Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dara: Graduate #5

We made it!
Dara aka "Daisie" graduated from High School last week!

 Most of the high schools in our district hold the ceremony at the Air Force Academy--
which is totally awesome! Here is the floor before it all began:
 And there's our girl! Seventh row, 3rd seat!
 Number Five! Ya did it!
 The race to the graduation-finish-line, was down to a near crawl in March,
picked up speed in April, and was a dead-heat in May...she is glowing with achievement,
and I am ready for a nap:

This is probably my favorite picture because Daisie wasn't even three years old,
when Kent came into our lives...he is always going to be there for her:
 This is the attendance gal at Dara's school--I spoke more to her than to any other person at the school, no kidding.  Anytime I had a question, I called Debbie.
 Out to dinner afterwards...Ari's taken to making ridiculous faces lately--and Joseph too,
seems to think looking like a chipmunk is a wonderful display of his talents and intellect:

 What's Next for our graduate?  Well, she's off to BYU-I in January, and right now we're thinking she may spend the summer/fall in Juneau, Alaska working...


  1. Congratulations to Dara, and many blessings for her future.

  2. That is wonderful and I believe that all parents who have sweat blood, shed tears and uh,hum gently prodded a child to graduation should also get some kind of reward too. Good job Dara and good job MOM!

  3. Congrats to Daisie!

    (I LOVE that kind of dinner...)


  4. Congratulations! Beautiful inside and out and soooo well educated :)



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