Monday, January 11, 2010

Woe is me, it's Monday

Today is the kinda Monday that gives Mondays a bad name.

The youngest yahoos woke in terrible, awful, no-good, very bad moods.

What was said by the child.  What I said in return.  What I was thinking.

"My stomach hurts. (Here's a drink of water.) Oh crap, this is gonna be a long morning.

My head hurts. (Let's get some food in you.) Another excuse or is she really sick? We still haven't had H1N1 around here. But, it's Monday. Don't let her see you're concerned, to give her more ammo in case she's just faking it.

I can't find my shoes. (Did you look in the shoes basket?) I am not looking for her shoes again, she can wear her Sunday shoes if necessary.

I don't like these pants, they're gray! (You picked those pants!) An emotional dresser! Put on the pants!

I'm not hungry.(Food is fuel, you need it to learn.) How does he survive?  Every meal, he doesn't want to eat! I'm gaining weight by the minute and he could be carried off by a stiff wind!

I don't want eggs. We always have eggs. Why do we always have eggs? (Well what else would you like?) How many mothers do I know cook breakfast? He has no idea how lucky he is!

How come you don't buy anything good? ( I don't buy junk food cuz it's junk.) And if I buy junk food, it's inhaled by everyone!

My teacher is mean. He gives us a million papers to do! There's a stupid test coming up
and we have to study for it. I hate tests. " (Would you like me to write Mr. Newell a letter and tell him this stresses you out, and see what he says?) My trump card.  Mwahahaha!

I hate school. I'm no good at Math. I have no friends.  (Yea! It's Monday, and you'll get to see all of your friends, and your teachers and it's a beautiful morning! Have a good day, my loves!)  It's 8:30, they've got 9 minutes before the bus comes. And I've got 8 hours of bliss. I love school.


  1. And there it is. The life of a mother with children at home.

    Thanks for the memories. heehee


  2. The first cartoon really made me laugh. Too funny! And the rest of your post just kept the laughs coming! Sorry about your morning but thanks seeing the humor in it so I can have a better day. (A laugh in the morning always makes for a better day:-) Hope your day gets better!

  3. Ahhh ... school. Just 4 more years til they all go to school. GAH! 4 years ... gonna go back to bed now.

  4. This post brings back many memories and I'm glad that's all over now !

    It's a lot of work and struggle to get kids out of bed and school ready every day...even harder if you throw Seminary in the mix, which our kids had to attend early morning everywhere we lived.

    I rarely cooked eggs for the kids but in winter, hot chocolate and oatmeal/ cream of wheat. Most of the time, they ate cereal and fruit or if we had breakfast for dinner, I would make extra and microwave it the next morning.

  5. My mom always made breakfast for us too. I didn't really appreciate it until she stopped and I had to eat cereal everyday. haha They'll be grateful some day. :)

  6. P.S. I just read those quotes you have on here matter how many times I read them, I die laughing. I love you guys!

  7. The last photo struck me the most. I think I need a day like that woman on the couch (minus the dogs-sorry)

  8. Just popped over from MMB. Thanks for your beautiful post. I noticed we've got a lot in common! 7 kids, two married, just starting the fun of being a grandma. I plan to come back often.

  9. You certainly can paint a picture with words, May I just say, I am glad to be past that particular time in my life, but I love that I have it as a memory.


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