Saturday, November 28, 2009

Walmart is Now Selling Coffins!

No kidding.

I'm placing my order in today.
Just need to find the website...hold on a sec.
Yellow Smiley Face
there ya go.

Now what I want in a coffin may be
but in these times we live in
is anything outta the question?

I want WiFi
and a laptop.
I know, right?

Possibilities are limitless
I tell you


  1. I think that is ridiculous. I cannot believe Wal-Mart is now selling coffins.

    What will they stop at?

    Next thing you know they will also have home cremating ovens at a LOW LOW LOW price.

    *shakes his head*

    Absolutely sickening; with Wal-Mart nothing is safe.

  2. WiFi and a lap top!! I love it!! Be sure you keep my email address on your computer. When you get to the other side I want to be one of the first to hear from you!! (Or if I go first I will take the same and write you! :-)


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