Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm a Kindness Copycat, Are You?

Yesterday at work,
I overheard another co-worker--
"Thank you so much!", she said.

It wasn't to me.
In fact, I'm not sure whom the expression
was expressed to,
because I was helping a customer--
but I smiled and got the warm fuzzies.
I commented to the customer,
whod' also heard--
and we both agreed that
is contagious.

You know those "Liberty Mutual" commercials
where they show the domino-effect
of kindness?

There's also the commercials from
Foundation for A Better Life
love those too
as they sweetly inspire me to be my best self
out in the world.

The truth is,
I confess, I am a
Kindness Copycatter.
Really, I'm not very original at all,
but lemme see with my own two eyes
an act of kindness, generosity, graciousness and the like,
and the next thing I know,
I'm doing it too!
I'm at peace with my copycat ways--
you know what they say,
"if you can't Be,
then you Teach."--
totally cool with that.

Kindness Copycat-ness.
Pass It On.

And this one-- for Kristina P.--
just because.


  1. Both of those videos are just outstanding.

    And that second one totally cracked me up!



  2. Haha! Love it! You know me all so well. Thank YOU!

  3. I totally agree, kindness is contagious. All it takes is a little smile, a thank you or a kind gesture like letting someone go before you in the grocery line.

    Great post.

  4. And how do you know the person you are copying wasn't copying someone else as well? :-)

    But your post reminds me of a story. I was walking down the street and my friend was about 5 feet ahead of me. Coming toward us was a very grumpy old man. When he got closer my friend gave him a big smile and said hello. It was so interesting to see because he got this big smile on his face and kept that smile as he walked down the street. I thought, "Wow! That was certainly an easy way to change someone's day!"

  5. I love to hear these kinds of stories! and wish I thought of them first (yep kindness copycat here too). The world would be a better place! and that last video f.u.n.n.y

  6. Love both of these!
    Kindness IS contagious and I am a good copy-cat too.
    Off to do something good now :)

  7. ALL awesome videos :)

    and a good reminder to pass on the kindness, or even better - instigate it out of insanity (which is about all I have at home right now :)


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