Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of Summer

The yahoos started school last week
which means Summer 2011
is officially over.

Things I loved about Summer 2011:
* Moving into our own home.  Every single day I wake up and feel grateful.  That's such an awesome feeling.
* Sleeping In.
* Getting Riley aka The Best Dog in the World.  Even if he does dig to get out of the yard. And eat our sprinkler heads.  He still rocks.
* Flip flops.
* Less laundry.
* Cool salads for dinner.
*Summer rainstorms.  Even tho we had a doozy of one last night that had lightening zipping sideways thru the foothills last night.  I've just been in Houston where they're in the middle of a drought that they are 20" below their normal rain index.
*Reading The Help.  Can't wait to see the movie this week!
*Spending time with Dani's family in Texas.

Things I'm loving right now:
* Cooler nights
* Fall decorations in Hobby Lobby
*Smelly candles in Kohls
*Sweaters in fall colors at the mall
*The anticipation of Dani's birth and meeting our newest little baby boy!
*Planning the baby blessing celebration for Labor Day weekend
*The structure of early mornings, helping the yahoos get ready for the day
*A Quiet, Clean Kitchen from 8am-4pm
*Time for me-- working, reading, writing, dreaming.

Seasons are a gift, I've decided.  To plan, prepare, and enjoy.
To mark our progress and make improvements.

What are you loving right now, 
in the season you're in?


  1. Fall decorations? They have Christmas up! It freaks me out.

  2. Summer in AZ? Loving nothing. I can't wait till November. Except maybe the smell. I can tell a distinct difference in the way the air smells and feels when the seasons are about to change here. We only have two.

  3. I'm loving my wrinkles (NOT) but the idea that my hubby doesn't notice.

    I'm loving my flotation device (love handles) because that tells me I get enough food.

    I'm loving my family around because that tells me that there is humor all around.

    This may be a good idea to post about more extensively. Thanks for the idea. Now if I can just get someone to do it for me...

  4. Our summer is just about to wind down around here. I am looking forward to canning season and the whole harvest feelings of fall. A gathering in and preparing for winter and the holidays. Although I don't have kids in school anymore (and I certainly do not miss school clothes shopping) I do find it nice for everyone to get back into a routine. I love all of the seasons and the change that each one brings

  5. I am loving a return to routine. The hint of fall around the corner. The still warmth of summer. The excitement over school (which I expect will be gone in a month or so).

  6. Just read your comment on Bakow Book Babble about "The Help." I'm so glad you liked it. Sounds as if you have a real frame of reference for that time and place. Aren't the characters wonderful! I was the same way when I finished--sad to leave that cast of people. I read it again and loved it just as much. I know you'll like the movie. I can't wait to hear your opinion. I needed your post today--things I love. I am in such a snit about everything I MUST concentrate on positive.

  7. I guess is sorta is that time of year isn't it.
    It has been a great summer and once it finally got to my end of the planet I've enjoyed each second.

    Your summer has been full! So amazing all you have done.

  8. We start school next week. I'm SOOOO not ready for it! I've enjoyed sleeping in, and playing with my kids. However, it will be nice to get into a routine again, and I love seeing my kids learn and grow in school.


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