Saturday, July 29, 2017

Staring Into the Sun

Super Bowl Sunday,
on the way to Church:
Momza: "So who are we cheering for today--anyone?"
Joseph: "PATRIOTS!"
Dad: "Yeah, gonna go with the Pats."
Momza: "Me too. Definitely the Patriots.  Bee?"
Arianna: "I don't really like football."
Dad: "Get out."
Joseph: "Tuck and roll, Ari. Tuck and roll."
Joseph has been getting alot of attention from girls at school this year--he thinks it's because he's been using the AXE body soap/deodorant/spray/gel line of products. I have been talking to him alot about girls and all that goes with that--for another post--but yesterday he asked me to buy a 4 pack of AXE body spray from Costco, so this conversation took place at dinner:

Momza: "So why do you like 'AXE' body spray?"
Joseph: " I dunno."
Momza: " Is it to get girls' attention?"
Joseph: "No."
Momza: "Well you know how to get girls' attention right? What's the most attractive thing in a nice young man?"
 (totally fishing for him to say something about a good character, or a kind word, a smile, friendship--something positive)
Joseph, chuckling: "Yeah. Dad told me. My butt."
Momza, to Dad: "Really? THAT'S what you're teaching him?!"
Dad's eyes water and he can't open his mouth for fear his dinner will spew out, with laughter.
Momza, shaking head: "Nice."

Joseph: "Mom, can I ask you a question?"
 "Sure. I say. "What's up?"
Joseph, sheepishly: "Well, there's these girls on the bus and they're touching my hair n' stuff...and a girl in school is always staring at me. What's that about?"
Hmmm. I look at him and think.
"Their flirting with you.  That's what girls do when they think a boy is cute."
Joseph, shyly smiling: "Oh. It's weird."

I look up from my chair
into his eyes and know this is an important teaching moment.

"Joseph, girls mature quicker than boys. That means that their bodies and minds are thinking about the future.  They notice boys in a different way. And honestly, it kinda makes 'em a little crazy. For the next few years, they're gonna be giggly, loud, travel in packs like wolves, and smile at you alot.
And you'll probably get attention from a few of them because you're a good lookin' young man, but there's also something else about you that will draw girls in--it's your goodness.  And that's the most attractive thing in a young man.  You shine from the inside out and girls won't know what it is about you that they like, but really, it's because you hold the Priesthood. That's a big deal, Joseph.  And you have to protect the Priesthood by keeping yourself clean and honoring it.  So (big breath), girls may ask you to do things with their bodies or ask if they can do things with yours and you're going to have to tell them 'No' to protect yourself so that the Holy Ghost is always with you and you'll always have that glow inside that, someday, will attract the right girl for you to take to the Temple. That's the goal--to go to the Temple with the most beautiful girl in the world."
I stand up and put my hands on either side of his soft cheeks, and look deeply into his beautiful brown eyes,
"I love you. If anyone, I don't care who they are, wants to touch your body in ways that makes you feel uncomfortable or in a way that you know isn't right, you have the right to say 'No', Okay?"  Then I kiss those baby cheeks and hold him in my arms.
He looks side to side, smiles at the wonder of the changes a'comin his way in life and nods his head, "Yeah."

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