Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Free Tour of my Fridge...no really.
This is a Post about my Fridge. She's a Whirlpool. And she's in trouble. We awoke last Saturday to find icicles in the freezer. Not a good thing...it meant the freezer wasn't, well, freezing.
Here's a FREE TOUR of my Fridge. Let's call her COOLEEN.
Our Family Motto. I'd heard the "Clinton-era" logo "it takes a village to raise a child" and ran with it...making it my own. Our Own. And it stuck. Don't steal my motto and put it on Vinyl or a Bumper Sticker, please. Cause the day I see this stamped on a carryall at BYU Women's Conference, I will spontaneously combust. I should contact Deseret Book today....hold on while I write that down.
Since it's Summer and the kitchen resembles Grand Central Station, I made a Dishes Chart. Cuz doggone it, I got tired of "asking" to blank stares and the backs of heads running out the door.
If you look closely...you can see that where there was supposed to be *blank* spaces...there's been a silent war going on...
Joseph put Dara's name in both spaces when noone was looking. Then I being the mature mother I am, wrote in HIS names....to which he responded by putting in "Air"...which I am assuming is meant to be "Ari". I should smack that kid.
This little gem has been on our fridge since, like 2001 or thereabouts. It has settled arguments.
This is the side panel. Really what I'm showing off here is Ari's artwork.
Can you guess what the brown slice is??? It's her favorite.

A peek inside. I was expecting an empty fridge but found a bowl of pasta leftovers from 2 nights ago, salsa, a cheese stick, and cans of Coke. Mr W is addicted. We tried an intervention once but decided it was in our best interest to let him have his guilty pleasure.
Said Addiction.
I opened the freezer expecting more emptiness and found this:

I have no idea what the yellow stuff is in the cup. Pineapple juice? I don't know. I'm afraid to ask the kids.
Ahh and yes, frozen grapes. I'm bettin' Daisie is behind that cuz she loves 'em. But they must've been in here overnight because Cooleen is barely working, like Paris Hilton-- Pretty to look at, but not really effective.
And now we've come to the end of this ride, please stayed seated until your lapbelt is released and exit to the Right with care. Thanks for coming!
p.s. the yellow stuff...is not pineapple juice. It's a mango pit and water = Ari's homemade mango juice. just fyi.
If you look closely...you can see that where there was supposed to be *blank* spaces...there's been a silent war going on...
A peek inside. I was expecting an empty fridge but found a bowl of pasta leftovers from 2 nights ago, salsa, a cheese stick, and cans of Coke. Mr W is addicted. We tried an intervention once but decided it was in our best interest to let him have his guilty pleasure.
I opened the freezer expecting more emptiness and found this:
I have no idea what the yellow stuff is in the cup. Pineapple juice? I don't know. I'm afraid to ask the kids.
Ahh and yes, frozen grapes. I'm bettin' Daisie is behind that cuz she loves 'em. But they must've been in here overnight because Cooleen is barely working, like Paris Hilton-- Pretty to look at, but not really effective.
Luckily, we have another fridge out in the garage that all of our food is currently in...and a repairman is coming out today to take a look at Cooleen.
And now we've come to the end of this ride, please stayed seated until your lapbelt is released and exit to the Right with care. Thanks for coming!
p.s. the yellow stuff...is not pineapple juice. It's a mango pit and water = Ari's homemade mango juice. just fyi.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Let the Randomness Flow!
Somehow, Someway, I have had time this week to blog! WooHOO!
The kids are still in Summer School. So I clean while they're gone. And we run errands when they're home or go play at the skating rink or to the mountains, library or they just run around like chickens with their heads cut-off up and down the street with buddies.
Last Friday, I cleaned their rooms so thoroughly that the only thing left in their bedrooms is their beds and dressers. No toys = no messes. Toys all went to the playroom in the basement. SO now they just haveta make their beds in the morn and they don't go back in there until bedtime.
The Clinic is closed this week, as all of our June babies have been born! Woohoo!
Have I told you I love being a Doula yet? I don't know if I've ever mentioned that, but yeah I do.
Okay so what else?? I've got time to write and my head is buzzin' with stuff!
Okay okay...um. The puppy, Dakota, is growing...and growing. She is a sweet girl and goes with us all over town. We're feeding her this dog food called AVODERM--it has avocado in it...and while it is not my habit to talk about dogfood, I just gotta say, this food is really really good for two reasons: 1- her black lab coat is amazingly soft and shiny...like seriously, total strangers stop and comment on how pretty she is. 2- she assimilates it so well, her bm's are smaller. Which makes poop-patrol less stinky.
And that's all I'm gonna say about, well, dogfood & poop.
And now onto Nana...she is still waiting to hear from the Nanny Agency about placement. She had another application to fill out. And she had to write an introduction letter to her prospective family. Now, she's just waiting, to get a phone interview. We started a thing where everyone writes down our predictions where she's going...and the winner(s) get treated to dinner. I say Connecticut...so does Mr W., and one of our missionaries. There are guesses for NJ, NY, MASS., WV, RI, MD, and DC. So we'll see.
It's Hot here...in the high 80's. We don't have A/C...not alot of people do actually. Because around 3PM everyday, we get a downpour of rain and it cools everything off really quick.
Growing up in the South, it was so humid that you could see moisture hanging in the air--then it would pour down rain and the steam would rise off the pavement making it worse. Rain brought very little relief. Not so here in the Rockies...when it rains, it's cold. You can get hypothermia in July. I am not kidding. So not alot of people have A/C...because by the time you think, "Man, it's warm in here"...you look outside to see the dark clouds rolling in and it's gonna be cool.
When we moved to Arizona from South Carolina it was March. It was sunny and wonderful in March...compared to overcast and chilly. I loved it. Then May came. then June. Then the Electricity bill...for $582.00. And I cried. That was a vacation to San Diego, if you know what I mean! The news weathermen down there said the same thing every stinkin day "Hot and Sunny, Hot & Sunny, Sunny & Hot, Hot Hot Hot." They even tell you when to keep toddlers and old folks INSIDE. To go anywhere with children was an ordeal I do not wish to repeat in this life:
- put your sandals on
- and your sunglasses
-grab a potholder if there's not one already in the car.
-grab the car seats (didn't leave them in the car)
- go out to the car and turn it on.
-Blast the A/C for a few minutes to cool everything off inside the car....like seatbelts.
-Take the kids out.
-listen to everyone complain: "It's Hot Mommy!"
-Take the sunshield off the dashboard, that sometimes felt like it was melting in your hands.
-Use the potholders on the steering wheel or if you forgot the potholder, drive with two fingers.
We had water-misters on our covered porch for our dog...and for the pingpong table that noone used in the summer at all. We used to put the sprinklers under the trampoline to cool off the black tarp so they could jump on it...but first you had to run enough water thru the sprinklers so as not to cause 3rd degree burns. We went to the awesome waterparks, and neighborhood pools nearly everyday...where the water was so warm it was like bathwater. But it still felt good.
Many times, I'd pack up the kids super early and head up to Prescott or Sedona or Flagstaff for the day just to cool off--it's almost always 10o cooler. All that heat got to me by August...it was unrelenting.
I also shopped more while I lived there than any place I've ever lived...because the mall was AIR CONDITIONED! And their A/C was so much cooler than ours at home. We had to keep our thermostat nearly at 80o to keep our bill manageable...in the $400.'s.
Okay, ONE GOOD THING: I used a clothesline to dry clothes, which saved us money, and let me say this: It dried faster than it washed. I'd start with a whole basket of laundry and by the time I hung up the last article of clothing, the first one was dry already. I am not kidding!
So that was a good thing about Arizona.
Oh and their Mexican food is the BEST, bar none. Garcias (fajitas!), Macayos (pollo fundido & their house salsa-yum!) and a zillion others. Yum. Thats one thing I always request when friends go down there...bring home some Macayos Salsa!
Even business associates of Mr W have sent the stuff to him! Good stuff, Maynard!
So that's all I have to say about AZ. Wait, I was too fast...one more...the Mesa Temple. Heavenly. A little peice of my heart is still there.
David Archuleta is coming to Denver July 20th. I got two tickets for Daisie. Second row. 50 bucks. Why? Because I never got to see Donny, that's why.
But she's been selfish and all of 14 lately and I wanna smack her and not take her. But I don't and I will. Because I never got to see Donny. I knew every word to every song. Plastered his brown-eyed face all over my bedroom walls, ceiling, closets and dresser with black electrical tape--that left a mark and had to be painted over when we moved. I wore purple socks. And let my BFF's call me "Dawnie" (sheesh!) and planned my Hawaiian honeymoon with him when I was in the 6th grade.
So I'm taking Daisie to see David Archuleta. She swoons when she talks about him. And swooning over a sweet Mormon boy is a good thing, I've found.
Dani is in full-swing of raging hormones. Take cover. Be glad you don't live with her. That's all I'm gonna say. Cuz she may read this...and I'm too young to die.
Boofus made his rabbit/chipmunk trap. Pics to follow. For right now, he's trying to trap a rat he saw in the garage. I hate rats and mice. Like, I panic a twinge when I open the garage door now, cuz I don't even wanna see it. Mr W knows he has to get rid of it before I can go out there again.
Snakes and rats. {shudder} can't do it.
That's all I got right now. I feel like a new woman! Cleaned out the cobwebs and I'm ready to go!
The kids are still in Summer School. So I clean while they're gone. And we run errands when they're home or go play at the skating rink or to the mountains, library or they just run around like chickens with their heads cut-off up and down the street with buddies.
Last Friday, I cleaned their rooms so thoroughly that the only thing left in their bedrooms is their beds and dressers. No toys = no messes. Toys all went to the playroom in the basement. SO now they just haveta make their beds in the morn and they don't go back in there until bedtime.
The Clinic is closed this week, as all of our June babies have been born! Woohoo!
Have I told you I love being a Doula yet? I don't know if I've ever mentioned that, but yeah I do.
Okay so what else?? I've got time to write and my head is buzzin' with stuff!
Okay okay...um. The puppy, Dakota, is growing...and growing. She is a sweet girl and goes with us all over town. We're feeding her this dog food called AVODERM--it has avocado in it...and while it is not my habit to talk about dogfood, I just gotta say, this food is really really good for two reasons: 1- her black lab coat is amazingly soft and shiny...like seriously, total strangers stop and comment on how pretty she is. 2- she assimilates it so well, her bm's are smaller. Which makes poop-patrol less stinky.
And that's all I'm gonna say about, well, dogfood & poop.
And now onto Nana...she is still waiting to hear from the Nanny Agency about placement. She had another application to fill out. And she had to write an introduction letter to her prospective family. Now, she's just waiting, to get a phone interview. We started a thing where everyone writes down our predictions where she's going...and the winner(s) get treated to dinner. I say Connecticut...so does Mr W., and one of our missionaries. There are guesses for NJ, NY, MASS., WV, RI, MD, and DC. So we'll see.
It's Hot here...in the high 80's. We don't have A/C...not alot of people do actually. Because around 3PM everyday, we get a downpour of rain and it cools everything off really quick.
Growing up in the South, it was so humid that you could see moisture hanging in the air--then it would pour down rain and the steam would rise off the pavement making it worse. Rain brought very little relief. Not so here in the Rockies...when it rains, it's cold. You can get hypothermia in July. I am not kidding. So not alot of people have A/C...because by the time you think, "Man, it's warm in here"...you look outside to see the dark clouds rolling in and it's gonna be cool.
When we moved to Arizona from South Carolina it was March. It was sunny and wonderful in March...compared to overcast and chilly. I loved it. Then May came. then June. Then the Electricity bill...for $582.00. And I cried. That was a vacation to San Diego, if you know what I mean! The news weathermen down there said the same thing every stinkin day "Hot and Sunny, Hot & Sunny, Sunny & Hot, Hot Hot Hot." They even tell you when to keep toddlers and old folks INSIDE. To go anywhere with children was an ordeal I do not wish to repeat in this life:
- put your sandals on
- and your sunglasses
-grab a potholder if there's not one already in the car.
-grab the car seats (didn't leave them in the car)
- go out to the car and turn it on.
-Blast the A/C for a few minutes to cool everything off inside the car....like seatbelts.
-Take the kids out.
-listen to everyone complain: "It's Hot Mommy!"
-Take the sunshield off the dashboard, that sometimes felt like it was melting in your hands.
-Use the potholders on the steering wheel or if you forgot the potholder, drive with two fingers.
We had water-misters on our covered porch for our dog...and for the pingpong table that noone used in the summer at all. We used to put the sprinklers under the trampoline to cool off the black tarp so they could jump on it...but first you had to run enough water thru the sprinklers so as not to cause 3rd degree burns. We went to the awesome waterparks, and neighborhood pools nearly everyday...where the water was so warm it was like bathwater. But it still felt good.
Many times, I'd pack up the kids super early and head up to Prescott or Sedona or Flagstaff for the day just to cool off--it's almost always 10o cooler. All that heat got to me by August...it was unrelenting.
I also shopped more while I lived there than any place I've ever lived...because the mall was AIR CONDITIONED! And their A/C was so much cooler than ours at home. We had to keep our thermostat nearly at 80o to keep our bill manageable...in the $400.'s.
Okay, ONE GOOD THING: I used a clothesline to dry clothes, which saved us money, and let me say this: It dried faster than it washed. I'd start with a whole basket of laundry and by the time I hung up the last article of clothing, the first one was dry already. I am not kidding!
So that was a good thing about Arizona.
Oh and their Mexican food is the BEST, bar none. Garcias (fajitas!), Macayos (pollo fundido & their house salsa-yum!) and a zillion others. Yum. Thats one thing I always request when friends go down there...bring home some Macayos Salsa!
Even business associates of Mr W have sent the stuff to him! Good stuff, Maynard!
So that's all I have to say about AZ. Wait, I was too fast...one more...the Mesa Temple. Heavenly. A little peice of my heart is still there.
David Archuleta is coming to Denver July 20th. I got two tickets for Daisie. Second row. 50 bucks. Why? Because I never got to see Donny, that's why.
But she's been selfish and all of 14 lately and I wanna smack her and not take her. But I don't and I will. Because I never got to see Donny. I knew every word to every song. Plastered his brown-eyed face all over my bedroom walls, ceiling, closets and dresser with black electrical tape--that left a mark and had to be painted over when we moved. I wore purple socks. And let my BFF's call me "Dawnie" (sheesh!) and planned my Hawaiian honeymoon with him when I was in the 6th grade.
So I'm taking Daisie to see David Archuleta. She swoons when she talks about him. And swooning over a sweet Mormon boy is a good thing, I've found.
Dani is in full-swing of raging hormones. Take cover. Be glad you don't live with her. That's all I'm gonna say. Cuz she may read this...and I'm too young to die.
Boofus made his rabbit/chipmunk trap. Pics to follow. For right now, he's trying to trap a rat he saw in the garage. I hate rats and mice. Like, I panic a twinge when I open the garage door now, cuz I don't even wanna see it. Mr W knows he has to get rid of it before I can go out there again.
Snakes and rats. {shudder} can't do it.
That's all I got right now. I feel like a new woman! Cleaned out the cobwebs and I'm ready to go!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr. Wonderful
53 Random facts, musings and whatnot about the guy who keeps me warm at night:
*1 He's a Montana Mountain Man...born and bred.
*2 He's the Baby of his family. (I'm the oldest of mine...hmmm)
*3 He worked for GM for 19 years in their Delco Defense Contracting division.
*4 Where he designed turrets for tanks
*5 In fact, it was "his" tank that first entered Kuwait's borders to liberate it in Desert Storm.
*6 He even has a special picture of that.
*7 He doesn't work in Defense contracting anymore, but wishes he did.
*8 He gave up his job to marry me.
*9 Because my pukey ex-husband wouldn't let me take the kids outta the country.
*10 Where Mr W lived in England, when we met.
*11 He loves to flyfish.
*12 and Camp under the stars.
*13 He has THE Sweet tooth in the family--
*14 and the kids know who to ask about a treat.
*15 He's a convert to the LDS Church.
*16 In which he is now an Elder but goes to High Priest Quorum--we're assuming it's cuz he's old.
*17 He actually likes HPQ.
*18 He loves ice cream. any kind. but his fav is almond mocha
*19 He likes cold leftovers. as in cold chicken, cold steak, cold porkchops.
*20 He kisses me goodbye every morning before he goes to work, even if I'm still asleep.
*21 He wants to own a mountain cabin someday.
*22 And become a hermit. (not gonna happen...the hermit thing...too many kids!)
*23 He's been to nearly every continent.
*24 His fav holiday was a trip to Capri, Italy.
*25 sadly, I wasn't with him.
*26 He always takes over in the kitchen when we're cooking.
*27 I like that ALOT.
*28 He doesn't care if the bed is ever made.
*29 But he wants MY pillowcase opening to face the outside.
*30 And he snores. Not every night, but sometimes he wakes up laughing.
*31 He is a giant procrastinator of HONEY-DO things.
*32 He has an ORIGINAL Beatles' White Album...and a bunch more from his teenage years.
*33 He played HS basketball, football.
*34 He "Caught" Joseph at birth...at home.
*35 He was a terrible labor coach. He couldn't breathe with me or count. Drove me nuts.
*36 He buys Nana a pack of her favorite gum everytime he goes to the store.
*37 He'd rather have his eyes poked out than speak in Church.
*38 But he conducts meetings at work every single day.
*39 and has spoken on behalf of his company to major military personnel all over the world.
*40 He does his own laundry...all of it...and puts it away.
*41 And he'll do mine too if I let him.
*42 And the kids.
*43 But he doesn't like to fold it. Hangers yes, drawers no.
*44 He is the one that always makes sure we have enough food to feed the missionaries on Sats.
*45 He gets choked up when he speaks of his father, Joseph.
*46 They were tight, yo.
*47 In his single days, he had several Trendy cars...transams, classics, and had a Cadillac Catera when we met.
*48 He's been driving a 99 Plymouth Neon since 2001.
*49 that has over 150k miles on it.
*50 He used to play golf...all over the world...Dubai, St. Andrews, you name it--and he's only played once since we married.
*51 He's given up ALOT to be with me.
*52 And he says it was worth it.
*53 That's why I love him.
Happy Birthday Mr. Wonderful!
p.s. I have never asked Mr W to not play golf. He just said he'd rather be home than spend hours away from us. I've begged him to go golfing, ya know hang out with friends and such. Unhunh he says.
*1 He's a Montana Mountain Man...born and bred.
*2 He's the Baby of his family. (I'm the oldest of mine...hmmm)
*3 He worked for GM for 19 years in their Delco Defense Contracting division.
*4 Where he designed turrets for tanks
*5 In fact, it was "his" tank that first entered Kuwait's borders to liberate it in Desert Storm.
*6 He even has a special picture of that.
*7 He doesn't work in Defense contracting anymore, but wishes he did.
*8 He gave up his job to marry me.
*9 Because my pukey ex-husband wouldn't let me take the kids outta the country.
*10 Where Mr W lived in England, when we met.
*11 He loves to flyfish.
*12 and Camp under the stars.
*13 He has THE Sweet tooth in the family--
*14 and the kids know who to ask about a treat.
*15 He's a convert to the LDS Church.
*16 In which he is now an Elder but goes to High Priest Quorum--we're assuming it's cuz he's old.
*17 He actually likes HPQ.
*18 He loves ice cream. any kind. but his fav is almond mocha
*19 He likes cold leftovers. as in cold chicken, cold steak, cold porkchops.
*20 He kisses me goodbye every morning before he goes to work, even if I'm still asleep.
*21 He wants to own a mountain cabin someday.
*22 And become a hermit. (not gonna happen...the hermit thing...too many kids!)
*23 He's been to nearly every continent.
*24 His fav holiday was a trip to Capri, Italy.
*25 sadly, I wasn't with him.
*26 He always takes over in the kitchen when we're cooking.
*27 I like that ALOT.
*28 He doesn't care if the bed is ever made.
*29 But he wants MY pillowcase opening to face the outside.
*30 And he snores. Not every night, but sometimes he wakes up laughing.
*31 He is a giant procrastinator of HONEY-DO things.
*32 He has an ORIGINAL Beatles' White Album...and a bunch more from his teenage years.
*33 He played HS basketball, football.
*34 He "Caught" Joseph at birth...at home.
*35 He was a terrible labor coach. He couldn't breathe with me or count. Drove me nuts.
*36 He buys Nana a pack of her favorite gum everytime he goes to the store.
*37 He'd rather have his eyes poked out than speak in Church.
*38 But he conducts meetings at work every single day.
*39 and has spoken on behalf of his company to major military personnel all over the world.
*40 He does his own laundry...all of it...and puts it away.
*41 And he'll do mine too if I let him.
*42 And the kids.
*43 But he doesn't like to fold it. Hangers yes, drawers no.
*44 He is the one that always makes sure we have enough food to feed the missionaries on Sats.
*45 He gets choked up when he speaks of his father, Joseph.
*46 They were tight, yo.
*47 In his single days, he had several Trendy cars...transams, classics, and had a Cadillac Catera when we met.
*48 He's been driving a 99 Plymouth Neon since 2001.
*49 that has over 150k miles on it.
*50 He used to play golf...all over the world...Dubai, St. Andrews, you name it--and he's only played once since we married.
*51 He's given up ALOT to be with me.
*52 And he says it was worth it.
*53 That's why I love him.
Happy Birthday Mr. Wonderful!
p.s. I have never asked Mr W to not play golf. He just said he'd rather be home than spend hours away from us. I've begged him to go golfing, ya know hang out with friends and such. Unhunh he says.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Summer Fun in the Rockies
One of the things I love about keeping in touch with missionaries over the years, is occassionally they come back and visit their old areas and drop by...it is always a grand reunion!
Last Sunday, Elder Mark Carrell from Alberta, Canada came into town for a quick visit...the kids were thrilled to see him. He's been home for almost 4 years...he looks the same, and we've all changed!
We headed up to The Crags, which is on the West side of Pikes Peak, for a picnic lunch and a hike.
We got discouraged about a mile and a 1/4 into the hike, and found out later, looking at the map, if we'd just gone a little more, we'd have had a wonderful veiw at the end. Sorta sounds like the Plan of Salvation, hunh? We quit before we came to the best part. I plan on going back soon and finishing & taking pics to send to Mark. It was such a dissappointment. But the kids were starting a mutiny due to the very warm weather.
Which is why, on the way back down, there was a break off the trail, for this stream.
For a better pictorial check this out: http://www.frogsonice.com/photos/crags/.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Weekend Roundup --Scout Camp, Summa School, Baby toes and Nana-nanniness!
Summer is busy here in Colorado Springs.
These little finch eggs are living
in this...which is right next to my front door. Poor Mama Bird zips away everytime the door opens...which is approximately 5,321 times a day at our house.
Again, it has been a busy summer week around here...
It rained and rained and rained some more leaving our little corner of the world wonderfully GREEN.
Sunflowers seeds I got for Mother's Day...s'posed to grow up to 15 FEET Tall!

Raspberry bushes starting to bloom...
Clematis. Alive and blooming with all the rain!
Bleeding hearts bush out front. Are they not the cutest?
These little finch eggs are living
Again, it has been a busy summer week around here...
It rained and rained and rained some more leaving our little corner of the world wonderfully GREEN.
Raspberry bushes starting to bloom...
Love it. Summer school started for the youngest Yahoos...9-11:45am. I love Summer School! Peace and quiet for almost 3 straight hours rocks. I have absolutely no guilt over that statement.

That's Joseph with the green bandana and neat hat that used to belong to his Granpa Joe who liked his fedoras...the hat is nearly as old as me, I think.
Scout Camp started for Boofus...I volunteered to help out wherever they needed me.
Camp was held at the Air Force Academy just down the street from our house. It started at 8:30am--we didn't have to leave the house until 8:25. woohoo!
He loved it: new friends, new skills like whittling, archery, golf, and bowling; and got to practice skills he hasn't done in awhile like knot-tying (he tied Dara to the kitchen chair to show us his new skills!), horseshoe throwing, and just using good sportsmanship.
Wednesday: SUPER BUSY DAY! Took the Boof to Scout Camp, and as I'm dropping him off, I say, "See ya at 3!" and drive off. Took the Caboose to SS, and say, "Ok, see you at 11:45, sis!"
and off I head downtown to the BirthMatters! clinic for the day. FOR THE DAY. It was then I realized, "hey! I won't be home to pick the kids up! Shoot! How are they gonna get home?"
I made some initial calls, but realized that all the moms I called, were volunteering at Scout Camp! Finally, I thought of my neighbor down the street and she was very kind to go and pick up the Caboose from school. Next, I realized I just needed someone who was at Scout camp to just drop Boofus off afterwards. Since we really live so close, I just knew that wouldn't be a problem as long as I could get ahold of someone's cell to call them. I called Nan in a pinch and she took care of it. WHEW! What a responsible parent I am these days, yeah?? ugh. I shouldn't be trusted with the care and feeding of a goldfish
...much less kids. Thanks to Nan, Marci and Wendy for stepping in for my lack of planning.
Okay, so I loved my time at the clinic. http://www.birthmattersmidwifery.com/. Time flies by supersonically. A woman walks in a stranger and leaves a sister. And babies--don't get me started on Babies! Have you seen baby toes lately? O. my. goodness. And those baby necks? is there anything softer in the entire world? oh and their baby smell. mmmmm.
And their Mommas---women at their finest--new mommas...glowing despite lack of sleep with newborns, or glowing with round bellies. love. love. love.
Okay okay...so then I ran and got some groceries after work cuz the shelves were nearly bare at home. I'm calling this my Skinny Summer, so most of what I'm making is LITE...as in grilled fish and salads. I need to lose this winter food baby I'm hauling around. I'm looking forward to the day when there is DRIVE-THRU LIPOSUCTION:
"Yes, I'll have a kids happy meal with chicken nuggets, a sprite, and a little off my thighs, thank you." "That'll be $29.95 at Window 2, please drive thru."
But until that day, I gotta do my part to peel this blasted bahooey off.
The Caboose had Acheivement Day Girls at a members house that I have never been to...but the report went like this:
"Their house is HUGE! It has a SWIMMING POOL in their Basement with a SLIDE! And a zipline! And a treehouse! and an ELEVATOR, MOM! They have an elevator in their house!", "Wouldn't it be great if we could BUY it for SIX DOLLARS? Wouldn't it?!!"said with as much enthusiam and incredulousness as she could muster. Un hunh. Six Dollars would rock my world, Sister!
After said dinner, we took the kids to Cottonwood Creek Park (took the camera but forgot to take pics!) b/c the Ward Mutual night was "ICEBLOCKING"
...so since it was a spectacular summer eve, we took the whole family--even the hound. The Park was PACKED everywhere...little league baseball, girls fast pitch, soccer fields full, playground busy, and just a whole lot of people doing their thing. I love summer nights like this one.
And that was my Wednesday.
Scout Camp started for Boofus...I volunteered to help out wherever they needed me.
Camp was held at the Air Force Academy just down the street from our house. It started at 8:30am--we didn't have to leave the house until 8:25. woohoo!
He loved it: new friends, new skills like whittling, archery, golf, and bowling; and got to practice skills he hasn't done in awhile like knot-tying (he tied Dara to the kitchen chair to show us his new skills!), horseshoe throwing, and just using good sportsmanship.
Wednesday: SUPER BUSY DAY! Took the Boof to Scout Camp, and as I'm dropping him off, I say, "See ya at 3!" and drive off. Took the Caboose to SS, and say, "Ok, see you at 11:45, sis!"
and off I head downtown to the BirthMatters! clinic for the day. FOR THE DAY. It was then I realized, "hey! I won't be home to pick the kids up! Shoot! How are they gonna get home?"
I made some initial calls, but realized that all the moms I called, were volunteering at Scout Camp! Finally, I thought of my neighbor down the street and she was very kind to go and pick up the Caboose from school. Next, I realized I just needed someone who was at Scout camp to just drop Boofus off afterwards. Since we really live so close, I just knew that wouldn't be a problem as long as I could get ahold of someone's cell to call them. I called Nan in a pinch and she took care of it. WHEW! What a responsible parent I am these days, yeah?? ugh. I shouldn't be trusted with the care and feeding of a goldfish
...much less kids. Thanks to Nan, Marci and Wendy for stepping in for my lack of planning.
Okay, so I loved my time at the clinic. http://www.birthmattersmidwifery.com/. Time flies by supersonically. A woman walks in a stranger and leaves a sister. And babies--don't get me started on Babies! Have you seen baby toes lately? O. my. goodness. And those baby necks? is there anything softer in the entire world? oh and their baby smell. mmmmm.
And their Mommas---women at their finest--new mommas...glowing despite lack of sleep with newborns, or glowing with round bellies. love. love. love.
Okay okay...so then I ran and got some groceries after work cuz the shelves were nearly bare at home. I'm calling this my Skinny Summer, so most of what I'm making is LITE...as in grilled fish and salads. I need to lose this winter food baby I'm hauling around. I'm looking forward to the day when there is DRIVE-THRU LIPOSUCTION:
"Yes, I'll have a kids happy meal with chicken nuggets, a sprite, and a little off my thighs, thank you." "That'll be $29.95 at Window 2, please drive thru."

But until that day, I gotta do my part to peel this blasted bahooey off.
The Caboose had Acheivement Day Girls at a members house that I have never been to...but the report went like this:
"Their house is HUGE! It has a SWIMMING POOL in their Basement with a SLIDE! And a zipline! And a treehouse! and an ELEVATOR, MOM! They have an elevator in their house!", "Wouldn't it be great if we could BUY it for SIX DOLLARS? Wouldn't it?!!"said with as much enthusiam and incredulousness as she could muster. Un hunh. Six Dollars would rock my world, Sister!
After said dinner, we took the kids to Cottonwood Creek Park (took the camera but forgot to take pics!) b/c the Ward Mutual night was "ICEBLOCKING"

And that was my Wednesday.
So Thursday was the last Scout camp day, and also the last day of the week for Summer School. I shuffled each of the kids accordingly and came home to get my Doula certification papers ready to send in, only to find I am missing some stuff. Wahhh. I'm anxious to get this turned in, because I want to take another series of classes to become a Childbirth Educator. I love teaching...so this will be a dream come true if I can take these classes and move forward into another venue of what I love.
Before I knew it, it was time to go pick everyone up...then the Scout Committee put together a luncheon for Moms and scouts at the Stake Center. I took pictures...the committee outdid themselves!
It was Perfect with a capital "P". I'm am so grateful that Boofus is in a Troop/Pack that has such active leaders involved and engaged so wonderfully. He loved Camp and that makes my day!
While on the way there, my cell rings.
It's Nana: "Guess What? Guess What?!!" She has been chosen as one of ten girls by the Nanny Agencyhttp://www.yourchildsnanny.com/ for a nanny position, specifically an LDS Nanny. Did you know that's a big deal? To be a Nanny that comes from a heckamongous Mormon Family? Well, she fits the bill being the 4th of 7 kiddos. She made $100 bucks yesterday babysitting. Anywho, we don't know where yet...altho she did request the East Coast. So we'll see what happens next. But she is supposed to begin in June. It is June! ACK!! So if she decides to go the "nanny-way"...she will postpone school for a year. Good news for her. She was hoping to have this option to make some much-needed college money and now she will!
Friday: Yikes! What's next??
So Thursday was the last Scout camp day, and also the last day of the week for Summer School. I shuffled each of the kids accordingly and came home to get my Doula certification papers ready to send in, only to find I am missing some stuff. Wahhh. I'm anxious to get this turned in, because I want to take another series of classes to become a Childbirth Educator. I love teaching...so this will be a dream come true if I can take these classes and move forward into another venue of what I love.
Before I knew it, it was time to go pick everyone up...then the Scout Committee put together a luncheon for Moms and scouts at the Stake Center. I took pictures...the committee outdid themselves!
While on the way there, my cell rings.

Friday: Yikes! What's next??
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weekend Roundup...Girls Camp, Chipmunks, Babies, Walking & Waiting
Tried to stay away from the blogging world, but found that certain family and friends look at this lil thing of mine for news on the familia.
So at Mr. W's suggestion, I am going to post once a week with a recap...so here ya go:
*Monday: Tried to rest from the weekend of camping. Just did laundry and helped my neighbor move out of her house...called the RS and some sisters came over and helped. Diana left for "Daughters Of Promise" at Camp Wondervu in Golden, Colorado. She was really looking forward to it alot. This is her last year for Girls Camp and stuff since she is a graduate now. She went as a YCL.
*Tuesday: I actually don't remember Tuesday. Oh wait, Daisie left for Daughters of Promise camp too. I didn't cook dinner...we had leftovers.
*Wednesday: Worked at the BirthMatters! clinic doing prenatals. One of the mommas began early labor--her son was finally born last night and all was well there, but alot of wakeful nights this week waiting for the call to go. Diana came home from Camp, sick as a dog. And sad to have to come home. She really didn't want to leave but was too sick to stay. Barfing and passing out is not something you want to do at camp.
*Thursday: Met with sisters from the ward at my neighbors' house where we worked for 4 hours to clean her house. Then took the kids to see "Night at the Museum 2" matinee.
Joseph wiped out on his bicycle on the trail by the pond by our house which was a a bad wreck--lots of bumps, scratches and bruises...and lost his glasses. When he came in all mangled, I put him in bed, clean his wounds and then took Ari and went to the trail to search for his glasses. Not having any idea where he crashed, we looked around until it started raining and lightening. Came home. When it cleared, I took Joseph back over to the trail so he could show me where to look. We said a prayer out on the trail, "Heavenly Father, we know that YOU know where Joseph's glasses are...please help us to see them too." The rain returned so we went home. Mr. W came home and we returned to the trail looking for the glasses. Finally, I went and got Joseph's friend that was with him when he crashed, Anthony, so he could maybe help us with where exactly Joseph tumbled over. This is where our story takes a turn. Anthony said Joseph was flying down the hill on his (Anthony's) bike (whereas before, Joseph had said he was walking his own bike down the trail!--because the hill is really steep and I'm sure he knew it was risky and didn't want us to know.) --and then Anthony said, "I think he was on the trial for um, 28 seconds." Twenty-eight seconds? Not 24 or 25 or 30, but 28 seconds. So Anthony runs up to the top of the trail hill and starts running as he counts to 28 then stops. It's just about 10 feet from where we've been searching. So we start looking over there on both sides, thru the brush and wildflowers that have grown with all the rain we've been getting here in Colorado Springs this summer. I'm determined not to give up. We can't afford new glasses for Joseph. The Lord knows this...and then! suddenly, there they were...just laying on some brush. perfect. no scratches.
Just a heart full of gratitude. My Father knows my limits. He helps when I have done all I can do. After the celebration of finding the glasses, I take Joseph's arm and say, "You know, you just had a prayer answered today." He smiles and nods. "Yes."
Friday: Lunch with Nannette. Diana is feeling better. Joseph's owies are not as bad as we first thought, tho his neck is sore from the tumble. Dani and Mr. Idaho came down for an overnight visit.
We grilled TILAPIA --which Joseph liked until Mr W told him they eat the feces of salmon at fisheries. Joseph immediately spit it out.--lol. We just served it on baby lettuces with cut up mango, fresh tomatoes, red onions, and salad dressing.
Saturday: Fed the missionaries my homemade buttermilk biscuits/sausage gravy, fresh fruit, and scrambled eggs. Did some yard work. Ran some errands with Dani & Mr. Idaho. Daisie came home from Daughters of Promise camp--dirty, sun-burned cheeks, tired and happy and lots of stories. And her testimony that her Heavenly Father loves her and knows her. THAT'S what camp is all about right there. She was beaming--full of joy and light. It's good to have her home.
Joseph and Mr W went to Home Depot to buy the supplies to build a rabbit/ chipmunk trap. Joseph wants to capture chipmunks, "make a saddle" for them so his Lego people can ride them. I'm not kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up. I told him you can't capture and tame chipmunks, that they have rabies, etc...he still wants to make the trap. So Mr W and he have started that little project. I'm hoping he can earn a Boy Scout badge for this contraption. Who knows? Why? Why do we have to capture chipmunks?
Dani & Mr. Idaho did their laundry, ate some pizza with us and went back to Golden. She is feeling better. They're tossing around different names for the baby. They want a name that means something special to them...they're talking about Jacob, Hyrum and Sterling. So we'll see.
They're happily married and it's fun to see them poke at each other, love on each other and grow in their relationship.
We had a HUGE hailstorm Saturday night...I should've taken pictures...loads and loads of hail...looked like it'd snowed here afterwards.
Sunday: Well, this was a nice Sabbath. Church was all about Daughters of Promise camp...all of the girls and their leaders were invited to share their testimonies. Diana wishes she had been able to stay for the whole week. She is at that age where she is charting her own course...where does the Gospel fit in her plan? How does she want to live it? She says logically she knows that to truly be happy, she has to do her part. But sometimes that's alot of work to her. And at this time in her life, she doesn't know if that's work she wants to engage in. I sit on her bedroom floor and listen. She knows how I feel. She has heard my testimony hundreds of times. So I just listen and offer my heart as she is searching hers. This morning she was really late in getting up and getting dressed for church. IN all fairness, she babysat for a family last night that didn't get home until 2:30AM...we leave for church at 8:30AM...so she slept in...now normally, I would've been peeved at being late. But today, knowing where she is emotionally, I woke her up and told her we'd wait for her. We were late by 20 minutes. As we walked into the Church, I hugged her and said, "You're worth the wait."
It could've gone so much differently. I know this. But I've been thinking about how much easier it is to hold onto my children when I show an increase in love than demanding obedience or performance. I will lose every time. We all do. So I slow down to their pace. Her pace is slower these days. She's not just going with the flow. She is determining her path. She is worth the wait. I will walk with her as she discovers her own strength and gains confidence in her choice.
Maybe you don't have these issues in your family. Maybe your daughters are faultless and impervious to temptations. My house is full of spiritual beings having human experiences and trying to learn or evolve into what they want to become by careful examination of their choices.
Sometimes we have to slow down while one of us is struggling.I've learned from experience that it's so much easier to slow down and carry them for awhile, than to leave them in the dust only to have to turn around and go back to find them. So we slow down. We make our efforts for Family Prayer more fervent, we make Family Home Evening more worthwhile, we circle our wagons around one another and take inventory.
Our family motto is "It takes a Family to take care of a Family." It does.
Joseph shared his experience with an answered prayer in Primary sharing time today. He was so grateful that we found his glasses...he knew they were expensive and we don't have the money to replace them. We needed to find them. Heavenly Father is aware of us. Aware of our needs. What parent withholds from their child that which they need in their hour of need?
It was abusy week and this coming week will be just as busy. The kids have Summer School, Joseph also has Scout camp this week...and there are babies waiting to come into the world.
Life keeps coming at us...so I take a deep breath, ask for Guidance and do my best to hold onto my family. May your week be full of joy and love.
So at Mr. W's suggestion, I am going to post once a week with a recap...so here ya go:
*Monday: Tried to rest from the weekend of camping. Just did laundry and helped my neighbor move out of her house...called the RS and some sisters came over and helped. Diana left for "Daughters Of Promise" at Camp Wondervu in Golden, Colorado. She was really looking forward to it alot. This is her last year for Girls Camp and stuff since she is a graduate now. She went as a YCL.
*Tuesday: I actually don't remember Tuesday. Oh wait, Daisie left for Daughters of Promise camp too. I didn't cook dinner...we had leftovers.
*Wednesday: Worked at the BirthMatters! clinic doing prenatals. One of the mommas began early labor--her son was finally born last night and all was well there, but alot of wakeful nights this week waiting for the call to go. Diana came home from Camp, sick as a dog. And sad to have to come home. She really didn't want to leave but was too sick to stay. Barfing and passing out is not something you want to do at camp.
*Thursday: Met with sisters from the ward at my neighbors' house where we worked for 4 hours to clean her house. Then took the kids to see "Night at the Museum 2" matinee.
Joseph wiped out on his bicycle on the trail by the pond by our house which was a a bad wreck--lots of bumps, scratches and bruises...and lost his glasses. When he came in all mangled, I put him in bed, clean his wounds and then took Ari and went to the trail to search for his glasses. Not having any idea where he crashed, we looked around until it started raining and lightening. Came home. When it cleared, I took Joseph back over to the trail so he could show me where to look. We said a prayer out on the trail, "Heavenly Father, we know that YOU know where Joseph's glasses are...please help us to see them too." The rain returned so we went home. Mr. W came home and we returned to the trail looking for the glasses. Finally, I went and got Joseph's friend that was with him when he crashed, Anthony, so he could maybe help us with where exactly Joseph tumbled over. This is where our story takes a turn. Anthony said Joseph was flying down the hill on his (Anthony's) bike (whereas before, Joseph had said he was walking his own bike down the trail!--because the hill is really steep and I'm sure he knew it was risky and didn't want us to know.) --and then Anthony said, "I think he was on the trial for um, 28 seconds." Twenty-eight seconds? Not 24 or 25 or 30, but 28 seconds. So Anthony runs up to the top of the trail hill and starts running as he counts to 28 then stops. It's just about 10 feet from where we've been searching. So we start looking over there on both sides, thru the brush and wildflowers that have grown with all the rain we've been getting here in Colorado Springs this summer. I'm determined not to give up. We can't afford new glasses for Joseph. The Lord knows this...and then! suddenly, there they were...just laying on some brush. perfect. no scratches.
Just a heart full of gratitude. My Father knows my limits. He helps when I have done all I can do. After the celebration of finding the glasses, I take Joseph's arm and say, "You know, you just had a prayer answered today." He smiles and nods. "Yes."
Friday: Lunch with Nannette. Diana is feeling better. Joseph's owies are not as bad as we first thought, tho his neck is sore from the tumble. Dani and Mr. Idaho came down for an overnight visit.
We grilled TILAPIA --which Joseph liked until Mr W told him they eat the feces of salmon at fisheries. Joseph immediately spit it out.--lol. We just served it on baby lettuces with cut up mango, fresh tomatoes, red onions, and salad dressing.
Saturday: Fed the missionaries my homemade buttermilk biscuits/sausage gravy, fresh fruit, and scrambled eggs. Did some yard work. Ran some errands with Dani & Mr. Idaho. Daisie came home from Daughters of Promise camp--dirty, sun-burned cheeks, tired and happy and lots of stories. And her testimony that her Heavenly Father loves her and knows her. THAT'S what camp is all about right there. She was beaming--full of joy and light. It's good to have her home.
Joseph and Mr W went to Home Depot to buy the supplies to build a rabbit/ chipmunk trap. Joseph wants to capture chipmunks, "make a saddle" for them so his Lego people can ride them. I'm not kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up. I told him you can't capture and tame chipmunks, that they have rabies, etc...he still wants to make the trap. So Mr W and he have started that little project. I'm hoping he can earn a Boy Scout badge for this contraption. Who knows? Why? Why do we have to capture chipmunks?
Dani & Mr. Idaho did their laundry, ate some pizza with us and went back to Golden. She is feeling better. They're tossing around different names for the baby. They want a name that means something special to them...they're talking about Jacob, Hyrum and Sterling. So we'll see.
They're happily married and it's fun to see them poke at each other, love on each other and grow in their relationship.
We had a HUGE hailstorm Saturday night...I should've taken pictures...loads and loads of hail...looked like it'd snowed here afterwards.
Sunday: Well, this was a nice Sabbath. Church was all about Daughters of Promise camp...all of the girls and their leaders were invited to share their testimonies. Diana wishes she had been able to stay for the whole week. She is at that age where she is charting her own course...where does the Gospel fit in her plan? How does she want to live it? She says logically she knows that to truly be happy, she has to do her part. But sometimes that's alot of work to her. And at this time in her life, she doesn't know if that's work she wants to engage in. I sit on her bedroom floor and listen. She knows how I feel. She has heard my testimony hundreds of times. So I just listen and offer my heart as she is searching hers. This morning she was really late in getting up and getting dressed for church. IN all fairness, she babysat for a family last night that didn't get home until 2:30AM...we leave for church at 8:30AM...so she slept in...now normally, I would've been peeved at being late. But today, knowing where she is emotionally, I woke her up and told her we'd wait for her. We were late by 20 minutes. As we walked into the Church, I hugged her and said, "You're worth the wait."
It could've gone so much differently. I know this. But I've been thinking about how much easier it is to hold onto my children when I show an increase in love than demanding obedience or performance. I will lose every time. We all do. So I slow down to their pace. Her pace is slower these days. She's not just going with the flow. She is determining her path. She is worth the wait. I will walk with her as she discovers her own strength and gains confidence in her choice.
Maybe you don't have these issues in your family. Maybe your daughters are faultless and impervious to temptations. My house is full of spiritual beings having human experiences and trying to learn or evolve into what they want to become by careful examination of their choices.
Sometimes we have to slow down while one of us is struggling.I've learned from experience that it's so much easier to slow down and carry them for awhile, than to leave them in the dust only to have to turn around and go back to find them. So we slow down. We make our efforts for Family Prayer more fervent, we make Family Home Evening more worthwhile, we circle our wagons around one another and take inventory.
Our family motto is "It takes a Family to take care of a Family." It does.
Joseph shared his experience with an answered prayer in Primary sharing time today. He was so grateful that we found his glasses...he knew they were expensive and we don't have the money to replace them. We needed to find them. Heavenly Father is aware of us. Aware of our needs. What parent withholds from their child that which they need in their hour of need?
It was abusy week and this coming week will be just as busy. The kids have Summer School, Joseph also has Scout camp this week...and there are babies waiting to come into the world.
Life keeps coming at us...so I take a deep breath, ask for Guidance and do my best to hold onto my family. May your week be full of joy and love.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Taking A Bloggin Break
My blog is taking a summer vacation.
I'm ready to enjoy the summer with my kiddos.
I'm ready to enjoy the summer with my kiddos.
Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman?
For her price is far above rubies...
We're talking about Virtue alot around here lately...and choices related to Virtue.
I want the best for my daughters. Their happiness is supreme to me. As they grow and mature into women, their self-confidence will in large part come from the value they assign to their worth. We also happen to live in an age where Virtue, Modesty, Chastity and Purity are not only NOT valued, but mocked.
This message touched my heart. Show it to every single woman, young and old alike--it's that good.
We're talking about Virtue alot around here lately...and choices related to Virtue.
I want the best for my daughters. Their happiness is supreme to me. As they grow and mature into women, their self-confidence will in large part come from the value they assign to their worth. We also happen to live in an age where Virtue, Modesty, Chastity and Purity are not only NOT valued, but mocked.
This message touched my heart. Show it to every single woman, young and old alike--it's that good.
All 4 Seasons in 2 Days...hey! there's snow in my hummus!
Our Camping Trip to Rocky Mountain National Park...
This mama elk and baby greeted us at our site.

Boofus couldn't wait to roast marshmallows so he put his pjs on at 8pm before it was dark.
Our little campsite...on a hill that overlooked the rest of the campers...to which Joseph exclaimed, "Bow down before me all you peasants!"...luckily noone heard him. I hope.
My new red camping stove. I love it.
Using his new hatchet.
Manning the grill.
"Boof Dog", "NationWide" and "Ock-Word"...their rapper names.
The Mountains that hold Alberta Falls, Mill Lake and Loch Vale...among other awesome places.
New Aspens line the trail.
Mountain Man in the Makings.
Bee up at Alberta Falls. Born to be wild.
Snow run-off.

On the way to Loch Vale

Another cow elk by us, taking it easy.
Heading up to the Alluvial Fan Falls.
Boulders along the stream

I don't know.

Snow coming!

Another cow elk by us, taking it easy.
I don't know.
Snow coming!
We are home. I slept like a babe in my own soft bed last night. Nothing like sleeping in a tent and sleeping bag for 2 nights to help you appreciate a quiet house and soft covers.
The weekend went by fast...the kids and I got up to the park about an hour before Dad did and had camp totally set up before he got there. Daisie, Boofus and Bee were great helpers. Nana didn't go because she had a weekend babysitting job (that caputted on Friday night! so she could've gone if we'd known), so it was just the 3 youngest. So easy.
Friday night, gale-force winds blew thru the Park and we didn't get much sleep. Saturday morning it was still very windy, but we ate breakfast, and headed up to Alberta Falls with a plan to zip past there and continue up to Loch Vale, another 1.7 miles up the mountain. Well, the plan wasn't fail-proof. We didn't count on snow on the trail. We didn't count on Bee accidentally wetting her jeans while trying to potty outside (she complained that boys have it easier cuz "they can aim")--which made her very uncomfortable and self-conscious, so that she wanted to turn around and go back to the campsite immediately), we didn't count on Boofus getting worn-out because he'd been sick over the winter and his endurance is still not what it used to be.
So Ari and I hung back at the Falls, while Kent and Joseph hiked on to try and catch up with Daisie, who had hit the trail hard and was way way way ahead of us. Joseph petered out on Kent, about .5 from the Loch, and with so many others on the trail, he thought he'd leave Joseph and quickly catch up to Daisie. Well, Joseph "freaked out" in his own words, and bolted down the mountain to Ari and me. Once Kent caught up with Daisie, they were .2 from the Loch, and his conscience got the better of him, forcing him to bolt down the trail after Joseph and upon finding the place he'd last seen Joseph empty, he "appeared to have skis", according to Daisie, as his adrenaline caused his feet to take flight...so that when he came into veiw at Alberta Falls, I thought something was wrong. Nope. He was just worried about Joseph.
Doesn't this just sound like a poorly written Scooby Doo movie? About 10 minutes later, Daisie came behind with an exasperated,"I was SO close to the Loch only to turn around!" Which she repeated about 100 times the rest of the day.
I'd given her the camera once I knew Ari and I wouldn't be making the trip. She took some great pics of the trail and the veiw about the treeline. She & Kent are planning a backpacking trip to Thunder Lake this summer.
Sunday started out quieter, with the winds dying down. We ate breakfast, packed up camp and headed for the Alluvial Fan Falls in the Park. We walked around the huge boulders for a bit then decided to have a picnic before going fishing in a nearby river that runs thru the area.
We'd barely gotten the cooler out, when I looked up and saw a snow mass coming towards us! I am not kidding. There were lots of tourists around us, setting up their own picnics, but when it started snowing, POOF! they were gone. Not us. We just laughed at the crazy weather, made our sandwiches and then Boofus, Ari and Daisie got in the car and ate. I actually was okay--my fingers got a little cold and red, but I was okay--until I noticed there was snow in my hummus.
Pffft. I tried to ignore the fact that there was snow in my hummus, but somehow a littel voice of reason said this was utter nonsense--to be eating outside in the snow--so we caved in and packed up. And just about this time, another rotation of tourists arrived as the snowclouds passed, and they unloaded their families and coolers. I was half-tempted to do the same, but saw there was another snowcloud on the way, so we decided to call it. Our camping trip was over, it was time to go home.
Darker clouds were rolling in just as we left the park and were into Estes Park...it hailed like crazy between Longmont and Denver...so much that cars were pulling over and parking under the freeway overpasses. But we just trudged home to the Springs...where it was warm and sunny on arrival.
They say if you don't like Colorado weather, wait a minute. It's true, which makes camping that much more exciting if you ask me. David Scott and Tisha...we want you guys to come to CO and go camping with us...let us know when you can!!
The weekend went by fast...the kids and I got up to the park about an hour before Dad did and had camp totally set up before he got there. Daisie, Boofus and Bee were great helpers. Nana didn't go because she had a weekend babysitting job (that caputted on Friday night! so she could've gone if we'd known), so it was just the 3 youngest. So easy.
Friday night, gale-force winds blew thru the Park and we didn't get much sleep. Saturday morning it was still very windy, but we ate breakfast, and headed up to Alberta Falls with a plan to zip past there and continue up to Loch Vale, another 1.7 miles up the mountain. Well, the plan wasn't fail-proof. We didn't count on snow on the trail. We didn't count on Bee accidentally wetting her jeans while trying to potty outside (she complained that boys have it easier cuz "they can aim")--which made her very uncomfortable and self-conscious, so that she wanted to turn around and go back to the campsite immediately), we didn't count on Boofus getting worn-out because he'd been sick over the winter and his endurance is still not what it used to be.
So Ari and I hung back at the Falls, while Kent and Joseph hiked on to try and catch up with Daisie, who had hit the trail hard and was way way way ahead of us. Joseph petered out on Kent, about .5 from the Loch, and with so many others on the trail, he thought he'd leave Joseph and quickly catch up to Daisie. Well, Joseph "freaked out" in his own words, and bolted down the mountain to Ari and me. Once Kent caught up with Daisie, they were .2 from the Loch, and his conscience got the better of him, forcing him to bolt down the trail after Joseph and upon finding the place he'd last seen Joseph empty, he "appeared to have skis", according to Daisie, as his adrenaline caused his feet to take flight...so that when he came into veiw at Alberta Falls, I thought something was wrong. Nope. He was just worried about Joseph.
Doesn't this just sound like a poorly written Scooby Doo movie? About 10 minutes later, Daisie came behind with an exasperated,"I was SO close to the Loch only to turn around!" Which she repeated about 100 times the rest of the day.
I'd given her the camera once I knew Ari and I wouldn't be making the trip. She took some great pics of the trail and the veiw about the treeline. She & Kent are planning a backpacking trip to Thunder Lake this summer.
Sunday started out quieter, with the winds dying down. We ate breakfast, packed up camp and headed for the Alluvial Fan Falls in the Park. We walked around the huge boulders for a bit then decided to have a picnic before going fishing in a nearby river that runs thru the area.
We'd barely gotten the cooler out, when I looked up and saw a snow mass coming towards us! I am not kidding. There were lots of tourists around us, setting up their own picnics, but when it started snowing, POOF! they were gone. Not us. We just laughed at the crazy weather, made our sandwiches and then Boofus, Ari and Daisie got in the car and ate. I actually was okay--my fingers got a little cold and red, but I was okay--until I noticed there was snow in my hummus.
Pffft. I tried to ignore the fact that there was snow in my hummus, but somehow a littel voice of reason said this was utter nonsense--to be eating outside in the snow--so we caved in and packed up. And just about this time, another rotation of tourists arrived as the snowclouds passed, and they unloaded their families and coolers. I was half-tempted to do the same, but saw there was another snowcloud on the way, so we decided to call it. Our camping trip was over, it was time to go home.
Darker clouds were rolling in just as we left the park and were into Estes Park...it hailed like crazy between Longmont and Denver...so much that cars were pulling over and parking under the freeway overpasses. But we just trudged home to the Springs...where it was warm and sunny on arrival.
They say if you don't like Colorado weather, wait a minute. It's true, which makes camping that much more exciting if you ask me. David Scott and Tisha...we want you guys to come to CO and go camping with us...let us know when you can!!
Next trip is gonna be the Collegiate Mountains down south.
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