Monday, May 4, 2009

Her Second White Dress

Saturday was the Caboose's baptism by her daddy, Mr. Wonderful. It was an intimate experience for our family. It was just us, a counsellor in the Bishopric, a pianist and a Primary counsellor, and one friend.

As I got the Caboose ready for her special day, I laid out her dress and slip, pantihose and shoes on her bed.

We talked about what was going to be happening at Church.

She said, looking at her dress, "This is my Second White dress."

"Yes, I know.", I said.

"My first white dress was my Blessing dress."

"Yes, you're right. Oh my, weren't you an angel in that little dress!" , I said and added, "What is your Third White Dress?"

She smiled and answered, "Oh, that will be my Temple bride dress."

Mr Wonderful and the Caboose in her baptism jumpsuit.
Afterwards--Ari and her Daddy.

In her Second White Dress. She loved it --it has a full crinoline and lining under it...she felt like a Princess....which she is. (Fyi--the dress was purchased at Burlington coat Factory $30!!) Afterwards, with the Boofus. In testimony meeting today, he got up and said how glad he was that she made the choice to be baptized.

Dara, Taylow, Nana, and Princess Ari aka the Caboose.

Me and my baby. The last one. She has my heart. I hope and pray I will be there for her Third White Dress.

My Three White Dresses by Linda Gay Perry Nelson
My mom bought me a white dress,
Not red or pink or blue.
She said it was a special dress
Like very other few.
There has been just one before,
A dress now put away.
That I wore sometime ago upon my blessing day.
As a little baby clothed in my first white dress,
My dad held me in his arms,
there to name and bless.
So pure and clean was I just then,
With time to grow and learn
About the Father's plan for me.
My glory I must earn.
Now I've reached the age
to judge the wrong road from the right,
And I am here to be baptized
in this dress of white.
So once again I'm free from sin,
The path is clear to me.
I'll grasp the road and hold on tight,
I vow with certainty.
Just as mud would stain my dress,
Sin would stain my soul.
The key is to repent or bleach,
For whiteness is my goal.
And if I try my very best,
Then richly blessed I'll be,
Wearing inside God's holy house
White dress number three.
So today I make this pledge:
I'll strive to choose the right,
Through this sacred baptism ordinance
In my second dress of white.


  1. Ok, my turn to be in the dark. Can you explain the three occasions? Blessing, baptism and temple bride? Are there equivalent rites of passage for boys?

  2. Hi Amy,
    Yes those are the 3 occassions for LDS children that are highly anticipated and prepared for as they age.
    Blessing is at birth. Baptism is at 8. Marriage is whenever they get married, it is hoped it will be in the Temple.
    For boys, the only difference is that at age 12, they have been prepared to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and then progress within the different offices or levels of that Preisthood until they are set apart as Elders in Melchizedek Priesthood in preparation for entering the Temple and serving a full-time Mission. Young Women prepare for the Temple in a different program that is also customized for their age; encouraging them to develop emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially. It is quite comprehensive.

  3. Your last one to get baptized. I thought that once and got a surprise package 2 years later- 10 years apart.

    She looks beautiful. What a sweet brother during his testimony. I love that poem too.

  4. How wonderful! St.George is about 3 hours south of us. We have lots of family there though. My S.I.L. is going to SUU in Ceder in the fall. You'll have to let me know when you come through!!!

  5. Great pics and a darling daughter. Her dress is amazing, and it sounds like the whole day was just as it should be. Special!


  6. Momza, how wonderful that you had such a perfect day on this momentous occasion. I also loved the poem and wonder if you are the author. May I steal it for my next grandchilds baptism? (that would be Jenny's third child). You truly made this a special day for the little caboose and I know she will remember it always!

  7. Congratulations! It's a precious time. When my girls were married-I made them a display table with the poem-My Three White Dresses. Then I displayed their blessing dress, baptism dress and a photo of them in their gown. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.

  8. Thanks to you all for your kind comments. RBS--the poem is by Linda Gay Perry Nelson--L. Tom Perry's daughter.
    Marilyn, I love that idea to have all 3 dresses at the reception! I will have to use that!

  9. How wonderful! Her dress is so beautiful, and what a wonderful brother to bear his testimony to her!


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