Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Keeping it Real

So I just got a notice saying an article of mine has been published on DivineCaroline....
It seems that
I am all that and a bag of chips.
Who knew? 
Go check me out.

Sleeping in the Dirt


  1. Ah, c'mon!! We have always known you were "all that and a bag of chips!" I am off to read it!! Congratulations!

  2. Love it! congrats! How stinkin' cool is that to get published on DivineCaorline? YOU GO GIRL!!! you are that and a bag of chips.... and a whole lot more! congrats!!!! (i read it by the way... and totally LOVE IT)

  3. Sounds like a great time! And reads like a great article!!


    PS. My husband doesn't think he needs a tent, either. What's wrong with these guys?

  4. Thanks so much Sue...that is a real compliment coming from you, an accomplished writer!


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