Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Winn Reeding tha Scripshurs duz pronunciashun cownt?

We're into Day 3
of reading the Scriptures
right after dinner.

It's going well.
We're in the middle of
1 Nephi Chapter 4.
Which is progress because
we're all taking turns
reading 2 scriptures
at a time.
We started out
by reading 4 at a time
but that proved too
for me...
lotsa big words, ya know?

With new readers
taking turns
things get funny
real quick:
Arianna, reading1 Nephi 3:15--
"As the Lord...livth?
lyv-eth? liv-eth-th? lvth?
th-iv-eth? liv-eth?"
1 Nephi 4:2--
"and they divided
hit-her and thit-her,
and our fathers came through,
out of cap-cav-ity, on dry ground,
and the armies of...

The inside of my cheek
is nearly raw--
to keep from laughing.
Which is more than I can
say for Daisie
who busts up every time
tho Mr W and I give her
a hairy-eyeball look

I love listening to my
babies read the scriptures
and if it takes forever
to get thru,
I'm okay with that.

I can still feel the Spirit
when we open the
Book Of Mormon
in our home,
around our table
and read the Prophets words.


  1. You're right. And someday, the language of the scriptures will be second nature to them, at least partly thanks to these few minutes spent over dinner each night.

    Good job!


  2. That's one habit I need to get going with my kids, even though only one of them can read right now. Good for you for finding the time to read the scriptures with your kids!

  3. Oh dear!! You sound just like us. We've been reading scripture mostly everday after dinner, and everyone takes turn reading two verses at a time, except the youngest that don't read, and he just repeats what is said and only gets one verse!! And it's working well for us, but I can totally relate to the pronunciation. It's enough to CRACK me up everytime we sit down.

  4. My husband still skips over the names. I can still remember my now 30-yr old son, then about 7 or 8 reading the word "among" and saying "amonging." We also had an interesting chat when our now 32-yr old daughter, then about 7, demanded to know in the middle of scripture study...."what is adultery?" Good times.


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