Monday, April 11, 2011

Random-awesity: Bald headed, non-budgering, talking belly-buttons, and goats

without pattern: done, chosen, or occuring 
without an identifiable 
pattern, plan, system, or connection.

The Boofus accused me of wanting to make him bald this morning,
on account of my suggestion that he needs a haircut.
And I quote:
"You just want me to be bald!!"

Yes, yes I do. That is my ultimate goal right there. Spot on.
I want my 5th grader's noggin to shine like a bowling ball.

I was accused of being a "Non-budger" yesterday by the new 16 year old
when she asked if her BFF could come over after church to
"work on personal progress and seminary make-up"--
which, to the unknowing, would sound almost ethereal
or other-worldly--heavenly, almost--
but to the experienced ears on the sides of my head
sounded alot like "hanging out".
When I responded 12 times with the word "NO",
I was labelled a "Non-budger", followed with a 
"Nobody likes a Non-budger, Mom."

Add that to list and take a number, Sister.
Sundays are for family. 
Unless you're in a leadership position,
then Sundays are for meetings.
What about me says I'm a novice here?

IN news related to the sad-sack body I am currently sporting,
blood tests revealed that my blood is poor in iron--
whereas iron is charted in the ranges of 15 to 55,
my score is a 7.

So I'm downing little red iron pills,
mushy prunes {shudder}
and adding fresh spinach to everything I can think of
to transform my ghetto-poor iron into Fort Knox of Iron.
No wonder I've been so stinkin' tired.
Seriously, check your iron levels once in awhile--
like as often as you check the air in your tires
or the bars on your cellphone service.

The Caboose lifted her t-shirt yesterday
to reveal an eyeball drawn in blue ink
just above her bellybutton,
and using her best ventriloquism talents
made her bellybutton sing 
"I like to move it, move it"
"oink" like a pig
then proclaimed it is
"completely normal."
I'm thinking of sending an audition tape to
"America's Got Talent"...
for purely blackmail purposes when she
turns sixteen.

Okay lastly,
did you hear about this 
April Fool's prank?
At a high school in Montana, 
a group of students played a prank--
they let three goats loose in the school.
But, before turning them loose, 
they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 
1,2, and 4.  
School administrators spent most of the day 
looking for number 3.

I'd be so proud if I were their mom. totally.


  1. Well, from one non-budger to another--I like you!!

    Sorry to hear about your iron. I had that a few years ago and it took about three months to get me back to normal. What a difference that made!! Best of luck. It is good to know the problem right?

    And the April fool's joke made me laugh. Once my daughter had some friends hide open cans of tuna in their apartment numbered 1-16 but only had 14 of them. The kept searching as well. Luckily after a few days the smell went away so they stopped looking.

  2. We have animated belly buttons here too. lol

    It's a good thing you're not about to give birth to twins with iron that low. I ended up with a blood transfusion with numbers so similar. You will feel remarkably better and energetic as your iron levels climb. I used to take my iron pill with orange juice to help the absorption.

    That goat prank is hilarious!

  3. I love random posts, especially from you. Pure entertainment.

    I would love to see the video of 'move it, move it'.

    As for the iron numbers, my number was also about a seven and the doctor called me at work and ordered me to go directly to the drugstore before doing ANYTHING else and get some iron pills. Apparently low iron is serious...LOL. (but not really a laughing matter to the health professionals)

  4. I like oysters for iron too :) but it's not everyone's cup o' tea.

    Loved this post, love learning from your experiences. I wanna be a non-budger. Good work!

  5. OK, that goat joke IS the best I've heard of!!! and really, thank you on the house-selling tips. I was so excited that the sun was shinning I went overboard with my 'flowers on the porch'. I am going to have to 'work' with our Realtor (a friend who's been selling here for many years..and he needs to take new pictures of the house because the once listed on his site are crap)

  6. About your iron problem--I fully understand the prune issue. Go to Wal-greens and get a bottle of Miralax. It is a miracle in a bottle. You'll thank me later.

  7. I empathise about the anemia. I have it and sometimes get very very low. It will take a while for the iron pills to work, so keep using them - and I agree with Nikki, taking them with orange juice is helpful. Make sure you don't drink tea or coffee within an hour either side.

    I loved the practical joke! That will have me laughing all day.

  8. Ok here's some randomosity for you. I'm sitting here right now in my hotel room in Florida cuz it's so freakin' HOT outside. I busted out laughing when I read this post so I had to read it to the hubs. He just rolled his eyes. Men! They just don't appreciate things like this. (not laughing about the anemia-just the wording)

  9. LOL! Best thing I've read all day!

    And I got an earful from my doc the other day for having low iron. Well come on now, what do you expect from a girl who can't keep her pre-natals down??
    Now I'm trying out iron gel capsules.
    So fun... not. :D

  10. The goat joke is way funny.

    And 7 is so not a good number. My mom is constantly anemic, and when she gets down to 10 they make her take an iron infusion. You must feel totally wasted.

    Glad they checked this and hope your levels come up very soon, with great effect on your energy!


  11. I can't decide which thing to laugh about!
    bellybutton eyeball
    #3 goat!

    Oh man not wonder you have iron poor blood! I'm sure my H&H dropped just reading this post.

  12. I say wear the labels proudly.

    I wish I could have seen the talking belly button. Sounds entertaining.

    I've been super low iron before. I hope you get your levels up soon!

    That is the best prank ever. I'm sure there will come a time in my life where purposely skipping numbers will come in handy, and now I'll know what to do!


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