Friday, March 13, 2009

The Caboose is Eight!

The Caboose...number 7...Chicken-Lips.


Bee, Nutter.

She gets her silliness honest. My number 7.

The Caboose is Eight Today. My "baby" is Eight. Waaaaa.

She is the light of my life.

Where have the years gone?

The Caboose is funny and quirky. Her laughter is joy to my heart.

She belongs to her sisters too...Dani says the Caboose is her "favorite".

She is everyone's favorite. Playful. Typical youngest...sometimes wild, always ready to give a hug and a kiss.

Loves Dress-Up

Seven kids too many? Not so. We'd not be the same without the Caboose.

See what I mean? We needed her little spirit here with us.

Her first birthday.

Her nickname at home is "Bee"...cuz she was always "buzzin' around" when she was little.

Double-fisted corn-eatin' Bee.

Look at those puppy-dog eyes. Help me. I've been held hostage in those eyes for 8 years now...and it's not lookin' good for my release anytime soon.

The "Baby" is Eight. No fair. Foul!, I say! I have asked her to stop growing, but she just smiles and says "No way!"

What's to become of me?


  1. Happy Birthday Ari!!! I can't believe your 8!!!! You are beautiful, and we sure miss you!
    Dawn- I love this post, it broght a tear to my eye, you are one of the sweetest moms in the world!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!

    My first baby's birthday is Monday- she'll be four. The years fly by!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Baby-I know what will happen to you next-Grandchildren!

  4. Thanks Liz and Marilyn! And I hope you are right about the granchildren...babies rock my world!

  5. What darling pictures and what a beautiful little girl. Congratulations on her big birthday. I hate to tell you though, but before you know it she will be 14 and then 18 and then. . . So. . enjoy the moment. I so very much wish I had more children. What a blessing they are.


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