WARNING: This is going to be an e-VENT-full entry. I'm just sayin.
So the kids started school a week ago, and ALREADY I have two home with sore throats, coughs, headaches and stuffy noses. They've been to school just 5 days and they are already sick.
And they're not grouchy, moany sick, but just sick enough that I cannot in good conscience send them to school.
Don't they know I've been waiting all summer long--thru the packing, and the moving, and the un-packing...to have some peace and quiet?? Not that they are noisy today--they're on my bed quietly watching TV together...that's how I know they're realy sick--they're not teasing each other into a ruckus. Patience.
Okay onto the sad puppy....Denver, our yellow lab... is lonely without Aspen, the golden retriever we sold the day before we moved here. And his loneliness makes him bark--ALOT--and is slowly driving me nuts. "No! Denver! Quiet, Denver! Hush! Denver!" and on and on it goes. And the thing is, we DO play with him, we DO take him on walks...but as soon as we put him back in the yard, he starts whining like a tea kettle (Tisha knows what that sounds like!) and keeps going until he is bark bark barking!!! We have a family that lives in Bailey, CO with alot of land and kids that want Denver. But man, I did not get this puppy for someone else, I got him for us. I don't know what to do. I cannot get another Dog to be his companion. Sacrifice.
School Plays: Diana tried out for her HS Fall Play "STAGE DOOR" this week. Initially, the Drama teacher wanted her to try out for the Lead character. Nana was so excited about that, and we were gonna run lines together for her 2nd audition on Tuesday afternoon, but I got hung up and couldn't get there when planned, so she ran some with another student right before I got there, RIGHT before the allotted try-out time.
Well her nerves got the better of her, and she declined to perform a monologue, though she did audition with another student in a dialogue. I was dissappointed for her, BUT the good news is that she still got a role in the Play as a supporting cast member. Drama.
And lastly, I spent a few minutes with a wonderful friend yesterday who had an awful Imp on her shoulder. If you're a Mom, you know this kind of Imp--the GUILTY one. The one that tells you how awful you are because you are not Super Woman. I hate that one. He stinks on ice.
All she needed was two hands and two ears for a bit. Before I left, we were both laughing at the ridiculous notion that somehow, someway we all believe in this idea that we are in control of our lives!
I have learned that I do the best I can...I am committed to that; I do not control everything that comes my way or the people in my life, no matter how much I would like to!
It reminded me of my earlier life experience where I proclaimed that all I ever wanted to be was a Wife and Mother, and my Family was ruining the experience for me! LOL
So we have to laugh at this stuff. We have to. If we don't, it will be our undoing. Some of the things that we have to deal with in this life is ridiculous--ya gotta let it roll off once in awhile so it doesn't consume or define you.
The first year we moved to Boise, I was reading the obituaries (yeah I do that once in awhile too--I don't know why) anyway, I came across one that was actually written BY the deceased woman. It impressed me so much that I cut it out and taped it in an inconspicuous place so I could look at it whenever I wanted. The gal was a young Mom of 3 young children. She had had a long battle with cancer that eventually claimed her life. Her words that touched my heart were these:
"There was nothing remarkable about my life other than the company I kept."
True story. For all of us.