Thursday, October 8, 2009

Prayers of Parents Are Answered

As a Mother of many, I have spent hours on my knees
praying for my children--
when they were young,
my heart was mostly focused on
their health.
Every fever,
every stuffy nose,
scraped knee and elbow
brought me to my God
on behalf of my children.

My prayers became more extensive
when they started school:
That their minds would be keen
and their voices kind,
that their hearts would be strong
and not weak to the things
of this world.

Seasons change
and as young adulthood lay at their feet
and mine
it was time to re-examine what it was
I really really taught them
by word and deed...
was it enough?
The loops in my example
began to show
the lapses in my teachings
I was not a perfect parent
a perfect teacher
a perfect example.
As much as I tried,
my own fallibilities
were laid out.
The words of my prayers
repeated the same--
pleadings for their safety
and that their hearts would not
fail them
and that our Heavenly Father
would not let them
wander off too far from the path,
when I saw my children making choices
that put fear into my heart for them.

At that point
right there,
I had to exercise
my own faith.

I could not follow them around
all the days of their lives
pointing out the dangers
of worldly options.
No, I had to trust that
despite my best efforts,
tho I was not
am not
a perfect Parent,
we do have One who loves
me and my children unconditionally.
I could trust in that
Perfect Love.

So what inspired this post, you may wonder?
Well last week I witnessed a parent's prayer
being answered
and I didn't even know it.

We were at lunch with Nannette
who prompted Nana to get to know
a young man
in our ward.
I will call him "Little Man".
She egged her on to
"just text him, he's a nice guy."
Nana got the number from Kadi
and then randomly texted
this young man
who had no idea
God was about to answer some prayers.

Over the course of the weekend
Nana got to know Little Man
and invited him over to watch
General Conference with us,
make cookies,
have dinner, and just hang out.
She wasn't doing him
a favor.
He's a handsome
kind and thoughtful
young man,
so that was easy.

By Sunday night,
his life took a different path.
He read his scriptures with Nana.
He said his mind was "enlightened about Gospel things."
He made amends with family members.
Tender phone conversations took place,
tears were shed,
apologies offered and accepted.
A course correction seems evident.
And he credited Nana for the new focus.
She, of course, points to the Savior
and says it wasn't her.
Cuz it wasn't.

By Monday, we are hearing that
his parents are anxious to meet
this "new girl" in their son's life.
They want to see who God used
to answer their prayers.
They will be surprised to see
it's just my Nana.

My Nana, for whom I have spent
time on my own knees
praying for her safety and happiness.
My Nana, who wondered over and over
why she didn't head off to Oregon
for that Nanny job
or leave for college
this last Fall
when everyone else left.
Who was left behind
for reasons unbeknownst to her--
but now we are seeing that it was
part of the plan for her life
to stay.
and now, Little Man.

Does our Heavenly Father hear the prayers
of parents and siblings
when one of their own wanders away?
Yes He does.
We can trust in His Love
and Timing.
Neil A. Maxwell said,
"Faith in God includes
Faith in His timing."
Have you had prayers answered regarding your children?

"God does hear our prayers,
but it is usually through
another person that
He answers them."

-Spencer W. Kimball


  1. What a wonderful blessing-in his life, in hers, in yours, and his parents' lives! Spencer W. Kimball is SO right- God answers prayers through other people. Thanks for sharing a wonderful story.

  2. beautiful post, and wonderful experience. We are a truly blessed people.

  3. What a timely post. I have often done as you have when praying for my children through the years. When they become adults and make choices contrary to what they have been taught it indeed takes alot of faith and trust in the Lord on my part to watch what happens. I am also convinced that the pleadings of a mother in behalf of her children are the ones heard with such compassion from Heavenly Father. And about that timing thing, I need to learn to have patience there.
    Thanks for the wonderful post. And what a blessed mom you are to have such a wonderful daughter.

  4. More prayers than I can even begin to list have been answered, and some were pretty long in the answering, I might add. But I have always been very much aware that a loving Father in Heaven watches over them even more carefully (and a heck of a lot more skillfully) than I do.

    Loved this post. Thanks.


  5. Awesome! You and your family are so inspiring!

  6. Way to make a mama cry! I hope that I can be as good of mom to my teens as you are to yours!


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