Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chinese babies, Senioritis, a 10k and Brain Mush

I'm trying to think, but nothin's happening.

Seriously, I think my senses are overwhelmed, because I. Got. Nuthin.

Ever since the "baby news"--that seems to be the gear my brain is stuck in. It's ridiculous.

I can't go to the store without "picking up" a little something for a child who isn't here yet.

Baby wipes, baby clothes and whatever else I can find.

Oh, in case I didn't mention it--I am hardcore thinking this is a Girl!-- on account of the Chinese Gender Calendar--hey, don't be a hater!--I challenged it with my own 7 kids and it was right, so I put in Dani's info and it says GIRL--who am I to argue the Chinese? Have you tasted their soup?! So go check it out, and tell me what you get?! So go and come back!

The only other things I'm focused on is getting Nana thru High School. She has a terrible case of "senioritis"...only 4 weeks left and she can barely hold on. I remember well how those last weeks of High School were nearly unbearable. Painful. I just couldn't wait to be Done with it.

So while I have compassion for Nana-- I'm ready for her to be done too. She is going to have an exciting life and this is where it starts gettting really interesting! I am my kids' biggest Fan!
The other thing I'm focused on is getting back to work after 3 months of familial sickness stalled my business goals. I have to stay busy otherwise my brain will truly turn to mush...well, mushier than it already is. I know you understand. And I miss doing things I love compared to things that I don't--like laundry and toilets. Staging a house is so creatively rewarding! And my partner, Kelly is too fun for words. And then my Doula thang I love pregnant women in labor. I'm a great coach. I am. Only because I know it is a privilege to be in the room and I am my best self as I care for another woman and her birth partner. It's like the culmination of all I've learned...service, mothering, nurturing. I'm good at that. So I'm anxious to get back to work!
Last Sunday, we're all sittin' around the dining table talking about General Conference....Mr W, Dani & Mr. Idaho, and the rest of the yahoos. I was trying to direct us towards a stimulating, spiritual conversation. I know. Sheesh.

So this is how it went.

Momza: "One thing I have learned lately when I pray is that often the answer is "to be patient, or to have patience."

Mr W: "My prayers have been "I have nothing left Lord, and please don't take that."


One last thing, every year there is a 10k in Boulder, CO. called the Bolder Boulder. I've wanted to do it for as long as I've known about it. So this is the year. I've been walking to get in shape.

And by walking, I mean, WALKING....working-up-a-sweat-walking...and it feels good. The best part about walking is that I'm alone when I do it. None of the kids are with me. I leave my phone at home. I AM ALONE WITH MY THOUGHTS. And I love it.

I used to run a few miles a day back in my late 20's when I only had 3 kids...then more kids came along and I stopped. And got fat. So I'm going to change that. I'm going to be 48 years old this year. And I'll be a Granma. I have to live alot longer than I planned now that I'm gonna be a Granma, you know? Because I am gonna be an involved Abuela. I don't have parents involved in my life, which affects my kids. But, I am gonna be one awesome Babushka.
So that's it. That's all I got. Now you can go back to your fascinating lives and feel better about your life in all it's fascinating-ness. I've gotta get my sneaks on and hit the trail.


  1. Good for you on the exercising. I have been walking this past year but my partner isn't too consistent and when she doesn't show up to walk I just go home. I need to do better about that. You go girl!

  2. Joy: Thanks for the encouragement!!

  3. Ugh, I wish I could get my sorry little behind out walking! And I love your line "Have you tasted their soup??" Hilarious!

  4. You have so much going on that's exciting. Good for you! My daughter is struggling with senioritis too. She's really just ready to be done. I'm like you, my kids don't have involved grandparents. I feel like I'm the matriarch of the family now (since my mom died--she was such an awesome and involved grandma). Once I had my last one, I said I was just waiting for my grandbabies now. I am looking forward to being like my mom and enjoying little ones again. I'm excited for you.

  5. Nat: I love their soup! It's true! lol
    Moody: We're counting down the days now. And, while I haven't seen a great example of a Granma in my personal life, I Have seen awesome women set the example for how to be one!


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