Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Whatevs

Another Summer Weekend has flown by!
Can you believe it?
I had a completely awful train of thought
about getting ready for school
"The Day That Shall Not Be Named"
in 5 weeks!
It was awful I tell ya.
So not ready yet.

It's because retailers are puttin' out
notebooks and pencils.
Killjoys, nuthin' but rotten Killjoys
all of 'em.

When I wasn't thinking about
ya know,
I was having fun with la familia.

Friday night,
the yahoos and I made
homemade guacamole
fresh tortillas
for a really tasty Messican dinner.
Am I the only person on the planet
that knows about
keeping the
avocado seeds
in the mixture to keep it fresh?

I don't know if it's actually true,
guacamole disappears in our house
before it can go bad--
but if you've heard of this,
and know it to be true,
shout it out, K?

As for the fresh tortillas--
I don't make the dough,
but buy them already formed
from Costco
and cook them on the griddle--
once you've had them fresh and warm
you will never want to buy them
cooked again.

Saturday Morning:
We did not have the missionaries over for breakfast.
That was weird...
we have fed missionaries breakfast
for a decade.
But the elders didn't call and didn't come.
So we had a fun family breakfast,
cleaned the kitchen up,
got into our clown car
and went to the Y
Zumba Class!

One of Nana's friends, Taylow,
came with us
for her very first Zumba experience.
We told her how much fun it was
and all that
really pumping her up
to have a fantastic workout.

To our shock and awe,
the Zumba-Instructor-On-Crack,
was there.
Dani and I
quickly warned
Nana and Taylow about her
with all the energy of our souls--
"That's HER! She's nutz!"

Only 15 minutes into the routine,
we were all laughing our bums off
at the ridiculousness of it all--
Elody knows her Zumba moves--
yessirree she does!!--
it's like she is Angel*na J*olie in that
new double agent thriller,
Elody doesn't want anyone else
to know what's coming up!
It's like her routine is a secret
and we're just supposed to read her mind
what she is going to do next.

I tell ya!
I had to take a water break,
and as I stood in the back of the room,
I saw more than two women
just standing there
just. standing. there.
shaking their noggins in
and may I add,
not to the schizophrenic beat at all.

As for me and my girls,
well, if we'd been at school,
let's just say that
we'd have been kicked out
for goofing off in class--
we were laughing so stinkin' hard
at the situation
at each other's attempts to keep up.
I'm giggling now as I write this--
an image of Nana comes to mind
where she is half-jumping
trying to touch her toes with one hand
while the other hand is flailing above her head
like a wet noodle
Dani, unsure of what to do
just started doing the can-can!

I promised myself to bring a camera next Saturday.
The good news?
Our regular awesome instructor, Wendy
was in the class too--
so we tried our best to keep up with her.
I grabbed her after class and asked,
"Is Elody a different level of Zumba instructor than you?
Because, well, as you could see,
we were all over the freakin' map here today!"
Wendy smiled,
"No, she's not a different level--she's not too good at giving
directions though. But if you keep coming to her class, you'll catch on."
Wendy was loyal to her co-worker,
and I can appreciate that--
told you Wendy is awesome.
I did see several women corner Elody outright
and ask about her routine...
I only overheard her answer,
"Just keep coming...blah blah blah...
and you may be able to read my mind someday."
Or something like that.

it was awhole lotta fun
in a different way--
the workout kicked our bums
but the laughing made it so fun!
Can't wait for tomorrow's class--
Wendy's night!!

so after the YMCA
we came home and ate leftovers
from our Messican dinner...
the rest of the guac was inhaled
I do believe at that time.
Oh, I didn't mention that we used
six avocados for one batch
did I?
Yeah, we make enough to feed our family
and whomever drops in.

The youngest yahoos had to be threatened to sit down
and eat before they grabbed their fishing nets
and headed to the little pond
with their awaiting posse on the front steps...
a clan of little yahoos in the neighborhood
all lovin' the excitement of fishing!

So the yahoos scarfed down their lunch
and flew out the front door
and down the path to their summer haven.

An hour later,
they all appeared at the front door
with a bucket of stinky pond water
and a five-inch-long sunfish in it.
"Can we keep it?"
"Uh, no. Where would we put it?"
"In this bucket!"
"It smells awful guys. N' look at it--the bucket's too small."
"Awww...c'mon Dad!"
"No, we're not keeping it."

That's when I noticed the yahoos
looking at each other,
fretting about carrying the heavy metal silver bucket
all the way down to the pond again--
their excitement in the catch
had made the trek home easy,
but hauling it all the way back
was pure dread.
I chimed in,
"Let me grab my shoes,
and we'll take the baby for a walk
down to the pond with you guys, k?"

Of course there was much relief
rejoicing at my offer,
and I was proclaimed to be,
"The Best Mother In The World!"
by all concerned parties.

I rock.

So we took the Ninja baby,
who giggled and cooed the whole way,
down to the Preserve where the pond is--
only we didn't go all the way to the shore--
there's two paths,
one is above it all,
and the one directly to it.
Once, because of trees,
we couldn't see the Boofus and one of his posse,
and just as I said that,
we hear:
"REDDDDDDD ROBINNNNNNNN" coming from down below--
to which the Caboose responded with missing a beat:

Do you remember calling
yeah, my yahoos are all commercialed-out.
Every so often we'd hear,
and not to be left out,
Mr W and I joined with the Caboose--

On the trail, I realized we
brought the hound
if I'd thought of it.
So after an hour
we headed back home
dropped off the Ninja Baby
leashed the hound
headed back to the Pond.
Our dog lubs the Preserve--
she can be taken off leash
once we assess that there are no other
dogs on the trail
and she lubs it as only a lab can.
We put about 400 miles on her in
thirty minutes
before coming home.
Saturdays rock, don't they?

Three hours of it.
Sounds like a long time,
to members of other faiths,
but we Mormons are the definition
while one hour is good enough for my Baptist heritage,
Mormons just can't get it all done in one hour!
We have things to do,
people to see--
if I don't write another post this week,
you can assume I've been translated
just kidding.

If that were true,
I'd be gone already,
on account of it being
Monday morning
at 2:04--
I went to bed at 10pm,
but between Mr W's snorfest
and a coldfront that woke me up shivering
so I had to get up and close the windows
in the whole house,
I couldn't go back to sleep.
So apparently,
three hours of church
was not enough
to translate me.
Not even after thirty-plus years.

I'm ready for Monday...
supposed to be a scorcher.
Bring it.

What about your weekend?
Spill it!


  1. If I had known about the homemade Mexican food including guac and those tortillas -that yes, once you have you can never, ever go back -I would have been at your house on Friday night! ;) Also, yes, I've been told the seeds/pit/"buddies?" help keep the avocado fresh.

    I think after this baby is born, I should try a Zumba class with you.

  2. Love Zumba- I miss going. Wish I was your neighbor because I would go with you!

    Love long walks and fun times.

    Love guacamole.

    And me and my United Methodist posse can hang with your Mormon 3 hours anytime. A lot of the congregation comes just for church- 90 minutes, usually. But the core of the congregation comes to first service to serve (children's ministry, music team, ushers, etc) and stays for second to worship (or the other way around). Our congregation is big on ministry- quite a blessing!

  3. Whew. Now THAT'S a post! AND a weekend.

    You've got more going on than ten of the most busy people I know!

    (And I love reading about it.)

    Sounds like your family is making some great memories this summer.


  4. TDTSNBN is scaring the holy b'whoozitz outta me right now. I gotta go live it up this week!

  5. We have about 6 more weeks until the S word. Yuck. And yes I keep the avacado pits in the guacomole. Every great mexican food chef knows that!

  6. this post made me laugh, I loved it. You always write with such a lovely smile in your words. I'm afraid you have more patience with Elody than I would - I'd be saying, "oh sure I'll hang around and wait until I develop the ability to read her mind, but I won't be paying until then." I'm an old grump! ;-)

    It sounds like your kids (and dog) are having a dream summer.

  7. Lots going on in your house this summer! LOVE LOVE LOVE fresh guacamole and I did not know that about the seed/pit whatever!!

    I love a busy summer with the kids - Nothing like it!

  8. I'd be perfect for Elody's class, since I mostly stand there wondering what the heck everyone's doing anyway. Oh, and I get winded and my heart up to training levels just lacing on my shoes, so I've pretty much finished my workout before I ever get into the studio.

    And I always use those tortillas! Actually, the brand I get at the grocery store (Tortilla Land) are better; they aren't quite as sticky.

    You really are a rockin' mama. And I would give my ... um ... OK, I can't think of anything really dramatic that I'd actually give up, but I would LOVE to live where you live.

  9. Wow, you been busssssy! And yes, the seeds keep the avocado from turning brown (well, that and lemon juice). We use them all the time. If, by a slim chance, you don't use a whole avocado, you can leave the seed in the other half, put it in a ziplock and have fresh avocado whenever you want.

  10. Those tortillas look awesome! Every once in a while I make homemade ones and they are SO GOOD! Nothing like it! You manage to fit a lot into a weekend! Whew! I just mostly work weekends so mine arent' all that exciting. I was listening to a Glenn Beck cd about his conversion to LDS and at his first visit to the church when they sang the hymn and he went to close the book after the first verse, but the congregation sang all 4 (or whatever verses) he said something to the effect that now he knew why our church took 3 hours!

  11. I would so go to ZUMBA with you!

    And then we could come home and eat some guac!!!

  12. Funny, my kids just saw a "Back to School" ad that came in the mail yesterday. We are in year around school here and just got out for summer vacation. So they are asking me, "What does that mean? Isn't that funny?"

    Yes. :)

    PS: I love those bake-your-own tortillas. We just discovered them earlier this year, heaven on a plate if you ask me!

    PPS: Hope your summer is a good one, by the looks of it, it most def is! :) Trails, ninja babies, and guac. Mmmmm.

  13. @Terresa: year round school--is that where they get 6 weeks off and then back to school? We're keeping busy around here, that's for sure!
    @Kazzy: I'd love to have friends come with too!!
    @Moody: I saw that dvd a while back too--it was really good! I want to send it to every single person I know! And it's not that I'm a Glenn Beck fan--I've never watched his political show even once--but I really appreciated his honesty about his conversion.
    @PattyAnn: Thanks so much for reminding me to put it in a ziploc!
    @DeNae: We love it 99% of the year. LOL As for Zumba--it really is doable for any age. And the fun is so worth it!
    @Cherie: Summers are the reward for our long winters!
    @sarah: If Elody were my only teacher, I'd probably complain in writing to her bosses, but she's only there on Saturdays. I think it's hilarious. We are having a good time making these memories, that's for sure.
    @SeeMomSmile: I have one more credit to my name now, "Great Messican Food Chef"--thanks!
    @T: We bought school shoes yesterday, no kidding!
    @Sue: I may need a California vacation after all of this...
    @Liz: I would love to have you come with me! It'd be so fun! lol @ the Methodist/Mormon is good for the soul, no matter how long you're there, right?
    @heather: I'll save your place in the Zumba class.


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