Wednesday, August 12, 2009

His Hand is on His Children

Diana's known Kate since 6th grade.
They became closer last year, as Seniors.
Kate started coming around, nearly every day this summer.
Questions came from her about our faith.
She asked, we answered.
More questions, more often.
So Nana suggested meeting with the missionaries.
Okay, says Kate.
Missionaries ask Kate what she feels
about God
and His place in her heart.
Not much. She doesn't think He's real
or that He cares if He is real.
NO, not much.

The lessons are taught.
Testimonies are shared.
Tears, little tears roll down
Kate's face.
Ah yes, there He is.

Kate doesn't read the scriptures one day.
The next day, she does.
Kate doesn't pray.
and then she does.
and often.

The missionaries challenged her to
Wow. That soon? I wonder.
That's alot. Is she ready?
I listen quietly.
December becomes the goal for her baptism,
okay then.
I went to bed thinking
December. Won't that be nice?

God had other plans.
He comes to Kate in dream.
Shows her the baptismal font
with Her in It.
All in White.
And the missionary in the water
with her.
Shows her receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost
by the laying on of hands.
It was so real, she wakes up smiling her biggest smile.
She feels it to her bones
so much that her entire body smiles and cries
at 3:30 in the morning.
She fights the urge to run down the hall and tell her mother.
To pick up the phone and call the missionaries
and Nana.
It's 3:30AM afterall.

She falls back asleep with a smile on her face.
Then she shows up at our door at 8:30AM
Tuesday morning.
"It's today!" she beams.
"Today?" I ask. "Are you sure?"
Okay then. We have lots to do!
"Is there another word for Joy?" she asks.
"Because I'm so filled with-- with-- whatever that is!"

Missionaries show up
full of His Love
and His Spirit...
afterall they are on His errand.

Then, Kate's parents change their minds
about supporting her.
Earlier they were good with Kate's choices.
Later, after talking to co-workers,
their hearts are closed.
NO, they won't support her choice.
"Any Church but that one." they say.

Kate's mom calls me. Me.
Why do they always call me?
As if I can control teenagers
and Dreams?
I listen and say, "You need to talk to Kate-- you need to listen to her."
NO, she is adamant.
Oh, why must her ignorance scream so loudly?
Doesn't she see the light in Kate's eyes now?
Can't she feel Kate's glow?
Didn't she know her daughter was empty
and searching?
And now her girl is filled to over-flowing?

So Kate comes alone.
Standing in her white jumpsuit.
I braid her hair.
I tell her that she will hear alot about "pioneers"
in her new Church...
they gave up everything for their faith--
their land, their homes, their families left behind.
Then I square her shoulders
smile in her eyes and tell her
YOU are the Pioneer in YOUR family.
Generations will follow your footsteps
and your name will be sacred
on their lips.

The moment of dreams comes.
She is standing in the font
with the same missionary from her dream.
The water is warm
she is giggling with excitement.
Then she comes up from the water
wet head to toe...
clean. every whit.

Hugs all around. and around. and around.
Her Mom should've seen this.
Oh she should've been there.
This moment was a blessed one for her daughter.
The hugs keep coming.

Then the laying on of hands.
Mr Wonderful is asked last minute
because her "choice" missionary becomes
ill...too ill to stand.
Mr Wonderful is grateful
and the blessings flow easily
from God
to Kent
to Kate.

A new life.
A sweeter journey
has begun.
And I saw it all with my own eyes.
I was there to see it.
More grateful than usual.
You see, I was in a car accident
On the interstate.
I was driving on the far right hand side
and after the impact of another car
ended on the shoulder
of the far left hand side.
Shaken, but not injured.
Profoundly aware that both
the Caboose and I
were protected.
It could've been so much worse.
I just knew the car was going to flip
just knew it.
And it didn't.
Ari was so shaken
she asked again and again
"Are we going to die now?"
"Are we going to die now?"
No. No. We're okay.
See? We're okay.
I called the house.
The missionaries were at the scene
in less than 5 minutes.
Like angels in white shirts and ties
they came flying towards me...
to make sure we were okay.
Is it any wonder I love them so much??

We're okay.
Diana and Kate arrive too.
And they take the Caboose home
once the Officer arrives
and gives the Okay.
In the car, Ari says
"I know why we didn't die today.
We needed to be at Kate's baptism."

Yes we did.


  1. very uplifting post!!!! Thank you for sharing it...and Im so thankful that you and Ari are ok..and that you got to be a part of a very big step in Kates life! (HUGZ)

  2. This one made my day. I needed a good, happy cry, and I got it!

    What a joyous story, Momza...and well told. In fact, I'm going to go back and read the whole thing once more.



    PS. The only sad part is that her mother/parents weren't there. Such a shame. But I like what you said to Kate about her being the pioneer in her family. She has a chance to make a difference now in the lives of her family members. Just like you and your family members have made a difference in hers. All the difference there is.

    I LOVE this post!

  3. SO beautiful. Thank you for this post.

  4. Now that is an awesome baptism story. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing. There are no words. I'm giving thanks for tender mercies.

  6. What a wonderful post! I am so glad Kate was able to get baptized, but sorry for the lack of support by her family. That sure makes it hard. I am also very glad you and your daughter were safe. What an eventful time you have had.

  7. Way to make a girl cry. What lovely experiences. Thanks for sharing them.

  8. Beautiful. And so very glad you are ok.

  9. Wonderful post and so glad you all are O.K.

    My parents gave me permission to be baptized but did not attend my baptism ( they respected the church and supported my decision ) so my story is a little happier than Kate's but I sure missed having them there to share the experience with! I also love the part where you told her she was a pioneer in her own family...awesome !

  10. I am crying and enjoying every tear drop. How I love the free agency we enjoy that makes each decision precious to us. Thank you for being there for all of those that have been looking and needing support, You are a blessing in so many lives, mine included.


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