Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleep Baby Sleep!

It's overcast this morning,
and chilly--
so much so
we had to close some windows.
Thank Goodness!

So here's the latest around Momza's House:

The Ninja baby is sleeping all night--
Dani and I talked about it,
and she was ready 
to lose a little sleep 
for a few nights
by letting him cry it out.

The first night,
he cried for forty minutes;
the second night,
half of that,
and by the third night
he slept all night
and there was joy and rejoicing
in Momza's House!

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  1. Congrats to Dani! Big step-sleeping! My daughter is now facing the "cry it out" big time after trying to keep her baby quiet all night in hotel rooms for three weeks....P.S. Hubby is in your area for the next two days! I'm envious...he told me the high today would be 83.......{sigh}

  2. Yea for Dani and baby. Not easy to hear your baby cry for you.

  3. I wish all moms were as wise. Too many don't believe in doing this and end up never having a good night's sleep for years.

    Letting them cry it out and learn what bedtime means is a gift to them and to the parents. We all used to do it, and we all slept just fine. Too bad the child care gurus have made parents feel guilty for allowing their little ones to learn how to self-soothe and adjust to normal family rhythms rather than setting the rhythms themselves.

    Okay, I will get off my soap box now. As you can see, you struck a nerve...


    PS. Hurray for Dani!

  4. Yup, it surely takes some crying before you get a baby to sleep all night. :)

  5. Don't forget, if they learn this before they can get themselves out of the crib, you usually don't have the problem of having the kids set the bedtimes for the rest of your life!! I made that mistake once, (or was it six times?)

  6. I remember when #5 was 8 months old. She had slept through the night for months, but then, after an ear infection, started waking up at least once a night. I'd get her, rock her and hope she wasn't still sick. Took her to our wise pediatrician (who was my pediatrician when I was a baby) to make sure her infection had cleared up. After checking her from head to toe, declaring her well, he turned to me and said, "Here's a baby who's smarter than her mother!" Ouch! She cried herself back to sleep the next night and slept through from then on. Glad to know Ninja baby's sleeping through the night!

  7. Nothing more peaceful, for everyone, than a sleeping baby. congrats!

  8. @SMS: A-freaking-Men!
    @Connie: Sometimes it takes an outsider to correct our course when we're sleep-deprived. Dani is feeling so much better with more sleep.
    @Patty: No kidding! If they learn to sleep now, it makes life so much better later on.
    @Kazzy: Sometimes it's both the mommy and the baby crying! before it gets better.
    @Sue: Well, since Dani and the Ninja baby are here for the summer, it had to be done. I couldn't handle disrupted sleep all night and function well in the morning. It's much better now. Habits are borne of necessity, yes?
    @Lisa: So true. Had to wait until Dani could handle the crying, ya know?
    @Marilyn: Hope your daughter is able to re-train her baby to sleep easily; and your hubby enjoyed the break from the heat!


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