Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend ReCap

Hold On Folks..let's see what I can suck outta my brain...
Okay so last week, our good friend St. Terry Alaskus arrived. 
He taught Nana how to drive!! 
Because of that, his name is going in my WILL.
God bless you, St. Terry!
He says he did see God a few times
while he was in the passenger seat.
Which, I think totally prepared him for this:

He decided to receive the Missionary Discussions.
So he did.
And they invited him to be baptized
at the end of the week,
which was yesterday--
if he felt that was the right time for him.

He thought about it.
Prayed about it.
And decided to visit
with his Catholic mom
back home in Alaska.
He loves his mom.
Now you know why I love him so much, right?

We also visited with Eric Shuster,
the Author of Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest.
He's in our ward.
Terry said he coulda sat there for a long time
even after we were there for an hour.
It was an awesome visit.
Mr W and I have invited the Shusters to speak
at a Single Adult Conference in April.
I'm excited for that!

So Terry is headed back to Alaska
Right now.
And he's gonna be okay.
Thru this blog, a gal contacted me--
turns out she's in his ward in AK.
Is God's hand in this?
Unhunh. Yes it is.
We'll see Terry in a month or so
for his baptism.

What else?
*Elder Wasden making frenchtoast!
Well we had a housefull of missionaries
all last week...
the discussions
Saturday morning breakfast!
IN addition,
there were endless lines of kids
running in and out of the house
which nearly cost me my last nerve
the kids had a super fun time!
It was a gorgeous-weather week
and we enjoyed it to the fullest.

There a new GAME,

Even the youngest kids can play it.

We laughed so hard...I nearly wet my pants, it was great!

Another awesome thing was this:
Our Oprah/Dakota
has been whining so much,
whether outside
or in her crate
that I was considering
giving her away
what to do--
and I ordered a bark collar online--
best $7.20 cents I have spent in a decade!
It works perfectly.
No more tea-kettle!!

Also, I have to post this:
That's right, the Caboose's sign on her bedroom door:
Ari (her nickname), and she wrote in:  "Mom can't come in my room ever".  Nice.
She'd been timed out for snapping at me.
She doesn't understand--
she's Number Seven.
I've done this a few times.
I need to make my own sign.
"Mom's Room.  She is Never Coming Out.  Order Pizza for Dinner."


  1. You guys are such great missionaries. I LOVE this story!


    PS. Yeah. Make the sign.

  2. Hee, hee! My kid frequently uses the phrase "I never want to be part of this family ever again!" Only he's my first, not my seventh. Lucky me. :)

  3. I love the sign... and I absolutely think you should make yours. While your at it, can you make me one too?

    All those missionaries in your house reminded me of my own house growing up... my father was ward mission leader for a very long time and it seemed there were always elders in and out of the house. We don't have elders here in our little branch... kind of miss the energy they bring.

  4. Uh Oh, looks like I need to go game shopping. Don't you just love having the missionaries around, such a sweet presence they bring, (albeit a little rowdy at times).
    You have a good week.

  5. My 5 year old is the kind of "Well then I'm never going to {fill in the blank} ever again." Fun stage. Good luck with your friend!

  6. I love your blog. :) What an awesome missionary experience! Sounds like you had a crazy-busy weekend. Oh, and your daughter, lol reminds me of the time my five year old told me to go to outer darkness.

  7. Love the picture for the post and also the sign for your door. I definitely want one of those. Awesome stuff happening at your house as usual! Please adopt me (and my kids, and all our pets...)


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