Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Charity and Children

In my effort to share a little Christmas cheer I offer this: A few years ago a good friend, Linda A. gave this little wooden manger to our family, along with the carefully cut pieces of "hay" for it with a story about Charity and how it relates to Jesus Christs' birth. It is a lovely story, and if you want a copy, let me know. (Maybe I should print it here?) Anyway, besides the story is the family activity challenge: with each act of kindness you perform, you may put a peice of hay in the manger, with the goal of having it filled before Christmas eve. It's a very sweet sentiment and a good reminder of what Christmas is really all about: Love.

So I got out the manger this past weekend and reveiwed the story with my kiddos. All went well.
Then, on Monday night, as is customary at our dinner table, we all take turns sharing two things:
1) what was the best part of your day?
and 2) What did you do for someone else?

We've been doing this for many many years--it helps keep the teenagers' angst in check, and sometimes provides a good laugh for us all.

Examples of #1: "sleeping in." "Not killing him/her/it/them for..." "Right now."
Examples of #2 are sometimes thoughtful, but often funny.
For example, last week it was the Caboose's turn and she's pondering her #2...after a fews hmms and haaas..she says,"well this kid got hurt at school...."
"oh yeah?" I say. "So did you comfort him? Did you help him out?" Her face got a little twisted, then a grin pops up on her lips, "No, that didn't really happen. I just made it up."
My little non-do-gooder had us rolling on the floor.

So Monday night we are at it's the Caboose's turn. Again. Just as it came around to her, she was getting up from the table to get another drink of juice--the Boofus sees her getting up and asks if she will get him some more too. She responds with something along the lines of "get it yourself, you can walk." Then I pipe up, "Hey, Bee (her other given nickname) THIS can be your good deed for the day!" "OH YEAH!" she lights up!..."I can put some hay in baby Jesus' bed!" And quickly takes Boofus' cup and fills it.

Isn't that just the best example of familial charity you've ever heard of? Unhunh. Baby steps here, that's all. Someday, my hope is that she will serve her brother because she loves him...for now, bribery is okay.

Now this is just good plain fun. Can you see the similarities? Mr. Wonderful made the salt dough set when he was about 4 years old and his Momma saved it. He's not sure where baby Jesus went, so we like to say Mary (you do know which one is Mary, don't you?), well we like to say Mary is holding Baby Jesus. Ahh! you say, Now you see her, right? Right? Yeah, I knew that would give it away.

This one is an oldie of mine. I didn't have the talent to make it myself, tho I do enjoy it. And look, Mary is holding baby Jesus.

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