Saturday, January 9, 2010

What's Your Sign?

I like the philosophy of astrology--
but not in a
"gotta-read-it-every-day-before-I step-outside" kinda way...
just the general description of the varied Zodiac personalities.

I'm a Scorpio..."fiercely loyal, extremely passionate, brutally honest."--
that's what I read about myself when I was a teenager.
The longer I live
the more I think it's a true description of me.

Wednesday night,
Nana and I were walking thru Barnes and Noble
verrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy sloooooooooowwwwwwwwwwllllllllyyy
and we came across a book called
"The Day You Were Born".
I picked it up, found my birthday
and read outloud to Nana what it said
about moi.
It was 99.9% spot on.
She immediately said,
"That is so you! It's freaky! Read Mine!"

So we turned to her birthday page
and read it aloud too...
another AH-HA moment!

Being the inquisitive jugheads we are,
we bought the book...
we wanted to further investigate every person
we now know and have known
so we could have more AH-HA moments!

The more we read,
we felt like Secret Agents
 Treasure Hunters...
kinda like spying on our subjects
and figuring them out
just by reading the formulas in the book.

We had a housefull today
and there sat my girls in the middle of the family room floor
pouring over the book,
with their girlfriends
as they tried to recall boys' they've known

If only it were that easy.

What do YOU think?  Something or Nothing to it?


  1. It makes no sense to me that there could be anything to it, but I must admit that when I read Gemini, it does fit.


  2. Sometimes it is spooky that something like this could be so spot on. I think it is fun but I wouldn't stake my future on what it has to say.
    Hmmmm, I am also a scorpio...loyal, passionate, honest, yep that could describe me.

  3. I am The Archer...a fire sign...fits me like a glove. As for astrology, interesting, close enough to astound but not enough to convince me ! I have always felt a kind of uncomfortable with it. I would rather read my Patriarchal Blessing !

    We have a friend who does personal charts and readings and she makes money doing it and is really into it her but all that stuff I try to steer clear of.

  4. i'd be interested in what it had to say for me- I'm a Virgo but I've never really felt like I fit the "perfectionist" ideals of a Virgo.

    I've got a little something for you on my blog on Monday!

  5. I love that book! When I spotted it on a friend's coffee table I was immediately drawn in. And it was pretty spot on for me too, and the many birthdates I looked up. Amazing we can be so similar and yet be so completely individual at the same time!

  6. Hmm . . . I'm a Libra - but don't seem to fit into the mold very well. Although you could make a case for "Their characters are balanced, diplomatic and even-tempered".

    I'm SURE I have ALL those qualities ;)
    My bday is Sept 28, 59 - Let's me know if it's a good one!


  7. I think it's fun-but I don't live my life by it either. And I'm a Scorpio too!

  8. I always think, well the moon moves the ocean, and people are more than 80 percent water. I know someone who works in an emergency department who can produce statistics that clearly demonstrate lunar cycles impact admissions. I know some ancient cultures had an amazing grasp of astronomy... but I just can't quite grasp the notion of astrology. Perhaps this is because I am born and bred in the southern hemisphere, where we don't even have many of the constellations traditionally referred to in astrology. Guess I'm a curious skeptic.


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