Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Grateful Heart has no Room for Want

The economy is in the dumps right now.
That's not news anymore,
is it?

Maybe you've heard
people say,
"When the Recession is Over...
blah blah blah
things are going to be
back to normal."

Maybe you're one of those
hopeful folks
that are looking up
instead of down?

Well, here's the thing:
I've been putting off
waiting for the right
to do what
I want to do.
In the moment.

Until this past Sunday.
Then Courage
found a way to my
and I said deep within,
No more waiting.
Stop holding your breath
waiting for the
Winning Lotto Numbers
to come to you
in a dream.
Or some magic Genie
to wave a wand
and give you 3 wishes,
step up and do what is good for you, Self."

And then
the thought came to me
"What if This is as Good as it Gets?"

This line of thinking
has helped me
be more positive
and more grateful.
The way things are going,
these days
could end up being
the good ol days.

Stress clouds creative thinking
boggles down
the soul
with tethers to dark places
where everything seems to
move in slow motion.

Hopeful thinking releases
those good endorphins
that stir creativity
and gladden the heart
with shiny-ness.

I have my own little
"A grateful heart leaves no room for want."
A grateful heart
is full and generous,
in the moment.

And the truth is,
if I have what I need
then what am I whining about?

Show me a woman who has
and I'll show you a woman
who is still wanting.

And my life IS full
of good stuff...

* my family rocks*

My kids are making
good choices
even when they're at their
most rottenest selves,
they're still really good kids
and while our joke is
"Loathe is Spoken Here"
we all truly love each other.

My husband still whispers
sweet nothings
in my ear--
and cracks jokes that makes me
blow juice thru my nose!--
and I love him for it!

So this is my Life--
who am I to not

What are you grateful for right.this.second???
P.S. if you do happen to know the winning lotto numbers, lemme know, k?


  1. Right this second I am grateful for you and your writing capabilities. It opens my mind to the possibilities and they are limitless. We never have to feel trapped or alone because we have each other and a Father in Heaven who gives us what we need. I am so grateful for that knowledge.

  2. I am thinking about how the Lord gives so many gifts to so many different people to bless the lives of others. You see, I will never be a clever and entertaining writer like you but I can be touched by what you are able to put into words, what I can only somewhat unscramble in my brain on any given day. You pull together my thoughts in a cohesive way that I am unable to do. So, my friend, I am grateful for gifts and the people that share them.

  3. I am grateful for the inspired bloggers I read every day and how their sharing ways enrich us all no matter where we live. Glad I found you Momza !

  4. I am grateful for the family that I have who wrote poems about me to gladden and brighten my day. They wrote poems about me being sick and with feeling yucky because I am going to have a baby. I am glad about that too. I am grateful for my faith, my husband, my ability to be a great babysitter. I am good at babysitting for my friends. What a good thing to be good at.
    Thanks for reminding all who read your word to be happy. I am.


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