Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My First My Last My Everything...a little Barry



1 package White Cake Mix (2-Layer Size)
3 cups fresh Raspberries
1 cup Granulated Sugar
1 1/2 cups Whipping Cream (unwhipped)
Fresh whole Raspberries for garnish
Additional Cream (whipped) for garnish

Pre-heat the oven to 350-F degrees and lightly coat two 9-inch round cake pans with non-stick cooking spray and a light dusting of flour.

Prepare the white cake mix as directed on the package, making sure to reduce the amount of water you add to only 1 cup. Pour equal portions of the cake batter into each of the prepared cake pans.

Evenly distribute about 1 1/2 cups of the raspberries over the top of the cake
batter. Sprinkle the raspberries with 1/2 cup of sugar, each.

Divide the whipping cream, and pour equal portions over the top of the raspberries on each cake. Bake for about 60 minutes.

Immediately invert both cakes onto serving plates when removing from the oven. Let cool, then garnish with freshly whipped cream and whole raspberries just prior to slicing and serving.
*Did you learn any spanish today?! Bet ya didn't know Barry White loves his raspberry cake that much, eh? hunh?
And no, there's no extra charge for the "cheese" in this'll never look at raspberries the same way again! You won't be able to help it if you "bust a move" in the produce aisle as you pass the raspberries. From now on, everytime you hear Barry White, you'll think of his deep baritone voice crooning about raspberries.
For that, I'm a little sorry.


  1. YUMMM!!! I've GOT to try this recipe!

  2. This dessert sounds luscious! And so does Barry White!


  3. Yummy cake! How nice that you post about the missionaries in your area. I'm sure you and your family are answers to their parents prayers. I learn so much goodness from you. Thanks.

  4. Ahhhh, the good and mellow Barry White and a great recipe too ? I may have to post this one on my kitchen blog, it sounds so yummy. Very clever post !!!

  5. Oh that sounds so very yummy!!! Raspberries are one of the few things actually on my diet--I don't think in this form however. I will have to safe the recipe and make it later.

  6. This recipe looks delightful!!! Can't wait to try it! Keep the recipes coming.


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