Friday, March 11, 2011

Search Words That Lead to Momza's House

SO I was checking my STATS Traffic Sources and Search words,
and these have led people here:

french fries mormon mommy blogsand waffles blog  (I'm thinking they're looking for Chocolate Chip Waffle blog by Theresa Wellborn)

house home provider   (that's actually gotten a ton of hits, which is good)

mentally ill mother blogs  (got that one)

piano tied to butt  (see the sidebar)

zumba  (lub me some Zumba!)

mom on strike (o yes I did!)

"memory loss " inposttitle:"memory loss "  (inposttitle = in post title)

mommy on strike  (yup)

strange addictions (yup)

my daughter wants a super sweet 16 party and I don't wanna (one of my favorites-- I don't wanna either! lol)

What are some interesting search words that have led to YOUR blog?


  1. I haven't looked at my searches in probably a year! I need to.

  2. My two most common are "How to stop the stomach flu" and "statue of Jesus with no hands."

    How's that for diversity?


  3. "Is Clay Aiken Mormon?" I get that one at least once or twice a week.

  4. Just today: "log in to bmw email from home."

  5. I never paid attention to my stats. I think your searches are pretty funny though.

  6. That is funny! I would love to go to Zumba with you!

  7. How funny.

    Where do you even find the search thing?


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