Monday, October 10, 2011

First Snowfall in Colorado Springs 2011

Friday was all sunshine and fall colors
Saturday we woke up to THIS:
 Which I totally loved! It was a good reason to stay inside and get stuff done!
We also made a delicious breakfast--eggs, sausage, cheesy grits, cinnamon rolls, n' hot cocoa!

 We broke out the tv quilts and the yahoos cuddled under them 
watching Saturday morning cartoons
n' turned on the fireplace.
(I do miss our wood burning fireplace, with it's crackling n' such, but this was a nice substitute!)

 I took a nap that last two whole hours.
And it was guilt-free!

The yahoos dug out their winter gear and boots
to play in it and we celebrated the first snow of 2011!

By Sunday, most of it was melted.
N' today, 
it's nothing but sunshine and blue skies again.

Did I ever tell you
how much I love Colorado?


  1. Those are beautiful pictures.....perfect for winter.
    Really beautiful.

    OK, I'll admit it, I kinda got a little excited about the snow.

    Yay for your two hour guilt free nap! So awesome.

  2. Wow, you definitely got more than us. Snow depresses me.

  3. Beautiful! I love the snow!!! :D
    PS That first photo looks so cool with the blurs and water on the lense - way cool!
    Corine :D

  4. Momza~
    what a beautiful, delightful post!!
    love the pics!..Christmas card pretty!!!
    From your words, not only do I sense , but also FEEL the excitement of the moment!
    I can imagine the celebration that went on..
    aaah, snuggling in front of a fire,watching the snow falling...finally drifting into a long nap..heavenly!
    Unfortunately for me, I was out of town, "enjoying" a gray, cold and rainy day in Las Vegas..
    but as you say.. today is another blue sky gorgeous Colorado day!
    and I'm loving it too!!!!
    warmest hugs..

  5. Beautiful photos!

    We finally turned our gas fireplace into a wood burning one because we missed all the crackling, etc. so much.

    We do have a gas one in the living room still, though. Best of both worlds, because we can use the gas one year round without roasting to death.


  6. Bbbrrrrrr It's a little to early for me so I am glad it was you that got it! :-D
    I do have to admit it is beautiful and the first snow of the season is always an exciting one.

  7. Oh, this was so lovely! Just warmed my heart right up. It doesn't snow here, but whenever we get a good, chilly rain, I feel the same way. I love it!

  8. I remember traveling through Denver one September. It was 98 the night before and we promised the kids we'd swim in the hotel pool the next day. Woke up to 38 and snow. That's CO.

  9. I heard about the snow from my SIL, but I didn't realize how much snow there was until I saw your pictures. It does look beautiful, but gotta say, I am glad to be here in AZ--where we are now in the 70's than to be driving in snow. :-)

    Happy Fall

  10. mmmm home-sweet-home... just looking at these pictures makes me want to snuggle up and turn on (yes "turn on"....wish i could "light") a fire. mmm. Yup. Still going to be in the upper 70s today.

  11. You actually just made me crave the first snowfall of winter. Beautiful!


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