Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In the News: Mom Washes Her Own Mouth Out with Soap!

We have a practice in Momza's house.
If you say an ugly word, you have to wash it out.

Yesterday, for no good reason at all,
I said an ugly word! That's right! ME! The Mom!
It came out so fast, without so much as a warning
that everyone in the house was Shocked!
Including me!
Mr. W gasped. The Boofus and Caboose and Nana all shouted:
It shocked me so much I started laughing. And apologizing to everyone.
They didn't think I was really sorry...because of the laughing, but I was.
The Caboose brought me the soap.
"You know what to do." she says.

And I did. And it was bitter and nasty and gaggy.
But my mouth was so clean, it felt better.

Hey, a rule is a rule. No cussing allowed!

*this just happend to coincide with Chocolate on My Cranium's Wordful Wednesday prompt: HUMOR


  1. LOLOLOL...I'm sorry-but that is so funny. I can JUST hear your kids. (probably because I've heard the same thing)

  2. Wow, it must have been a dandy! I hope you learned your lesson! LOL

  3. "You know what to do." So funny! Better start saying "bad word" instead. :D

  4. Way to be an example of following the rules! I hate it when I have a desire to do something that I normally never do (like swearing).

  5. I'm glad I don't live in your house. I could be sponsored by Ivory. 'Cept I'm better now b/c I gave up cussing for Lent.

  6. Good for you!

    My hubby used to coach HS basketball, and his rule was that if anyone used foul language, they had to run a liner. Well, one day he accidentally let a bad word fly, so he ran a liner himself, from that day on, his team respected him more because they knew the rules applied to everyone equally. Great post!

    I <3 Christmas Story!

  7. Good for you for sticking to your own rule!

  8. Funny!! Only now I am curious as to what the word was---but please don't say it.:-) Hate to have you get your mouth washed out twice!

  9. Oh, those words! I rarely say them myself, but once in a while, I do quote my grandpa :) just to get it off my chest! (I also read your bra post, hilarious!)

  10. No way! Too funny!!

    In our house, we use vinegar instead of soap. It gets the point across and at least it's actually food. I'm always worried I'll poison someone with the soap. =]

    I haven't ever washed my own mouth out, but I have needed to do that a few times!

  11. My mom would use the dirty rag in the sink. yuck!! I think that is why I am a fairly healthy person because I was exposed to probably every bacteria in that disgusting rag at a early age. :)

  12. So brave. I wouldn't have done it.

  13. We use Cocoa powder in our home for bad words. It amazed me how fast it curbed an "bad words" said in our home! Good job sticking to the rules!

  14. What a great mom you are! I don't know if I could be so brave.

  15. HA! Sounds like you need some chocolate now! Hope you learned your lesson ;)

  16. ;-) Thanks for all the supportive comments! I survived--and yes, Jenny, chocolate would be welcomed! IT has been the running joke all week around here. I hope I learned my lesson!

  17. I love that you keep the same rules for yourself! I hate dirty words and hate when others use them around me, I wish more people would fill the need to wash them out of their mouths. What a good example you are!


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