Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer Love and Enterprise

Remember when I was rear-ended?
Last August?
Yeah,Floyd F&rmer’s Insurance finally ponied up
And like Bob Barker,
Come on down!

So I took my big hunky Suburban to the
Car Collision fix-it shop
about two weeks ago,
to get his tailend repaired from
where a sassy little Subaru tried to take a chunk outta.

I handed the keys over
and then went across the street to Enterprise
where they put me into a Kia Borrego.
took me 7 days to remember the name—
I kept calling it a Biaggi
like the Italian restaurant up the street.

It was a blind date—
me and this Borrego.
At first, I was unimpressed—
smaller than my behemoth road beast
I felt insignificant on the road,
it had Sirius Radio
dual airconditioner controls
I liked his sense of humor too,
kinda smart aleck--
when I barely touched the brakes,
I almost got whiplash.

I told the Enterprise guy that I’d keep
Mr Borrego for a couple of days
but then I wanted to trade up for a
van or bigger SUV…
No problem he said,
Call back in a couple of days.

By the time I got Mr Borrego home,
I knew there’d be no phone call
no trading in…
Mr B was growing on me--
I was falling for him
and fallin' fast.

We went shopping together
Took friends out to lunch
Ran the yahoos to the YMCA--
Mr B amazed me with his smoothe moves
and light touch.
His engine purr was for my ears only
and his adeptness for parking in small spaces
impressed me so much
I secretly wished this love affair could go on
forever! Or until the warranty ran out.

The family loved Mr B as much as I did
and begged me to make him part of our family.

If only.

It was all I could do to not weep
when the fix-it guy called this morning
and said,
“Hey! Your vehicle is ready to go—and it looks good!”
I screamed (ok not really outloud)
I’m not ready to let go of this lovely rental.

Rental makes it sound so cheap.

Our relationship was the real deal.
I thought about taking pictures of Mr B and I together
But realized I’d just be hurting myself.
No, it’s better this way…
No pictures to look back on the way we were.

I had to have Mr B back to the Matchmakers Enterprise by 3:30—
I watched the clock all morning…this was harder than I thought it would be.
I waited until the girls came home from school and work
So they could go with me for moral support—
And I wanted Nana to meet the nice LDS-looking boy that works there too.
Letting go was going to be hard and I didn’t want to look like a lovesick fool
when it was time to leave.
I needed a quick break-up. 
No lingering by the high beams for me.

Our journey ended in the parking lot
where I handed over the keys to Mr B
and sadly looked over him one more time.
I wanted to remember him
just the way he was—
strong, sleek and silver…
and 33 miles to the gallon.

The Fix-It guy drove up with my
former trashed behemoth and
Lo, and behold the old Sub was looking
New bumper and quarter panel,
New paint and cleaned inside and out.
He was speaking my language.

I got in and turned my big boy on.
He whispered sweet nothings
And we were back on like nothing
ever happened.

As I drove away,
I caught a glimpse of Mr Borrego
In the rearview mirror—
Not today my love
Not today.
We’ll always have Walmart.

p.s. Five days until Sept 1st...I think I can I think I can...


  1. Only you could write a blog about a rental car.... and make me laugh out loud....

  2. That was funny.
    I agree with Nan....leave it to you to write a near-trashy novel about a torrid love affair.

  3. That was a creative gem, Momza. Enjoyable.

  4. This is a classic! Thanks for my morning chuckle, Momza!

  5. You are hilarious! It's nice to whip into a parking spot after being used to the big ol' suburban, isn't it? I know exactly how you felt! Been there, but glad to have my "big rig" back. :)

  6. Oh love it! I have actually gotten rental cars that I loved too. However, the pricetag for one of my own was just a little bit intimidating! Dreaming is nice though. Thanks for the chuckle. I needed it this morning!

  7. That was a great and really funny read!

    I have a Tahoe and so I am betting the gas mileage didn't hurt to much on your little lover either!

    Thanks for the smile today - You are an adept writer.

  8. Nice job! I was captivated by this love story.


  9. @Sue: Yeah? So was I! LOL
    @Cherie: Loved the mpg. And I had to look up the definition of "adept"...muchas gracias.
    @PattyAnn: Thank u and you're welcome!
    @Joseph: First, I have a child named Joseph so that's nice, Second, my Suburban, while old and getting older, makes my life right. Thanks for stopping by!
    @Moody: I live to serve sis.
    @jen: just another day in the life.
    @tauna: Trashy? Torrid? Why thank you.
    @sarah: and this is why we are friends. you ROFL'd!
    @Nan: I needed a good laugh too.


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