Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Morning Conversation

 "Ari, why don't you come upstairs and let me help you fix your hair this morning?" She always fixes her own hair the same exact way--up in a ponytail. It could be so cute if she tried a little.
"What kind of fixing are you talking about?"
"Hmm, how 'bout a couple of braided pigtails?" Keep it simple, but out of her face.
"How many?"
"Two." Didn't I just say, aw nevermind.
"I don't like high ponytails."
"OK, well I'll keep them low. C'mon, it'll be cute and only takes a minute." Ohhh, she's baited. YESSSS.

I pull out the always-there singular ponytail and run a brush through her shoulder-length mane.

"Is your hair clean?" Because I know I told you last night that if you didn't shower before bed, you most definitely would have to shower and wash your hair before school in the morning. And here you are, fully dressed for school with what looks like dirty hair.

"No." She says, shaking her head and peeking thru guilty eyes.

"You have plenty of time to shower and wash your hair. So get in it right now." Seriously, girl. Why'd you try to pull one over on me? And when oh WHEN are you going to start caring for your hair?!
"I don't have time!"
"Yes, you do. You have an hour before you have to leave."
Joseph: "Yeah, Ari, you've got time."
"Sheesh! Why does our family judge people's hair?"

I know this age. The one that's too busy to think about showers, clean fingernails, cute hairstyles and coordinated outfits.  She's a creature of habit right now--jeans, t-shirts, slip-on shoes and a ponytail is good enough.  And I know, before long--next year, to be precise--when she enters middle school, that these carefree days will be gone and she'll start to fret over how she looks.  It's a blessing and a curse, this growing up stuff.  

She finishes her shower, comes out with the predictable ponytail and headband and says, "You can fix it fancy tomorrow."
Shoot. Missed my chance today.
I tug at her shirt, straighten the collar and button plack, then pull her in tight for a hug.
"You look nice."


  1. What a nice slice of life from the mom of a tween.


  2. I'm so glad you didn't say "you look nice, but ..." Oh, the pain of that but.

    You're lucky she does her own hair at all. Mine never would. Of course, now she's older, I'm not even allowed to *look* at her hair! ;-)

  3. @Sarah: I was mindful to not include a "but" with my hugs and kisses...truth is, there was no but--she was clean and shiny and that's enough. right?!

  4. Oh, Momza, did you take me back over 20 years !

    This is nearly identical to 'TWEEN SCENES" my daughter and I had many times. I got in while I could trying to help her improve her grooming skills, sometimes winning the day and sending her off to school looking fab, other days cutting my losses and hoping for a new chance...good job, she'll love you for it all later, I promise !!!

  5. Can I just tell you how good this was for me to read? I have those struggles with my girls every stinkin' day. Did you put on clean clothes? Well, you need to. Did you brush your hair? Can you please get it out of your face? We don't wear pajamas all day long...

    So glad to hear that I'm not the only one facing this battle!

  6. You are on my list for Mother Of the Year, just so you know. You handle things much better than I used to with my girls. I wish we could have do-overs.

  7. oh the memories of an average day.

  8. WOW, I think we share a daughter?! Mine just turned 12 and is in 6th grade (middle school here)and I am FOR-E-VER nagging her to WASH that scalp! She hates showering in the morning.... and she doesn't like sleeping in wet hair, unless she has time to put in bantu rolls. It's like a never ending battle... uphill... both ways! She is, however, beginning to enjoy putting together fashionable outfits though, so I suppose one is a lead-in to the other. Right? Please tell me I'm right!

  9. @JessieMomma: Middle school was the turning point for most of my yahoos, in regard to their personal appearance. So I think you're RIGHT! lol


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