Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How My Stress is Related to Texting Teen Drivers

Hello there.
It's been a little while since I've been
on this blank space.

Life has been coming at me
at a pretty fast clip
and I'm just trying to keep up.

If I looked like I feel,
I imagine I might look alot like
a crumpled-up wad of paper--
one big ball of hurt.

Last time I was here,
I shared my feelings about
Trunk R Treat-ing
and bribing non-receptive children.

Alot has happened since that day.

That Friday I ran up to Fort Collins to attend a meeting for Dean
and also to fetch him home for the weekend.
It had been a while since he'd visited us--
complications on the end of his host home providers
that I really didn't understand
until now.
Complications I can't talk about yet.
But it's not good.
N' I'm working on making it better.

Dean had a sweet time with us--
I took him to our old ward's
where he was good and loved
and he dressed as a six-foot-two-inch Pooh Bear.

He loves dressing up and pretending--
he has his own Santa costume,
and Phantom of the Opera costume,
and a Doctor costume (or "surgeon" as he calls himself)...
his idea of a really good time is dressing up--
another thing that makes him unique n' I love him for it.

The weekend flew by
and as much as I didn't want to take him back
I knew I had to...
it doesn't made sense in my head--
that right there.
That I had to take him back.
I'm his mother afterall is said and done.
I should have the first dibs on him.
I pay attention to everything he says
and everything he doesn't say.
There's alot to notice these days.
N' like I said--
I'm working on it.

in the Message-to-Teens
Life Category:
Do not Text and Drive.
you may not notice that the Huge Green Suburban
that's driving in front of you--
that's Me up there with my left turning signal on
and I'm slowing down to a STOP
to allow an oncoming truck to pass
before turning--
but you can't see that truck because
you're looking down at your phone.
Yeah, you may not notice that my Suburban has
even though you've assumed I've already made the turn
when I am still stopped right in front of you
so that
the next time you look up
an air bag will be in your face
and the front of your car looks like an accordian.
And I might be
so relieved that you're alive
I will want to put my mother arms around you
even though I am not your mother--
and then I'll lecture you on the side of the snowy road
about paying attention while driving
n' how blessed you are to have walked away from your
ruined little white Mazda.
despite your very stupid, foolish idea that you can type a sentence
on a tiny little keyboard thingy with one hand
and one brain
while driving with the other hand
and no brain!

What you don't know is within two hours of that accidental meeting,
I was in a doctor's office with a pounding headache,
painful whiplash
and a concussion that made me so disoriented
my husband had to pick me up from the doctor's office
because I couldn't drive myself home.
And because of you, you little texting fool,
I had to cancel 6 appointments for potential HHP's for my special needs son
the next day
because I am one big ball of hurt.

Yeah, don't TEXT AND DRIVE, fool.
Pay Attention to What You're Doing.


  1. Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear that you got rear-ended like that. Whiplash is miserable, and it makes me sad to think of you dealing with it in the middle of your concerns about Dean.

    Sheesh. When it rains it pours, eh?

    I'll be praying that all will be resolved soon...with you AND with your Dean.


  2. I am so sorry to hear of this accident. (((Hugs))) I hope you have a quick recovery.


    And I am sad to hear of ongoing problems for Dean. I hope so much it was a case of good intentions carried out unwisely, as I know the troubles you've had finding a decent caregiver for him. You will be in my heart.

  3. I was just reading and pondering from a more recent post of yours about what hits my hot button . . . this would have to be it. It TERRIFIES me that these kids are on the road . . . I think they have no idea of how the consequences could possibly impact their life.

    So thanks for speaking up!



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