight came n' went the other night, as I pulled out a binder and began my "To Do" lists. 
I live by lists.  It helps me to relax knowing that I've done a brain dump of everything on paper.
So far, I have three pages of stuff that needs to get done before putting the house on the market.
It starts with purging belongings that we no longer need in this season of our lives and then onto the Repairs, Replacements and Rearrange the house for staging.
Luckily, my family knows how to stage a house from working with me for over a decade. They know what it needs to look like before we put that FOR SALE sign in the yard.
It takes a lot of work in the beginning but give me two weeks of hard work and the rest is cake.

After the big purge, comes the repairs and replacements such as a new sink in the kitchen and new light fixtures on the exterior of the house, addressing the flooring and painting of each room, deep cleaning everything to shine like a new penny!
Then, the house is ready to stage for photos and showings.  Which is honestly, the easy part.  Homes are selling like hotcakes here in the Springs, so I want to get this process over ASAP!

Acting in faith that this is the path we're taking--moving to Oregon--is full of mixed emotions...we have only told our immediate family and closest of friends.  Putting it out here is my own benefit of documenting the process.  Noone I know even reads this little blog anymore so I am certain that when we announce that we're moving, it might come as a surprise.

I've been looking at homes in Eugene--there's not very many of them in our price range.  And most are super old and bleh, really.  But holy smokes do those people love love love brightly colored rooms! Red, teal, Oregon Ducks colors: yellow and green, pink, orange--they really love to color their world.  I'm wondering if its' due to the gray, rainy weather?  I'm not looking forward to that.
We get over 300+ days of sunshine a year here--which helps to endure the snowy winters. 
Someone suggested "happy lights"--so we'll have to look into that.

Kent leaves this Wednesday to check out the new job.  Holy smokes.


  1. I'm still reading your blog! And I love your new cover picture with almost your entire family... what a good-looking group! Congratulations on the new job and the move. I know how much you love your Pikes Peak, so that will be a hardship. But what a relief to have the trial of unemployment over with! And you're right... houses sell like hotcakes in Colorado Springs. We sold a house there last October. We listed it on the MLS on Sunday night, and by Tuesday morning it was sold. My realtor never even got a chance to put a "for sale" sign in the front yard. Your house will go fast! Good luck with everything in front of you. Moving is stressful!

    1. Thanks Laurel! We are hopeful that house sells quickly! And yes, moving is stressful.

  2. I'm here! What happened? Is Dean going? I hope it's what your family needs.

    1. HI Jen, Kent's been unemployed for over a year. New job opp in Oregon. Dean will be going with us for sure! I hope it's what our family needs too bc seriously, it's going to be hard to leave Colorado. Thanks for checking on me!

  3. Wow! My head is spinning, I just have read to catch up on your life. It sounds like you are going to making some big changes. Congratulations and I am so happy for you. It will be with so many mixed emotions for sure. Purging is the most difficult...having done this ourselves 5 months ago. But it is so nice to not have "things" to bog us down.

    It will be a big move, and there will be some sad and scary and exciting times ahead, but I know you will move mountains wherever you go. I look forward to seeing what is ahead.

    1. Thanks isn't boring, that's for dang certain!


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