Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm a Walkin' tha Santa Fe Trail!

So I started walking the Santa Fe Trail today...I think I did a couple of miles. My humongous bahooey needs to be less humongous, if you know what I mean?!

My ultimate goal is to walk it every stinkin' day...we'll see if I get to that...the weather here can still hamper my goal for another month or two, but I have to say, I loved my walk this morning.

Nana, my 18 yo soon-to-be-high-school-graduate, walked with me...making the time fly by as my bahooey warmed up and got into gear. The sky was a perfect blue sky against by beautiful Rocky Mountains. Have I told you I love Colorado Springs? I do. I plan on getting much older here, much grayer and lots more wrinkles before I ever leave. I love it. Even though I was sucking wind--it was clean wind.

Nana chewed my ear off as we walked...did you know 18 year olds have more to say than you can possibly imagine? And they have OPINIONS on EVERYTHING!

I asked her ONE question, and that was enough to keep her talking for a good 20 minutes!!

Oh, the question? "What have you learned this year?"

So tomorrow, I am gonna take the camera and snap some pics of my walk-- so I'm not lonely, on account of Mr W still not giving the thumbs up on a dog. I have dog envy. When I saw other dogs on the trail today, I tried to figure out how I could get a dog without Mr W's input or dissapproval. Maybe a small pooch would suffice, I thought. Nahhhh. I want a big ol Golden or a Lab...who doesn't love those?? seriously.

I want a dog to walk with me on the Santa Fe trail.

Kinda sounds like a country song, doesn't it?? Carrie Underwood could really pull that well you could cry.

Yeah, I want a big ol slobbery hikin dog.


  1. I think you need a dog too! Mine motivates me to go for walks because she looks at me so expectantly and I can't disappoint her. Maybe you have a neighbor who has a dog that needs walking? Kind of a rent-a-dog thing? Good for you for getting your bahooey out on the trail!

  2. I had a beautiful golden retriever that was a wonderful animal. I know Sadie has earned her place in heaven. When we had to put her down last July I cried for a week. It was hard enough that it will be a long time before I would put myself in that position again. But I totally understand and support your desire to get a dog. They are truly man's and woman's best friend.

  3. I can't wait to see your pictures! And good luck getting the dog. We are trying to get one here as well, but so far no luck. My husband is very much opposed to it. But my son has three dogs and thinks we should take one of them so he brings it over every week so we can all spend time with her--including my husband. I think he may actually be softening. Well, we can always hope. Keep me posted!

  4. "I want a dog to walk with me on the Santa Fe Trail....
    I love Colorado, and will live here until I'm old and frail....
    I like to write on my daily Momzablog...
    but, what I'm really wantin.... is a slobbery hikin dog..."
    (eat your heart out Underwood).....

  5. ::::::::::::::APPLAUSE:: to Anonymous! Love the song!!

  6. Good for you on hiking every day. I am gearing up to do the same. I went on this diet a week or so ago, and now I'm ready for step 2...the exercise!

    Hope you get your dog!


  7. I need to get my booty going and walk, too! My fam has been cooped up inside for way too long with winter.


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