Thursday, January 8, 2009

Are Mormons Christians?

Jeffery R Holland. The Answer is Yes. For those of you who have been told otherwise, this post is for you. Not to
"convert", but to educate. And that's all I have to say about it. ~Dawn


  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I LOVE your profile-how fun to be a doula-my daughter is a labor and delivery nurse-plus all your other fun interests. I really enjoyed your last couple of posts and I will be back!

  2. excellent point, Momz. :-)

    why this needs to be said is beyond me, but it appears that other people's belief system and how it relates to one's own beliefs is a favorite pastime, albeit a distant second to waging war which has never played second fiddle to ANY activity including worship.

    thanks again for an interesting post. :-)

  3. I am so glad you posted this. I was just reading an article on Meridian Magazine this morning about why Focus on Family pulled the Glenn Beck interview. It was all about our church not being Christian. It is so hard for me to believe that people can see all the good, have the same basic values we do, but insist that we don't believe in Christ. Oh, Frustration!

  4. Marilyn, bARE-eYED sUN, and Joy:
    Thanks for your comments! I love E. Holland's testimony of Christ. It says everything concisely, directly and intelligently...there's no room for misunderstanding.

  5. Thanks so much for posting this. I love my Savior and it hurts when people think that we don't believe in Christ. I don't know where I'd be without Him in my life. I couldn't make it without him and life would be pointless. There would be no meaning to a life without the possibility of success. If we were all destined for failure and an eternity in Hell, our lives would be meaningless. Because we have a Savior, we can rise above sin and repent and be saved. Thank you for posting this.


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