Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sushi Night!!

Doesn't that just look so darn good?

We are a sushi-lovin' family!

I even gave a try at homemade egg drop soup.

Sushi is better when you invite friends to share it.

One perfect little California roll...yum.

Teaching our guest to roll his own...sushi, that is.

Pretty good, right??

Slicing it to perfect bite size peices!

The missionaries heard about it, and came over later!
That's Elder Garrison from North Carolina and
Elder Mackley from western NY.

That's our sacred sushi book. It is the holy grail for our sushi appetites. If you want the recipe, ask. I'll be glad to send it to you!


  1. YOU MADE THAT???? ALL BY YOURSELF??? Wow. That's awesome. I'm impressed. My 21yo son would die happy if I made him sushi but DH won't eat it. It looks yummy!

  2. Making your own? I love it! I've never tried... but might someday. At this time, I'm the only one in my family who eats sushi. Which makes for a good "Girl's Night Out!"

  3. Ya know what? I have never tried sushi, there I said it. I have never been even tempted to try it but after seeing how ga ga your family is about it I am tempted. Ok, it is going on my short list of things to do before I die. (I may live to be 100 so I've got time, who knows.)

  4. Wow. I'm impressed that you actually make your own sushi! Looks good, too.


  5. I love sushi. But I'm the only one so it's a sad sushi party.

  6. Wowzer, you are such a sushi-chef genius. I am in a utter amazement. It is official, you are my new blogging type food network guru.

  7. Momza,

    I do not like seafood at all ( smell, taste, looks ) cooked or raw. Nice to look at how beaufully put together yours is though !

    Here's the deal: Your family can eat all the sushi I will never eat or as my parents used to say as I turned my nose up at anything from the ocean " All the more for US !" LOL

  8. Eewww! Icky! But I am glad you guys had fun eating it.

  9. @Everyone: I did not make it, my Diana did. And we use no raw fish--cooked crab and shrimp. ALtho we do have raw fish lovers in the family, they are in the minority.

  10. wow! what a brave, brave guests Braydon and the Missionaries are!!! i don't do sushi, but I am glad that ya'll enjoyed it! I give you all a pat on the back, you even made your own! Now thats something that is pat-back worthy! ...... and as I am writing this I just saw your comment that you don't use raw fish. Now that sounds WAY better. (though I still give you props because I really don't do fish at all!) Looks fun!

  11. Looks like fun! But I would need to roll it with the rice on the outside. I can't eat it the other way. Weird, I know.


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