Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February Frost

The kids had fingers and toes crossed last night.
Even as surrounding school districts announced
two hour delays
and closings--
ours had yet to do so.
"C'mon!", The kids chanted before bed,
"Snow Day! Snow Day!"

But by 10pm there was no announcement.

At 5:47AM I got a call saying Seminary was cancelled
because School was closed.
I didn't even get up and tell Daisie.
She has a cell phone,
I'm sure she got a text.

The other yahoos slept in
and so did I.

Can't see out the windows,
because they're frosted over so thick.
Weather guy says it's -16 degrees right now.
-35 with the windchill!
May get up to -2 in the "heat" of the day.

I'm hoping the store is closed.
Oh, PattyAnn, it's an Interior Design Showroom.
So I can't think that housewives
are gonna be out and about
with their kids in tow today
at our store, anyway.
But I'm betting the Mall is going to be packed
Micky D's playland.

If work is called off,
I'm inside today--
put on one of my favorite movies,
"Pride and Prejudice",
hot cocoa,
and start a sewing project.

Thanks to everyone whose been so kind and encouraging
with my experience of moving Dean.
I appreciate your compassion very much.

Hope you're warm and safe
wherever you are on this February First.


  1. Just caught up on the Dean posts. What a difficult decision. Hope it's all it sounds like it will be.
    Can't believe it's -16. Yes I can. Our high is supposed to be 48 tomorrow--almost 30 degrees below average.
    Hope you don't drop thirty more degrees. That could be really ugly.

  2. I think we managed to get clear up to -11. It's awesome!
    I hope you enjoy having a day inside to yourself with a cute little sewing project. Of course you must show and tell.

  3. that is just TOO cold. Glad we live in the times we do... I can't even imagine being one of the first settlers during a winter... no hot water? no shelter? brrr I'm glad you can just rest/veg/relax/staywarm. After all the stress and decisions and driving in that lovely weather... It will do your soul good!

  4. Wow! It was 5 here today and I thougth THAT was cold!

  5. Brrrr . . . it's freezing HERE today also, wish I'd have thought to get out the Pride and Prejudice today, sounds lovely . . . maybe tomorrow :)



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