Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rambling...what I do best!

Rest. Freedom. Joy!
That's what's just around the corner for me
as the store is readying to hire another gal.
I am so excited I'm thinking of personally
escorting her
to the store tomorrow!

I have been working every day all day
for weeks--
and I'm sorry,
but it's totally cutting into my life.
I have people to see,
things to do,
places to go
and I just need a little more time
to do it.
And all of my family and friends are getting onto me
to slow down.
So I am!

I'm looking at homes
as we are moving this summer.
In 78 days, actually.
I would like it to be asap though.
Cuz I hate moving in July...
something that we've done every time we've moved!

I also want to do more than just think about moving--
I want to do some crafts,
plant a garden,
go camping and hiking,
write more,
learn to watercolor,
take more pictures,
read more books,
spend time with friends,
stage more houses,
coach more births,
and the list goes on and on.

I've got livin' to do, peeps!

In other wonderful news,
Kota aka Oprah,
is turning into a real dog!
After many trial runs of "alone time"
in the house
while I'm at home,
I finally got the courage to leave Kota alone
this morning while I went to work.
That means, in the house, out of the kennel,
full reign of the premises.
I told her this was a test and I hoped she would pass it!

I usually come home for lunch at noon-to just after,
but was so busy at the store,
I didn't get home until after one.
I held my breath as I pulled into the drive,
unlocked the door,
and greeted a wiggly Kota.

I walked around the main floor
and everything looked exactly as I'd left it!
She did it!!!
She's a real dog!!
I'm going to let her stay out of her kennel overnight
tonight and see how she does.
Cross your fingers!
She's really a good lab,
just two years old,
and if I could just figure out how to get her
when I call her outside as she is off her leash,
she'd be dang-near perfect.
Right now though,
she runs down the street like her bum is on fire!
And I just hate that.
One night, I let her out to do her business--
she was having tummy problems at 4:00 AM,
so I got up with her and just let her out--
she was GONE for 30 minutes.
And I swear, if she hadn't had on her collar
with our contact information on it,
I'd have just let her run wild and free forever.
But she had it on,
and I had to wait until she got a wild hair to come home.
I hated that dog that morning and the thought did come to mind
to put her on Craigslist for one dollar.

Okay lastly,
as you know, Dani's IUD magically disappeared,
and at Christmas we found out she's expecting
Baby Numero Dos...
this week, she had an ultrasound
and know that she is carrying a little bambino.
A boy!
So the Ninja Baby will have a buddy!
The Boofus is thrilled because there's gonna be another
boy in the family--he already adores being the Ninja Baby's uncle--
and he's really good at it too.

So that's the latest.


  1. Such exciting news for a random post - congrats to everyone! What worked for me to teach the dog to come - I kept bacon bits in my pocket (yeah, make sure it's an OLD pocket :) and randomly called the dog like 100 times a day to come (Conan come!) and as soon as he touched me with his nose (he has to actually touch me) he gets a bacon bit. Then I started doing it on our walks also. He is pretty good now!!


  2. OH, congratulations!! How wonderful is that! My daughter is expecting a girl in August, so I will be traveling to Kansas to be there for the wonderful event! Life is good.

  3. Congrats on the new ninja baby! I know he will be sweet and make everyone smile more.;)

    Glad you will soon have a little more free time....especially with a move coming up!!! You are one busy gal.

    Blessings & hugs,

  4. It does sound like you have a full plate my friend! Moving????? Sounds daunting.

    Yay, congrats on being a granny again. I bet you do that best of all the awesome things you do.

  5. It seems the Lord circumvents birth control pretty well, when necessary. (I got pregnant using some pretty heavy birth control once, myself.)

    Turned out He was right! We needed that little Todd that came along.

    Congrats, Grandma!


  6. Somehow I missed this post! Congrats on getting another little baby boy. That will be fun. And congrats on your dog behaving. Ours is being much better as well so I don't always have to lock her up when I leave for a couple hours. That has been so nice.


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