Monday, July 19, 2010

Too Hot to Blog?

I have things to blog about:

*the Ninja child...who can "army crawl" with the best of 'em and is sleeping all night now!
* the 15 yo's adventure's in AZ and Camp Joseph
* Recipes I've been trying and cooking tips I've tried and liked.
*Zumba class shenanigans

But really,
all I want to do is take a nap.
The heat of July is so deep,
that it may keep my bones warm
in December.
And all this heat,
just makes me wanna 
sit still and zone-out.


  1. and Amen to that... seriously - I think we're hitting 112 just about now. the heat from my laptop is already too much even with the AC...

    and besides, it gave me a chance to catch up on your beautiful temple pix and to feel a little bit bad that in nearly 17 years of marriage that my dinner total is nowhere NEAR 10,000 - and we NEVER ever eat unique things... at least not all of us... hmmm... there's a blog post in there somewhere just dying to get out!

  2. Ditto. I didn't get my post up till after noon today. Pretty unheard of...


  3. Momza, you got to be thinking about December and how you are going to miss this heat. Really.

    Now quit bein' all lazy and stuff and get posting about the Ninja!

    We hit our heat streak at 94 on Saturday. I was in HEAVEN!

  4. We are down to a breezy 104 today after 112 temps. Yes, it's too hot to even blog.

  5. @T: 112o---ugh. ugh. ugh. I was counting all the years since I got married at 21.
    @Sue: We've had some cooler weather the last few days and it's been a welcomed relief!
    @Tauna: I'm working on it! 94o is too dang hot...unless you're in a pool or a beach.
    @SMS: {shudder}


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