Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fillin' Up My Life Bucket

Do you ever get so busy livin'
that you lose track of days?

The entire last week is a blur of activity to me.

I was supposed to be OFF work
but ended up going in 2 1/2 days
because another gal was sick.

I worked on some window treatments
for a friends' new home...
she is a doll,
has a gorgeous house
with fabulous views of a golf course and the Rockies.

I'm also working on another house re-design
that got into full gear
by painting a large great room
with vaulted ceilings--
we painted until 12 midnight;
then I went to my friend, Nan's
daughter's wedding
where I stood up for 3 hours and 55 minutes
(took 5 minutes to inhale a chicken salad croissant down)
helped set-up, serve, and take-down,
and then went home,
crashed for two hours,
and headed back to the paint job
for another 5 hours.

It looks great!
I did take Before pictures,
and once we get the window treatments done,
I'll get some After pics to show.
The paint is awesome!
We both love it.
Paint gives you more bang-for-your-buck
when it comes to updating your home.
Window treatments are next.

a very sweet expecting couple
came to the house
as we discussed the upcoming birth
of their first little one.
I am so stinkin excited to be their Doula
and share in their miracle come June!

Mr W and I are looking at homes for sale
in the area.
So far, none have really fit our needs.
I hope to be in our own home come June.
That would just fix my life.

Spring Break is this week,
and I hope to have some great time
with the yahoos...
catch a matinee,
maybe hit a trail,
definitely have some homemade sushi and fondue!

Also, have to work a few days too,
but Nana is leaving for Provo on Thursday,
so this will be a tough one too.
I'm going to miss her.
And we're gonna try to have Dean down for a visit
around the weekend.

It occurs to me at this late hour
that I am incredibly blessed.
I have wonderful children who own my heart.
A loving husband.
Super friends.
Tailor-made opportunities to share my talents and interests.
A great place to live--at the foot of Pikes Peak.

I'm doing pretty good, I guess.

What about you?--what are you thankful for today?


  1. I think you summed it up pretty well. And I'm thankful for basically the same things...although I can't claim Pike's Peak!


  2. What a wonderful post!! And what a busy life you have! I also loved the saying the top of your post. I hope that when I die, it can be said of me that while alive--I lived.

    As for what I am thankful for this morning . . . miracles. My friends children were hit by a truck while they were in a golf cart. They survived with only bruises and scratches (and 30 stitches) but nothing more serious even though the golf cart was completely destroyed.

    I am thankful for good friends who will come help clean a sewer leak even after they have spent all day laying tile at their son's house and have a bathroom of their own that is in the process of being remodeled.

    And I am thankful for rain!! We are actually getting some right now--which means I didn't get to exercise (and I am okay with that!:-) and in about a week things will be greener around here.

    Thanks for the morning pick me up!! And good luck with everything you are doing.

  3. Why does everyone else have spring break in March? Ours isn't until April. I wish it were sooner. I need a break from the darn kids I work with!


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