Friday, March 27, 2009

Choose Your Love and Love Your Choice

We've all heard it over and over again..."the choice is Yours"...
I'm a big believer in "owning" your life. I have a sign in my kitchen that says
And I mean it. I can't bear whining. Physically and mentally, it wears on me. Life IS all about choices--if you don't like the direction you're headed, you certainly won't like the final destination! Own your life. I tell my kids that all the time. You can't plan a trip for London and not pack a raincoat or an umbrella. Likewise, if you wanna end up in Hawaii, leave your winter coat behind! Extra baggage is just that--Extra. It gets non-sensically heavy and is best left behind. As in, In the Past. Also, Preparation is essential.
Sometimes, being a wife and mother is messy. And inconveniant. Sometimes it's a hair-raising, tongue-biting, eye-popping, tear-jerking experience. When David Scott was a missionary in Canada, I got a letter from him that was better than winning the lottery! He wrote, "Thanks Mom, for not killing me in my sleep when I know I deserved it." Yeah, he did. What a payback for him to realize his part in our relationship. That's another phrase I use ALOT: "DO YOUR PART" your your part. Whatever you're involved in--a cause, a career, a marriage, a relationship, schooling, faith...whatever your life entails, if you want to have a positive expereince YOU GOTTA DO YOUR PART. It's sweeter that way too. Noone is gonna hand you a perfect life. Life is a Do-It-Yourself Project. Owning your life means recognizing that A) You're not perfect and mistakes will be made. B) When a mistake is made, there are 4 steps you need to do to get past it: first: Own it. If needs be, openly confess your mistake. second, Apologize. Admiting your imperfections is actually freeing. thirdly, make amends the best you can. Fourth: Learn from it, forsake it, and move forward.
For example, when my kids have hurt one another, they know that part of the "I'm sorry" they offer to the offended party needs to include, "I will never do that again." And they need to mean it. Cuz if the behavior continues, then they lose their credibility. This process is also called "repentance"--some people think it's only a religious practice--to be repentant--but it's not. It's for all of us to learn to be better, to learn to keep our word and master ourselves. We all know people who have hurt others, maybe even ourselves, repeatedly--and the words "I'm sorry" just doesn't cut it after awhile. They've lost their credibility with us. Trust is lost. But if they are careful to not repeat the offense, whatever it is, then trust is restored. It is my experience that we all want to trust those we love implicitly and most of us are quick to change when given the chance.
You know, if someone hurts my feelings and apologizes, I am quick to forgive. That's just as important. Forgiveness. It's been said that "holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies." Forgiveness is freeing too. I have found that the older I get, the more Mercy I need, the easier it is to give mercy too. Owning My Life leaves no room for blame. If I don't like how things are going, there's no reason I can't say, "Oops, that's not working for me, something needs to change." And just for the record, apologizing to my kids doesn't work against binds me to them closer. They know I'm human and just trying my best.
If I were Queen...actually it has been my experience that a Mother is the Heart of the Home. Those little sayings " If Momma ain't happy, Nobody's happy" "Happy Wife, Happy Life" "A mother is only as happy as her saddest child"~~~ all of those are true. My mood is reflected in my family's mood and behavior. What an incredible responsibility. Somedays it is overwhelming. I'm just a person. I haven't got everything figured out. All I know is that I want to be happy. And the things that make me happy most are when my family is happy, productive, respectful of themselves and others, and show appreciation in the little things. My family is my life's work, no matter what else I may devote time and talent to, my legacy will be how my family shows Love.
In my teenager's room hangs a poster that she and I made together, it says "Happiness is a Choice". And it is. Part of being Queen is to show my kids how to be happy. In fact, I would dare say, that is the secret to learn to live happily. Because really, don't we all want happy endings?

*Originally posted on 1/3/09


  1. Definitely a printable post. And one I'd love to link to later. Thanks so much for this. I believe it and I needed to hear it today.

  2. May I just say, THIS is a BRILLIANT post. I loved it! I may even copy it and send it along to those that I love. You my dear, are my new best friend. (I don't mean that in a creepy stalker way)

  3. I love this post! Also, I've thought about becoming a doula, although I don't know that I honestly know exactly what a doula is. I found it very interesting that that is one of your many occupations. How long have you been a doula and how did you learn? Any thoughts for someone who has never even been pregnant?

  4. Wow what a great post and what a great mom you are! I think I may have to print it too. This is just the kind of thing I need right now, and I love the Mary Englebreits!

  5. Oh my heck ... how did you know I did a whiney post today??? You are so good!

    Seriously, thanks for the wonderful words and wisdom shared here, I'll bookmark it and remember to come back to this when I am feeling a little whiney!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Totally agree with this great post! My friend and I were scrap booking today and discussing these very ideas. Why does scrap booking bring out deep thoughts kinds of conversations? Anyway glad to hear someone talk about personal if we could just get the whole world to listen.
    Thanks for stopping by the momshell.

  7. Great post! And I agree wholeheartedly.



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