Thursday, October 27, 2011

Building a Stronger Child Series

Building a strong family is only as strong as the foundation upon which it is built, 
am I right or am I right?
It takes as much focus to create and maintain a strong family as it does to build a strong home that can endure the many tests of time, especially in tough times.
Last Saturday, a thought popped into my head. It stirred 'round n' 'round until it settled in, good and deep and I decided to act upon it.  My brother-in-love, Zane, is a School Psychologist in what he describes at as a “Middle Class, Blue Collar, District” in the Bay Area of California.  He is an intelligent, well-spoken advocate for children in his profession.  He's also a well-seasoned father and grandfather.
I called him and asked if he’d be on board to help me write a few posts on how to help good parents be better parents.  Because I think he’s seen enough, heard enough--the good, the bad and the ugly--that his counsel is valid and has the potential to really help us parents who are striving to reach the goal of raising our children into healthy, responsible, loving adults.  That is our goal, right?  And most of us haven’t gone to school for Educational Psychology or the like, so having access to a professional who also holds a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology is a gift to the rest of us.  He may provide us with more "tools" to use as we create a healthier family
and that's always a good thing!

Zane has agreed to share his counsel in several parts:
I-                    Social Skills
II-                  Academic & Parental Expectations
III-                Understanding How Your Child Learns
IV-               Setting Boundaries
V-                 Peers and their Influence/ Q & A posts

The series starts Monday.  If you have questions along the way, you're welcomed to ask in the comments section or email me directly at and I'll forward them to Zane.  
Bring your hammer!


  1. I will look forward to this series, and I'm sure many others will, too!


  2. You know the topic close to my heart these days. And I am beating my head against a wall as I try and try to find resources that teach me how to be a better parent of a child that bullies...


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