Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

The discussion amongst bloggers everywhere
revolves around the question:
What kind of Blogger are you?

I heard that a number of times at the
Casual Bloggers Conference last May,
in Sandy, Utah.
I've read it a zillion times on blogs--
believe it or not!

They all say,
Find Your Niche and Claim It!

There are Writer's Blogs
Cooking Blogs
Cupcake Blogs
Tablescape Blogs
Homemaking Blogs
Furniture Re-do Blogs
Homeschooling Blogs
Gardening Blogs
and heaven help me not to forget--
Photography Blogs!
There are as many blogs niches
as there are names in a phonebook!
And I love 'em all, every one!
But what about Me?
Cuz you know,
this is all about Me,

I finally decided what I am--
A Life Blogger.
That's catchy right?

So, what do you blog about?
Oh, me? I'm a life blogger.
Sweet.  I like turtles.

See? Totally works.

I write about my yahoos.
About where I live.
About Seasons--both figuratively and literally.
About births--home and hospital.
About Home Staging and friends.
About my faith and how I live it.
And living and dying.
My crazy family and chickens.
My dog, Oprah.
Our favorite recipes.
How to tangle with your teenager and still laugh.
And my vacuum cleaner, Cinderella. !
No kidding.

That's my life, folks.
And I'm scribbling it down
while I can still remember it all.

Could I be called anything other than
A Life Blogger?
I think not.

What about You??
Find your niche yet??


  1. alas, I have spilled out of every niche I've tried to fill ... homeschooling blogger, spiritual pilgrim blogger, mother blogger, poet blogger, photography blogger ... I am just me. And I'm so glad you are just you too, your blog is always fun to read :-)

  2. I have written on my blog about life, things on my mind, updates on my family and children, music, fashion, sex, beauty, I'm a box of chocolates. I blog about everything. I'd hate to limit my blog to ONE topic. I think that may become pretty boring on the one side but it makes me look as if I'm fickle and I lack focus.

    I blog because I love it not because I want 10 000 followers. I have a scheduled post for later in the week about this one.

  3. glad we dropped by, Momza :-)
    s'been a while, and now we feel silly.

    its a pleasure to read your Life-Blog (perfect).
    over the years Life-Bloggers have interested us more than the other types.

    this is not to says that photos, politics -n- popArt are'nt in the mix, only that Life-Bloggers share experiences we may not have otherwise while feeling familiar at once.

    us? well, perhaps we're ex-bloggers,
    or maybe don't-wanna-do-it-but-very-rarely-just-gotsta-blog-n-gets-it-outta-da-system-don't-know-why blogger. ;-)

    sure glad you're still here, Momza,
    thanks for sharing.


  4. Yup-me too. I'm a life blogger. I've tried to find a niche-but it's too much pressure! ;)

  5. I'm with you. Life blogger is a perfect way to summarize.

  6. I too am a life blogger. Mostly about dumb things I do.
    I blog for my family to read, hopefully they know they can get through life with a bit of humor.

  7. I love it. Perhaps that would be my category too, because goodness knows that blogging about motherhood can't be confined to one little niche.

  8. I had no idea we'd blogged the same topic, Momza!! How funny!

    And I love it- Life Blogger. Perfect!

  9. A life blogger- me too. Whatever we're thinking, feeling, doing, experiencing. I think it makes for the most interesting blog posts. One's life!

  10. this was great.. yep a little bit of everything.. THAT's called life!

  11. I started out posting mostly about crafting projects then I began adding things about family, politics, and things on my mind. Although I do not consider myself a very good writer (in fact I struggle with trying to get my thoughts on paper in a cohesive way). That is why I enjoy your blog so much, you have a way of writing about life happenings that I can identify with.

  12. @Lisa: And this is why we're friends!
    @Liz: GMTA!! Yours was much more detailed tho. I'm too lazy to think about it too hard!
    @Heather: Exactly.
    @Tauna: You know it! We're all just trying to get along.
    @MommyJ: Life Blogger!
    @Marilyn: I'm too forgetful to stay on one topic!lol
    @bare-eyed-sun: FINALLY! I've missed my NY connection! I'm on my way over to yours right now!
    @Gillian: Variety, they say, is the spice of life! So true, my Scottish/South African neighbor!
    @sarah: Even from here, I can smell the air from your New Zealand shorelines! I love the visit!

  13. I think you and I are pretty much on the same page, Momza. I just write about whatever strikes me on any given day.

    A life blogger. Hmmm. I like that!


  14. Is there room in this little niche of yours for me? Because I think that's where I belong.
    Thanks for naming us.

  15. I am definately a life blogger too. I've got a little bit of everything. I don't blog just to blog - I blog about my life. That about sums it up!
    Good to think about :-)

  16. Thank you. Thank you. I was going through a blogging identity crisis! Love your blog by the way.

  17. I decided that I was a 'personal blogger' one day while at BlogHer, and then the next day someone said 'you'll never get sponsored or make any money being a personal blogger' and so I was like 'Wah'.. is that what I want? or why did I do this in the beginning. I'm embracing that I am me and I'm real and sometimes I'm funny and sometimes I'm introspective and sometimes... I'm hungry:) hahaha

    But I totally don't have my niche!

  18. I get that question a lot. I like your answer. I may just steal it! :)

  19. @ Sarah "Spiritual Pilgrim" blogger. That term was laugh out-loud funny. That's what I am, and trust me, it is kind of boring niche for everyone else to read, but I love doing it. Breaking down all the great quotes I find and categorizing them so people can find them for lessons and talks - so they'll have more ideas that are a little more interesting and personalized than what the manuals tend to give us...Have you looked at lessons 16 and 17 in the Gospel Principles Manual? (major zzzzzzzzz!) Sorry if that was a little irreverent.

  20. I think you could categorize me as a life blogger too. I posted it in tab in my pages.

    Stopped by from MMB.

  21. stopping by from MMB.....
    I think I'm a "if you can't be a good example, be a terrible warning" blogger. Maybe a "Be careful what you wish for" blogger.

  22. I'm definitely a life blogger. It's my way of keeping a journal. I also have a preschool blog where I write about our crazy, fun, hectic classroom experiences.

    I'm hooked what more can I say!
    Visiting from MMB

  23. Yeah, I think I like that term. Life blogger. I blog about whatever I feel like it, usually my kids or my daily experiences. With a bit of this and that thrown in. :)

  24. I tried "life blogging" for awhile. It was like a journal, keeping track of everything, like yours. But, like my life, it was far out of focus with no sure direction; hard to track with and difficult to follow! Like my life, it was a roller coaster ride but without the screaming because I didn't want to scare anyone. So I found a niche! I'm not sure what to call the niche but I write about traditional marriage, modeled God's way, for the wives.

    I'm visiting from Mormon Mommy Blogs' Post of the Week. If you find time to check out my post and leave a comment, I would be delighted. Mine is #23, When You Choose What You Got.

  25. I think that I am a life blogger also. I love being positive and uplifting on my blog, but can't think of anything better to call it. I think you hit the nail right on the head!

  26. I guess I blog about MY life. Of course, that's kind of varied from photography to helpful medical or organizing tips. But, then doesn't EVERYONE blog about their life? More introspection needed. :)


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