Friday, September 26, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Not to Move to Nebraska and Dump Your Teenagers at a Hospital!

10. It's Nebraska.
9. Who will take out the trash?
8. It'll cost you more in gas money to get there than a college education!
7. You'll have to pay someone from the Geek Squad to fix your PC
6. If you don't have a teenager, how will you know how to drive?
5. They know Everything!
4. Your sense of style will stagnate.
3. Who will translate the latest Pop songs for you?
2. Who else will you get to mow the grass for free?
And the Number One Reason for not moving to Nebraska so you can Dump your Teenagers off at the hospital: It's easier to blackmail them the older they get!

1 comment:

  1. This is so so funny... your not thinking of moving, are you?? I am going to have to come visit you guys soon, its still 80 dang degrees out here, I'm still wearing shorts for crying out loud... whats up with that???


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