Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Donny Osmond!

Happy Birthday Donny Osmond!
See those girls in the audience about to spontaneously combust in their seats? I'd have given anything to be one of them! Wasn't he just dreamy? And wow, the way he danced was just so so Groovy. (Some of my BFF's back then thought he was "cheesy"--but hey, I love Cheese!)Alas, we only met in my dreams. But, I do have a personally autographed picture of him to Moi.
It says,
"To Dawn, All My Best, Love, Donny
What he wanted to write but couldn't was:
" I know you loved me more than any other 12 year old girl in the world and you shall always have my heart."
Yeah, Donny and me...we're soul mates.
(I got itin 1988, from my ex-husband's ex-girlfriend whose husband was one of Donny's attorney's in the late 80's and in their ward in Orange County, and he really did sign it. )
So this is my Donny Osmond "story": Of course I idolized him...what's not to love, right? I had all of his albums (that's right, youngun's I had albums, not cd's!), his posters plastered my walls, and deep purple WAS the color of the shag carpet in my bedroom! (My mom was very patient with my obsession.) And I always got the latest copy of "Tiger Beat" magazines to keep up with his TRUE life moments. (Don't go tellin' me those articles weren't true. Don't be a hater.)
Anywho, I recall reading that he was a "Mormon"...and in my little Baptist mind, I thought that was like being "Italian." Really. Hey, he looked Italian, didn't he? Dreamy.
And when I had the chance to get his autograph, even tho' I was in my mid-20's and a mom of three, I couldn't pass it up! And yes, I even framed it!
So Happy Birthday Donny, I'm just a month late (his real bday is Dec 9th, oops!) but that's okay, right?
From the love of your life.


  1. THAT was HILARIOUS! And the very best laugh of my day. I liked the purple text color as well. Nice touch. I grew up in Orem, Utah, right next to Provo where Donny lived during Jr. High. My older sister dated both Wayne and Alan (although only one time each)That is as close as I got. Nothing anywhere near as exciting as that autograph of yours!

  2. Oh my goodness Momza,
    Donny has only gotten better with age. The voice the face, it has all improved. I wasn't quite as giddy about him as you were but I did think he was cute. However I do think he is much better now then on the video. Sometimes getting older has it perks.

  3. I won't tell the bishop.

    Love all your posts. You are the blog queen. Can't wait to hear the rest of the other story.!!!

  4. Joy: I am so stinkin' jealous of your sisters.
    Roxanne: I agree 110%.
    Wendoo: Thanks for keeping my secret. I'll pass you some chocolate before SS in the halls.

  5. Hey Donny freak azoid, you are so funny. You and Kelly make me laugh. Love, Me

  6. I.AM.SO.JEALOUS. Actually Donny & I are the same age-does that make me his BFF? I loved this post-it made me go back in time.

  7. Marilyn: Without a protest from Donny, I'm sayin' SURE, run with it!!!

  8. MOMZA! I KNEW that we were soul sista's!!! Donny Osmond is da bomb...boom ya! I love, love, love him. I still have my Donny barbie doll, he's naked, because my kids lost his wild deep purple jumpsuit...but I don't think that is a bad thing! Hee hee
    My mom is right, he is much better now then when he was younger!
    My husband always says that if I could of married him I would have and I tell him...only if he were about 20 years younger! Oh I am addicted to his voice, he is my secret boyfriend (shhhh, don't tell his wife Debbi)So now I am sad that I missed his birthday...I guess that I am not such a great girlfriend huh???
    Ahhh, Donny...what a dream boat!

  9. lvs: I'm feelin' ya. Donald Clark Osmond is one of a kind!


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